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Promotion How will customers be made aware that the product or service is available? Which of the following promotional activities will be best: –Advertising?

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Presentation on theme: "Promotion How will customers be made aware that the product or service is available? Which of the following promotional activities will be best: –Advertising?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Promotion How will customers be made aware that the product or service is available? Which of the following promotional activities will be best: –Advertising? –personal selling? –Publicity? –sales promotion? –e-marketing?

2 Choosing Media DEPENDS ON: 1) Audience (target market) you want to reach 2) # of people to see advertising 3) $$$’s in budget 4) How media matches with: Product/service Target market


4 TELEVISION Advantages: Can reach a lot of people Most people have a TV Visuals and audio can be very powerful Can target specific groups –(eg. Middle aged, married men with children who like sports, women and beer- air ads during football games) Disadvantages: Expensive


6 Advantages: Cheap Can target specific audiences depending on time of day and station (eg. 102.1 Edge 20-35 year old new rockers living in Toronto and GTA) Commuters Disadvantages: Satellite radio iPod in cars use (less popular) Less likely to remember Limited ability to use media (no visuals)

7 MAGAZINES Advantages: Very specific demographics (eg. Seventeen Magazine- teenage girls interested in fashion, makeup and boys) Visuals can be powerful Magazines can be reread Cheaper than TV commercial Disadvantages: Limited audience Often overlooked

8 NEWSPAPER Advantages: Extremely cheap Wide readership for a certain geographic area (Toronto Star) Disadvantages Limited colour options Lots of competing ads Daily so usually gets thrown out Internet newspapers

9 INTERNET BANNERS Advantages: Can target specific demographic (Eg. Website for dog lovers- new dog product banner) Can be customized to fit consumers specifically by using Spyware Can be added to any page Disadvantages: Can get expensive for companies if the banner is being accessed often

10 OUTDOOR (billboards,transit) Advantages: Access to lots of people if placed in the right area. Disadvantages: Cannot target a specific group Expensive to create and maintain. Competing for attention

11 DIRECT MAIL Advantages: Cheap Can include a lot of information Disadvantages: Lots goes right to the trash Very low level of return

12 BLOGGING Advantages: Can have subscribers Reach customers without being too obvious Potential to reach a lot of people cheap Disadvantages: Can be seen as trick advertising Only reaching those who visit blog site

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