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By:Keira Viviana Brady. LESSON 1 VOCAB: In 1763 a long war between Great Britain and France came to an end. The British were in need of money so in 1765.

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Presentation on theme: "By:Keira Viviana Brady. LESSON 1 VOCAB: In 1763 a long war between Great Britain and France came to an end. The British were in need of money so in 1765."— Presentation transcript:

1 By:Keira Viviana Brady

2 LESSON 1 VOCAB: In 1763 a long war between Great Britain and France came to an end. The British were in need of money so in 1765 Parliament lawmaking body decided to pass tax on 13 colonies. The colonists protested the british repealed or withdrew the Stamp Act in March 1766.The colonists got angrier and decided to join together to boycott. The colonists not to import things from Britain.

3 TERMS  Stamp act: They used to tax newspapers, playing cards, and lawyers licences.  Townshend acts: They taxed glass, lead, paint, and tea.

4 EVENTS  The events of the Boston tea party is that the group boarded a British ship and dumped 342 chests of British tea into the Boston Harbor.

5 PLACES  In December in 1773 a group of colonists that were angry about British tea protested the tax in Boston Massachusetts.  As a result in December 1774 Patriots in Greenwich burned a load of tea from the British ship Greyhound.

6 PEOPLE Charles Townshend had Parliament pass the townshend acts, which taxed lead, glass, paint, and tea. William Franklin was the governor of N.J and he supported the British following the Boston Tea Party, but many of the people in his colony did not.


8 VOCABULARY  Before and during the American Revolution many loyalists lived in the colonies. Loyalists were people that supported Britain during the American Revolution. Unlike the loyalists,Patriots supported independence from Britain.The continental congress might not been ready for the revolution the members of the military in Massachusetts. They called themselves miutemen. Delgates, or representatives attended from 12 colonies.

9 TERMS  The congress wrote letters of complaint and drew up a Declaration of Rights,wich stated their main concerns and wishes.  The British passed the Quartering Act,which allowed British to live in the homes of the people.  There was an offical army called the continental army.

10 PEOPLE  George washinton was the first President of the U.S.

11 PLACES  In the morning of April 1175 the British sent soldiers to Lexington Massachusetts near Boston.  People objected and fought the British at lexington and later that day at Concord.  On September 1774 colonial leaders went to a meeting in Philadelphia

12 LESSON 3 VOCAB  For treason,or the betrayal of ones country or ruler.

13 PLACES  On July 8 the declaration was read to the public at the Independece hall in Phiadelphia.

14 PEOPLE  Jhon Witherspoon was a lawyer and was one of the people who signed the Declaration of Independence.  Ben Franklin was a member of the committee that prepared the Declaration.  Tomas Jefforson started the declaration of Independence.

15 TERM TThe Declaration of independenc listed the colonists com plaints against Great Britain.

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