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THE TUTOR CYCLE Developed by Dr. Ross B. MacDonald, The Master Tutor: A Guidebook for More Effective Tutoring 2nd Edition, 2000.

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Presentation on theme: "THE TUTOR CYCLE Developed by Dr. Ross B. MacDonald, The Master Tutor: A Guidebook for More Effective Tutoring 2nd Edition, 2000."— Presentation transcript:

1 THE TUTOR CYCLE Developed by Dr. Ross B. MacDonald, The Master Tutor: A Guidebook for More Effective Tutoring 2nd Edition, 2000

2 The Tutor Cycle

3 Beginning Steps Step 1: Greeting & Climate Setting
Step 2: Identification of Task Step 3: Breaking the Task into Parts Step 4: Identification of Thought Processes Which Underlie Task

4 Step 1: Greeting & Climate Setting
Set up the session for success Set a positive tone for the session Warm greeting, use Tutee’s name Pay attention to seating arrangements Do not touch the student’s work!

5 Step 2: Identification of Task
Provide the opportunity for the Tutee to state what they would like to work on Use follow-up questions, restatements and empathic statements to help Tutee clarify needs as well as reinforce what the Tutee already knows

6 Step 3: Breaking the Task into Parts
Break the task down into smaller parts Your goal should be to provide the opportunity for the Tutee to break the task up

7 Step 4: Identification of the Thought Process
One of the two most critical steps in the Cycle Help the Tutee learn how to approach learning the type of task Make sure not to just answer the question but to discuss the general approach to solving the task Promote independence by providing information sources & utilizing the text

8 Task Steps Step 5: Set the Agenda for the Session
Step 6: Addressing the Task Step 7: Tutee Summary of Content Step 8: Tutee Summary of Underlying Process

9 Step 5: Set an Agenda for the Session
The agenda is a plan to allocate how much time can be spent on each task Your job is to get the tutee actively involved in setting the agenda Follow the agenda but be flexible The agenda must be explicitly stated

10 Step 6: Addressing the Task
Follow the Agenda and conduct tutoring

11 Step 7: Tutee Summary of Content
This is where results are seen The tutee demonstrates what he/she has learned You should stay out of the way…let the tutee explain what he/she has learned this helps move the information from short term memory to long term memory After tutee’s explanation discuss accuracy

12 Step 8: Tutee Summary of Underlying Process
Companion to Step 4: Identifying the Thought Process Reinforces by having the tutee summarize the process as he/she understands it Unless you initiate this step most likely will not happen The goal is to get the tutee to explain how to do the type of task you are working on not an exact problem per se

13 Closing Steps Step 9: Confirmation Step 10: What Next?
Step 11: Arranging & Planning the Next Session Step 12: Closing & Good-bye

14 Step 9: Confirmation Reinforce accomplishments and congratulate tutee on successes Reinforce specific behaviors, don’t be too general Provide evaluation of what is working and what is not Avoid laying it on too thick or thin…

15 Step 10: What Next? Help the tutee to anticipate what to expect in the course, how the tutoring session will impact him/her, etc.

16 Step 11: Arranging & Planning the Next Session
Setting a time and place as well as anticipating what the tutee will want to work on next Promotes consistency Helps tutee anticipate upcoming learning Encourage dependence (ironic, huh?)

17 Step 12: Closing and Good-bye
Virtually automatic Make sure to end on a positive note

18 The TESAT Tutor Evaluation and Self-Assessment Tool
Pick up a TESAT from Tutoring Services & use in a tutoring session, return to Amanda for credit for this tutor training module.

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