#ElementsOfANovel The basic elements of any story, including a novel, are: THEME —the LESSON the writer of the story is trying to teach the reader. AKA.

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Presentation on theme: "#ElementsOfANovel The basic elements of any story, including a novel, are: THEME —the LESSON the writer of the story is trying to teach the reader. AKA."— Presentation transcript:

1 #ElementsOfANovel The basic elements of any story, including a novel, are: THEME —the LESSON the writer of the story is trying to teach the reader. AKA the MESSAGE. PLOT : WHAT HAPPENS in the story.

2 THE PLOT CONSISTS OF: 1. EXPOSITION: characters introduced, setting described 2.RISING ACTION: main character begins to deal with conflict 3.CLIMAX (CONFLICT): moment when conflict is most directly addressed 4.FALLING ACTION: contains events caused by conflict and leads toward resolution 5.RESOLUTION: parallel to exposition, wraps up loose ends, reveals secrets

3 Elements of a Novel SETTING: TIME, PLACE & SOCIAL CONTEXT CHARACTERS—the people in the story. 1.DYNAMIC CHARACTER: changes throughout the plot—round 2.STATIC CHARACTER: remains the same throughout the plot—flat 3.PROTAGONIST: main character, “hero” 4.ANTAGONIST: person with whom the main character struggles, “bad guy” 5.FOIL: mostly important for his/her difference from another character TONE—the author’s ATTITUDE.

4 POINT OF VIEW POINT OF VIEW—who is telling the story? 1.FIRST PERSON: told by a CHARACTER in the story and uses “I”. 2.THIRD PERSON: an unnamed narrator who knows MOST OR ALL (“Limited” vs. “Omniscient”)of the characters’ THOUGHTS and FEELINGS 3.OBJECTIVE: Reporter-style “just the facts” with no inside information on characters

5 Elements of a Novel CHARACTERIZATION: the ACTIONS, THOUGHTS & INTERACTIONS that reveal the character’s PERSONALITIES CONFLICT: Every story has a conflict. This is the PROBLEM that arises of OPPOSING FORCES in the story. CHARACTERIZATION: A character always has human traits, even if the character is an animal, such as in a fable. CHARACTERIZATION is the way through which the character’s PERSONALITY is revealed.

6 Elements of a Novel There are TWO main types of CHARACTERIZATION: 1.DIRECT characterization is when the author TELLS US what the character is like. We do not have to FIGURE IT OUT. 2. INDIRECT characterization is when an author uses CONTEXT CLUES and we have to make our own JUDGMENTS by putting clues together. This can be done through: 1. DESCRIBING how the character LOOKS and dresses. 2. Letting us HEAR the character SPEAK. 3. Revealing the character’s PRIVATE THOUGHTS & FEELINGS 4. Revealing the character’s EFFECTS on other characters and how other characters FEEL or BEHAVE toward the character. 5. Showing the character in ACTION.

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