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CLASS EXPECTATIONS  Be ready to learn (prepared, on time and on task)

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Presentation on theme: "CLASS EXPECTATIONS  Be ready to learn (prepared, on time and on task)"— Presentation transcript:

1 CLASS EXPECTATIONS  Be ready to learn (prepared, on time and on task)

2  Do not talk when Mr. Swift is giving directions/ teaching or when your peers are asking/answering a question.

3  Sit in your assigned seat everyday.  No cursing or inappropriate conversations.

4  Raise your hand if you have a question and wait to be called on.

5  No cell phones or ipods/headphones in class.  No eating or drinking in class.

6 Got Pee?  No excretion or hydration during the first or last 10 minutes of class.

7 Late Work Due to Absence  Full credit If turned in within 5 days of original due date with a legitimate absence note  10% reduction If turned in within 5 days of original due date without an absence note  50% reduction If turned in prior to the end of the marking period  After 1 week, copies of work are no longer available

8 Where is my missed work?  As soon as you enter class, visit the “ Absent Station ”.  Obtain missed work from the folder labeled with the day(s) that you were absent.  Complete the assignment (s) at home and turn in your work during the next class period.

9 Late Work Due to Other Reasons  10% reduction Each day an assignment is late.  After 5 days the assignment can no longer be turned in for credit.  Cutting = No credit

10 Class Wikipage  All class materials (including PowerPoint presentations) are available



13 BIOLOGY (1 st 3 rd 7 th PERIOD)

14 FORENSICS (2 nd and 6 th PERIOD)

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