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Elements of a Short Story. Overview A short story is similar to a good recipe. It needs the best ingredients for you to enjoy it. Elements of a Short.

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Presentation on theme: "Elements of a Short Story. Overview A short story is similar to a good recipe. It needs the best ingredients for you to enjoy it. Elements of a Short."— Presentation transcript:

1 Elements of a Short Story

2 Overview A short story is similar to a good recipe. It needs the best ingredients for you to enjoy it. Elements of a Short Story Stories are made up of four important elements: Setting Characters Plot Theme

3 Setting Tells the reader where and when the story takes place.

4 Characters and Characterization The people, and in some stories, the animals that take part in the story. The description of the personalities of the characters in the story and the way in which an author reveals their personalities.

5 Two Identifications of Characters 1. Protagonist – the hero of the story 2. Antagonist – the villain in the story who is always opposing the protagonist

6 Ways of Characterization Indirect – physical appearance – speech, thoughts, feelings, or actions of the character – speech, thoughts, feelings, or actions of other characters Direct – the narrator’s direct comments about a character

7 Plot The chain of related events that take place in a story. Built around conflict, which is a struggle between opposing forces.

8 Exposition Statement The part of the plot that tells how the story begins. Rising Action The action in the story leading up to the climax. Conflict The struggles or problems between opposing forces. Climax The point of crisis in the plot. It may be the reader’s point of highest interest. Falling action The action in the story after the climax is revealed. Resolution The part of the plot that reveals the final outcome. Plot Terms

9 Man vs. Man Man vs. Nature Man vs. Obstacle or Society Man vs. Supernatural Being Man vs. Himself Types of Conflict

10 Theme The main idea of a story. It is not a moral, lesson, or a rule for living.

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