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Presentation on theme: "Absolutism."— Presentation transcript:

1 Absolutism

2 Bell Work Who is in the painting? What is in the background?
What does this painting convey? What is its message?

3 Directions Our goal is to create a definition of Absolutism by looking at several historical examples Read through the examples of absolutism Fill in the graphic organizer to help you keep track of ideas If you finish early – move on to the second worksheet and find 4 similarities and 4 differences between your examples

4 Directions: with a partner…
Which 3 of these similarities do you think is most important? Using these examples create a definition for the term Absolutism with your partner Prepare to share

5 Assignment Read through the examples you have been given
Decide whether or not they are examples of Absolutism If they are NOT examples of Absolutism, how would they need to change to fit the definition? Hand in when finished

6 Online tour of Versailles
Louis XIV Online tour of Versailles

7 Bell work Have you finished listing the 3 critical attributes of Absolutism and created a definition for the label? Prepare to share your attributes and definitions Today’s Agenda Finish Absolutism Packet Online exploration of Versailles and Louis XIV Assignment: And “The Age of Absolutism in France” Worksheet Get it?? HAPPY FRIDAY!!

8 Absolutism in France “The Age of Absolutism in France” - Complete steps 1-4 You may use other websites for step 3 AND your textbook Due by the end of the hour Absolutism Packet Due Tuesday**

9 5 examples of absolutism

10 Bell Work Have you finished your Absolutism Packet? Please grab a “Map of Europe” Sheet from the front of the room. Sort of…

11 Where in the world are we?
We will fill out this new world map as we go Spain France England Austria and Prussia Russia

12 Today’s focus Spain and France France Spain

13 Absolutism in Spain Charles V Where have you heard this name before??
Two Crowns Hapsburg Empire (including Holy Roman Empire) and Spain Difficult for Charles to manage Ottoman attacks Reformation and German Princes Resigns in 1556 Divides empire Central Europe – Ferdinand (bro) Spain (and overseas colonies), Netherlands, S. Italy – Philip II (son)

14 Philip II: 1556-1598 Goals Expand Spanish empire
Strengthen Catholic Church Make his power ABSOLUTE Resources Silver from colonies in America Personality – focused and serious Somber isolated palace Military power Claim to power Divine Right = His authority to rule came directly from God (Everyone MUST be Catholic) Inquisition used against protestants

15 Philip II: 1556-1598 Spain’s Golden Age
Art, literature, science and math El Greco Cervantes and Don Quixote

16 Failures Religious War Netherland’s revolt 1560s-1580s England
Protestant rebels – faith, taxes, inquisition 1581 Dutch Netherlands England Elizabeth I is Protestant Enemy #1 Francis Drake and Sea Dogs 1588 Spanish Armada Economic Decline Weak heirs, high taxes, expulsion of Muslims and Jews, inflation

17 “A chicken in every pot”
France and Absolutism Henry IV: Tries to rebuild France Edict of Nantes: Catholic country with tolerance for Protestants Reduced power of nobles Expanded monarchy’s power into all areas of life Roads, bridges, money to farmers for agriculture Assassinated 1610 Son Lious XIII (9 yrs old!) Cardinal Armand Richelieu “A chicken in every pot”

18 Cardinal Armand Richelieu
Chief Minister to Louis XIII Destroy the Huguenots and nobles – Why? Defeated their militaries, tore down walled cities Defeated the nobles’ military and fortified castles Kept Protestants calm by still allowing them to practice their religion Kept nobles tied to the king by giving them high posts at court or in the royal army

19 Louis XIV, The Sun King: 1643-1715
King at 4 - Chief Minister Jules Mazarin Fronde Nobles, merchants, peasants, urban poor revolted Driven out of his palace Mazarin dies 1661 Louis shocks everyone by taking over What does this quote tell you about Louis XIV? “God’s power is felt in an instant from one end of the world to the other; royal power takes the same time to act throughout the kingdom. It preserves the order of the whole kingdom, as does God with the whole world.” Louis XIV Divine Right Sun Emblem center of the solar system/center of the nation

20 Louis XIV, The Sun King: 1643-1715
Strengthening royal power Attends to gov. affairs himself Never convenes the Estates General Appointed intendants (royal officials) Taxes, recruited soldiers, carry out policies Middle class wealthy men Strengthens Army State paid, fed, trained, supplied 300,000 soldiers Colbert and the Economy Bases economy on luxury items Expands agriculture, mining Taxes foreign goods Expands colonies in Americas What about the nobility? Versailles and the Levee “My dominant passion is certainly love of glory.”

