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Epicranius O: Occipital bone I: Skin and muscles around eye

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Presentation on theme: "Epicranius O: Occipital bone I: Skin and muscles around eye"— Presentation transcript:


2 Epicranius O: Occipital bone I: Skin and muscles around eye
F: Raises eyebrow

3 Temporalis O: Temporal bone
I: Coronoid process and lateral surface of mandible A: Closes (elevates) jaw

4 Masseter O: Lower border of zygomatic arch
I: Lateral surface of mandible A: Closes (elevates) jaw

5 Sternocleidomastoid O: Anterior surface of sternum
O: Upper surface of clavicle I: Mastoid process of temporal bone A: Pulls head to one side or to chest

6 Sternocleidomastoid

7 Trapezius O: Occipital bone
O: Spines of cervical and thoracic vertebrae I: Clavicle I: Spine and acromion process of scapula A: Moves scapula

8 Serratus Anterior O: Outer surface of upper ribs
I: Ventral surface of scapula A: Pulls scapula anteriorly and inferiorly

9 Pectoralis Major O:Clavicle, sternum, and costal cartilages of upper ribs I: Intertubercular groove of humerus A: Internal rotation, adduction, horizontal adduction of arm

10 Latissimus Dorsi O: Spines of sacral, lumbar, and lower thoracic vertebrae O: Iliac crest O: Lower ribs I: Intertubercular groove of humerus A: Pulls shoulder down and back

11 Deltoid O: Acromion process O: Spine of scapula O: Clavicle
I: Deltoid tuberosity of humerus A: Abducts arm A: Extends or flexes humerus

12 Deltoid

13 Supraspinatus O: Posterior surface of scapula
I: Greater tubercle of humerus A: Abducts arm

14 Supraspinatus

15 Infraspinatus O: Posterior surface of scapula
I: Greater tubercle of humerus F: Rotates arm laterally (external rotation)

16 Infraspinatus

17 Subscapularis O: Anterior surface of scapula
I: Lesser tubercle of humerus A: Rotates arm medially (internal rotation)

18 Teres Minor O: Lateral border of scapula
I: Greater tubercle of humerus A: Rotates arm laterally (external rotation)

19 Terres Minor

20 Rotator Cuff Supraspinatus Subscapularis S-Supraspinatus Terres Minor
I-Infraspinatus T-Terres Minor S-Subscapularis Terres Minor Infraspinatus

21 Biceps Brachii O: Coracoid process of scapula
O: Tubercle above glenoid cavity of scapula I: Radial tuberosity of radius A: Flexes elbow and shoulder; supinates forearm

22 Biceps Brachii

23 Triceps Brachii O: Tubercle below glenoid cavity of scapula
O: Lateral and medial borders of humerus I: Olecranon process of ulna A: Extends elbow

24 Triceps Brachii

25 External Oblique O: Outer surfaces of lower ribs
I: Outer lip of iliac crest and linea alba A: Tenses abdominal wall

26 Rectus Abdominus O: Crest of pubis and symphysis pubis
I: Xiphoid process of sternum and costal cartilages A: Tenses abdominal wall; flexes trunk

27 Want a Six Pack? Linea Alba Internal Oblique External Oblique
Transverse Abdominus External Oblique Rectus Abdominus

28 Gluteus Maximus O: Sacrum, coccyx, and posterior surface of ilium
I: Posterior surface of femur and fascia of thigh A: Extends hip

29 Tensor Fascia Latae O: Anterior iliac crest I: Fascia of thigh
A: Abducts, flexes, and rotates thigh laterally (internal rotation)

30 Gracilis O: Lower edge of symphysis pubis I: Medial surface of tibia
A: Adducts thigh, flexes and rotates lower limb medially

31 Biceps Femoris O: Ischial tuberosity and posterior sufrace of femur
I: Head of fibula nad lateral condyle of tibia A: Flexes leg, extends thigh

32 Semitendonosis O: Ischial tuberosity I: Medial surface of tibia
A: Flexes leg; extends thigh

33 Semimembranosis O: Ischial tuberosity I: Medial condyle of tibia
A: Flexes leg; extends thigh

34 Hamstring Group Biceps Femoris Semitendonosis Semimembranosis

35 Sartorius O: Anterior superior iliac spine I: Medial surface of tibia
A: Flexes leg and thigh, abducts thigh, rotates thigh laterally, and rotates leg medially

36 Rectus Femoris O: Spine of ilium and margin of acetabulum
I: Patellar tendon to tibial tuberosity A: Extends leg at knee

37 Vastus Lateralis O: Greater trochanter and posterior surface of femur
I: Patellar tendon to tibial tuberosity A: Extends leg at knee

38 Vastus Medialis O: Medial surface of femur
I: Patellar tendon to tibial tuberosity A: Extends leg at knee

39 Vastus Intermedius O: Anterior and lateral surfaces of femur
I: Patellar tendon to tibial tuberosity A: Extends leg at knee

40 Quadriceps Group Rectus Femoris Vastus Intermedius Vastus Medialis
Vastus Lateralis

41 Soleus O: Head and shaft of fibula; posterior surface ot tibia
I: Posterior surface of calcaneus A: Plantar flexion of foot

42 Gastrocnemius O: Lateral and medial condyles of femur
I: Posterior surface of calcaneus A: Plantar flexion of foot A: Flexion of leg at knee

43 Triceps Surae Gastrocnemius Gastrocnemius Soleus Soleus

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