Indian Wars. Buffalo  Settlers moved west and overhunted thousands of buffalo *Buffalo will nearly become extinct  Buffalo Soldiers- African America.

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1 Indian Wars

2 Buffalo  Settlers moved west and overhunted thousands of buffalo *Buffalo will nearly become extinct  Buffalo Soldiers- African America Cavalry Unit, named by Native Americans for their bravery

3 Massacre  Col. Chivington leads Colorado volunteers to attack Black Kettle (leader of the Cheyenne Indians) and his tribe  400 Indian men, women and children were slaughtered  massacre shocks the nation

4 Gold discovery  1876 Gold discovered in the Black Hills of South Dakota  part of Lakota Sioux Indian reservation.  Forces Lokata Sioux out of their land and into Montana

5 Battle of Little Bighorn  Battle of Little Bighorn (1876) Lt. Col. George Custer leads an army against the Lakota, Sioux, and Cheyenne Indians Montana  “Custer’s Last Stand”- Custer is killed

6 Exodus of the Nez Perce  Exodus of the Nez Perce 1877 - Nez Perce were moved to Oklahoma  Chief Joseph – leader of the Nez Perce resisted U.S. attempts to force his tribe onto reservations, and attempted to a peace treaty with U.S.

7 Wounded Knee (1890)  300 innocent Sioux Indians including women and children are slaughtered within minutes after unknown gunfire goes off  marks the end of the Indian Wars

8 Century of Dishonor  A Century of Dishonor (1881) – book written by Helen Hunt Jackson that detailed the U.S.’s dealings with Indian tribes  Believed U. S. Government had violated principles of justice that are the basis of international law.

9 Assimilation  Dawes Act- an act which attempted to assimilate the Indians into white-man’s society  assimilation – system in which Indians give up their culture and way of life in favor of the white- man’s  act would give each male 160 acres for his family

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