21 Bell Work: can you solve the riddle?
The following sentences have two blanks that can be filled with two words that are anagrams of each other. Please find those words. 1. Mark's math __________ was a mild-mannered man. But one thing he would not tolerate was a __________. He would immediately fail anyone caught doing so. 2. The patient __________ his pain through physical therapy. He had seen enough __________ surgeries to know that too many people elected surgery when they shouldn't have. 3. After a long and successful career of serving his country, the nation was in shock as the highly regarded __________ was arrested and tried for __________. 1. teacher, cheater 2. lessened, needless 3. Senator, treason

22 failures Expensive wars with little gain
Louis XIV wants to expand but other nations band together to stop him from taking over Balance of Power War of Spanish Succession Edict of Nantes Revoked 1685 100,000+ Huguenots fled –economy His heir (Great Grandson Louis XV) France is weakened economically = wars and bad harvests Louis XV focused on partying – country falls apart “After us, the deluge”

23 Assignment Please compare and contrast the reigns of Philip II of Spain and Louis XIV of France using the Venn Diagram

24 Parliament and England

25 Today’s focus Britain

26 Directions Complete the Venn Diagram Read p and complete the worksheet – Due tomorrow

27 Bell work: Please take out your assignment from yesterday (p ) for a work check. Riddle: I can be straight or not I can be flat or round I have three layers The rounder I am – the straighter I am I can be a person’s trademark I can be chemically challenged What am I? Today’s Agenda Correct Worksheet Video on England and Parliament

28 Austria, Prussia and the 30 years war

29 Bell Work Today’s Agenda Finish Cromwell/Parliament Video
Notes on the 30 years war Austria/Prussia Compare nations graphic organizer

30 Today’s focus Austria and Prussia? p. 428

31 Peace of Augsburg leads to….
The Holy Roman Emperor has no real control over German Princes The Princes argue over which of them has control North Protestant South Catholic = The Thirty Years War

32 Quick Facts: Thirty Years War
Political and religious causes Begins in Bohemia: Ferdinand (Hapsburg King) tries to suppress Protestants and take control Defenestration of Prague – Protestant Noblemen ‘open a window’ Revolt ends up Involving almost all of Europe 1 year later Ferdinand is elected Holy Roman Emperor Catholic nations fight with F against Protestant countries Protestant nations (Netherlands, Sweden etc.) ban together to fight Ferdinand As time drags on… Religious based alliances are exchanged for political ones Protestant and catholic leaders fight together to get the territories they want

33 What does this quote tell you about the fighting?
“for one of the peasants they had taken they thrust into the baking oven and there lit a fire under him,… as for another, they put a cord around his head and twisted it so tight with a piece of wood that the blood gushed from his mount and nose and ears. In a word each had his own device to torture the peasants.” -Jacob von Grimmelshausen An estimated 1/3 of Germans Die

34 Peace of Westphalia - 1648 Ends conflict Redraws map of Europe
France gains territory Holy Roman Empire is greatly weakened Hapsburgs are forced to accept independence of all princes in the Holy Roman Empire Germany is divided into 360 separate states Recognize HRE as leader but each has their own coin, government, church, military Netherlands and Switzerland are now independent states

35 Assignment Map on p. 428 – How can you tell from the map that the Holy Roman Empire was not a strong state after the Thirty Years War? Read pages and fill in your “Absolutism Graphic Organizer” for Austria and Prussia If you have time begin filling in information for the other nations that we have covered so far

36 Extra slides

37 Absolutism Timeline Phillip II Spain [ ] 1740 Frederick of Prussia challenges Austria Louis XIV France Cromwell and Commonwealth Maria Theresa in Austria Peter the Great And Catherine the Great Russia 1603 Stuart monarchy begins 1698 English Bill of Rights Limited Monarchy in England 1660 Stuart King returns to England

38 Absolutism Timeline Phillip II Spain [ ] Louis XIV France Cromwell and Commonwealth 1603 Stuart monarchy begins 1698 English Bill of Rights Limited Monarchy in England 1660 Stuart King returns to England

39 Absolutism Timeline [ ]

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