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Chapter 5 Review Sheet Class Notes.

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1 Chapter 5 Review Sheet Class Notes

2 Key Terms Boycott: a refusal to buy goods in order to show disapproval or force acceptance of one’s terms. Population: the number of people living in an area. Repeal: to cancel. Minutemen: companies of civilaian soldiers who boasted that they were ready to fight in a minute’s notice. Militia: group of civilian soldiers trained to fight in an emergency.

3 Key Terms 6. Daughters of Liberty: women who supported the Patriot’s fight against British control. 7. First Continental Congress: meeting of delegates from the 13 colonies, the first government of the colonies. 8. Nonimportation agreements: agreement signed by merchants, artisans and farmers agreeing not to buy goods taxed by the Townshend Acts. 9. Committee of correspondence: an organization that spread political ideas through the colonies. 10. effigy: a rag figure representing an unpopular individual.

4 Key Acts Proclamation of 1763: law that forbid colonists from moving west of the Appalachian Mountains. Stamp Act: Law that taxed all printed materials, newspapers, almanacs. Townshend Acts: law that taxed imported goods such as glass, paper, lead and tea. Quartering Act: law that required colonists to pay to house British soldiers. Sugar Act: law that lowered the tax on molasses but required that colonists stop smuggling.

5 Key Acts 6. Intolerable Acts: punishment for the Boston Tea Party; shut down the port of Boston and forbade all town meetings. 7. Declaratory Act: stated that England could make all laws necessary for the colonies. 8. Navigation Acts: laws that governed trade between England and the colonies. 9. Quebec Act: law that set up a government for Canada and protected rights of French Catholics.

6 Review Questions: Why did colonists obkect to British taxes?
They did not have representation in Parliament- “No taxation without representation!”

7 Review Questions 2. What was a writ of assistance?
a document that allowed a British customs officer to search a colonists home or ship without a warrant.

8 Review Questions 3. Who set up the committees of correspondence?
Samuel Adams

9 Review Questions 4. Why did the First Continental Congress meet?
to discuss how to support Boston under the Intolerable Acts.

10 Review Questions 5. What name did colonists give to the Coercive Acts?
The Intolerable Acts

11 Boston Tea Party Son’s of Liberty are outraged at the British tax on tea. Son’s of Liberty boycott the tea. Son’s of Liberty ask the governor of Massachussetts to send British tea back to Britain. Massachusetts governor refuses to send the tea back. Son’s of Liberty disguise themselves as Indians and board three British ships. Son’s of Liberty dump the tea overboard. British punish Boston by passing the Intolerable Acts.

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