Mrs. Hagy’s.  You will need a literature book-I need to know your book number for all books borrowed throughout the year  Make sure your agenda, notebooks.

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Presentation on theme: "Mrs. Hagy’s.  You will need a literature book-I need to know your book number for all books borrowed throughout the year  Make sure your agenda, notebooks."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mrs. Hagy’s

2  You will need a literature book-I need to know your book number for all books borrowed throughout the year  Make sure your agenda, notebooks (for Board Work) and journals (for Daily Reading Response Journal) are labeled  Make sure you have a system for keeping all notes and handouts in place  NEVER hand in homework (or place it on my desk) unless it is all being collected  NEVER leave or touch anything on my desk without expressed consent form your teacher

3 Each student will be required to complete board work assignments in a separate notebook labeled “Board Work”. This notebook will be collected periodically and graded. In order to receive full credit the following guidelines should be followed :  You will be given 5 to 10 minutes to complete board work daily. It is essential that you come to class prepared and begin working immediately.  If absent YOU are responsible for writing the date you were absent in your folder along with the word “absent” so you can receive credit.  All work must be complete and legible in order to receive full credit (see syllabus)

4  You are required to fill out your Daily Reading Response Journal every night, I will collect it (or certain pages) on Thursdays  Word within the Word will be collected once per week. I will inform you as to how to complete it and when it is due  Let’s look at the syllabus for this class…

5  Inclement weather before school begins – Go to the auditorium  Fire drill - close door, no talking, out by office doors & walk to Rosemont  Emergency in room- keep away from doors, NO talking.  LISTEN TO MY INSTRUCTIONS!  Personal hygiene  Acknowledgement and rewards  Parent packet overview  Review contents  Emergency/lunch forms- due back tomorrow!

6  Checklist- review which checks are given / number of checks for recess detention  Behavior contract  When another teacher/adult enters the room they may have very important information to share with me, you are to remain on task until I am finished speaking with him or her.  Uniform: Jeans, SOLID blue or white shirts  Boys- no undies showing!  Girls- no cleavage or bras showing!

7  Respect, I will always respect you and ask for the same level of respect for myself and other teachers.  Talking when I am teaching or working with someone individually or when an adult enters the room-remain on task!  Lying. Be honest! Take ownership of your actions  If someone enters the room, be respectful!  Stay in an actual line when walking in the hallways (please don’t talk in line)  Food in the room & sticky desks after lunch, use a disinfectant wipe if you need to.  On this index card write your own pet peeves about school (no complaining about homework, uniforms or the lunches), begin working on your questionnaire…

8  Don’t procrastinate  Take and review notes  Get organized-Keep handouts from my class  Get a study buddy  Have long-term goals  READ (especially non-fiction)  Read your writing aloud  Follow school rules-important for when letters of recommendation are needed

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