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Social Selling: #KnowThyBuyer Jill Rowley Social Selling Evangelist Modern Marketing Expert Startup Advisor.

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Presentation on theme: "Social Selling: #KnowThyBuyer Jill Rowley Social Selling Evangelist Modern Marketing Expert Startup Advisor."— Presentation transcript:

1 Social Selling: #KnowThyBuyer Jill Rowley Social Selling Evangelist Modern Marketing Expert Startup Advisor

2 Marketing Needs to Know More about Sales Sales Needs to Know More about Marketing We all Need to Know More about our CUSTOMERS @jill_rowley #SocialSelling

3 Meet the Modern Buyer @jill_rowley #SocialSelling Digitally- driven Socially- connected Mobile Empowered

4 The Power of Peer to Peer

5 Only 33% of buyers trust what a logo tells them But 92% trust what another buyer tells them!

6 @jill_rowley #SocialSelling

7 Mindset: from Selling to Helping Skillset: digital, social Toolkit: a fool with a tool is still a fool

8 @jill_rowley #SocialSelling

9 Social Selling is using Social Networks to do Research to be Relevant to build Relationships that drive Revenue.

10 5 Pillars, Practices, Principles of Social Selling @jill_rowley #SocialSelling

11 1. Buyer-centric LinkedIn profile 2. The Art of a LinkedIn Invite 3. LinkedIn Job Change Alerts 4. Join LinkedIn Groups 5. Advanced Search in LinkedIn 6. Find Alumni 7. Recommendations & Endorsements = Credibility 8. Share Content @jill_rowley #SocialSelling

12 The Art of a LinkedIn Invite @jill_rowley #SocialSelling

13 To be Interesting; Be Interested @jill_rowley #SocialSelling

14 From College to Career Leveraging Your University Alumni @jill_rowley #SocialSelling


16 Content is the Currency of the Modern Sales Professional @jill_rowley #SocialSelling

17 The 411 on Content @jill_rowley #SocialSelling

18 Using Twitter for Research and Relationship Building @jill_rowley #SocialSelling

19 1.Pick a simple and short username (this is your brand) 2.Create a personal profile 3.Upload a good picture (no eggheads!) 4.Include your LinkedIn URL in your bio 5.Listen first, find your voice 6.Follow influencers and experts in your field; Create lists 7.Share things that are useful and relevant to your followers 8.Do no just self-promote or share your stuff 9.Engage with your followers (@reply, RT and mention) 10.Use #hashtags – example is #GrowthMarketing @jill_rowley #SocialSelling


21 Executive Sponsorship Program Owner Alignment: Marketing, Sales, Sales Enablement, Sales Training, Sales Ops Sustainable training program –101, 201, 301 –Live and eLearning –Certification Provide repository to store everything “social” Deliver content calendars to make sharing easy Celebrate successes Share best practices & provide coaching Embed in process & systems (SFA/CRM) Recognition & Rewards Track results Social Selling: It’s not a one-off @jill_rowley #SocialSelling

22 5 Things for Sales Reps to do Right Away! Optimize your LinkedIn profile for the Buyer; not the Recruiter. Personalize Your LinkedIn Invites – ALWAYS!! Expand your Professional Network. ABC = Always Be Connecting. Leverage your College Alumni. Follow your Customers, Partners, (and Competitors) on LinkedIn & Twitter. Read what your buyers read and share across your Social Networks. @jill_rowley #SocialSelling

23 5 Things for Marketing to do Right Away! Know thy customer Centralized content library Content aligned to buyer’s journey and buyer persona(s) Curate third party thought leadership content for Sales Make social sharing easy! @jill_rowley #SocialSelling

24 The ABCs of Social Selling – Always Be Connecting @jill_rowley | #SocialSelling

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