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Middle Ages. Russia  Vikings came down the Russian Rivers and controlled the peasants that lived there  The Viking nobles were called boyars and they.

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1 Middle Ages

2 Russia  Vikings came down the Russian Rivers and controlled the peasants that lived there  The Viking nobles were called boyars and they ruled from Kiev


4 Russia  Vladimir, a king of Kiev, converted to Greek Orthodox and made all his subjects convert  Russia now was linked with Byzantium through trade and religion

5 Russia  Mongols invaded Russia and destroyed Kiev  To keep the Russians safe, boyars under Alexander Nevsky cooperated with the Mongols and crushed any peasant rebellion

6 Russia  The Mongols united Russia and Moscow under Ivan I became the most powerful state in Russia

7 Russia  Byzantium fell and Ivan III married into the last emperor’s family= Russia was the 3 rd Rome  He called himself czar (Russian version of Caesar)  He also defeated the Mongols and freed Russia

8 Germans  After Rome fell 5 changes occurred in Western Europe Disruption of Trade Downfall of Cities Population shifts from the cities to the countryside Decline of learning Loss of common language

9 Germans  Social:  Germans lived in small communities under one chief  Warriors followed the chief they could see and not a king they never saw  Family very important  All land divided equally among sons

10 Germans  Law:  Wergeld system: kill or hurt someone you pay the price for that person= stop blood fueds  Compurgation: 10 men say your innocent= your innocent, but if found guilty all die  Ordeal: fight to see if you are guilty or innocent

11 Germans  Women:  Below men  Witch trials: by burning or drowning

12 Germans  The Franks took over Gaul and under the great chief Clovis they converted to Christianity  He started the Merovingian Dynasty

13 Germans  After Clovis’s death, the major domo or mayor of the palace was more powerful than the king  Charles Martel was a major domo and beat the Muslims at the Battle of Tours  His son Pepin the Short eventually became king of the Franks and started the Carolingian Dynasty

14 Charles Martel Charlemagne

15 Germans  Charlemagne or Charles the Great took over after Pepin and built the largest kingdom since Rome  He stopped a mob from killing the Pope and in gratitude the Pope crowned him emperor


17 Germans  Charlemagne revived learning and started schools  Charlemagne died and he divided his kingdom between his 3 sons  The Treaty of Verdun officially divided the empire


19 Feudalism  Raiders invaded Europe between AD 700 and AD1000

20 Feudalism  Vikings invaded from Scandinavia  They developed great boats that could sail in the sea and on the rivers


22 Feudalism  A northman or Viking named Rollo was so bad that a French king gave him land in France to stop his raiding= this land became Normandy

23 Feudalism  Magyars came from the east on horseback  They did not settle, instead they captured people and sold them into slavery

24 Feudalism  With all the invasions, people turned to the local lords to protect them  This started Feudalism

25 Feudalism  Feudalism is a governing system where a lord, or landowner, gives land called a fief to a vassal in exchange for military protection

26 Feudalism  Serfs or peasants were the bottom of the social order.  Serfs were bound to the land, but they were not slaves

27 Feudalism  Serfs rarely traveled 25 miles from their birthplace  They rarely ate meat. They mainly ate barley soup  There was a serious crime problem There was an average of 24 corpses on Paris’s front gate to discourage criminals  Bloodletting was the main cure for illnesses  Average life expectancy was 30 years old

28 Feudalism  The economic system of the time was manor system  The manor system is the lord gives land and protection to his vassals in exchange for working the land and giving a portion of their work to the lord


30 Knights  2 technological advances to make knights more effective Leather saddle (keep knight on horse) Stirrups (to brace knight during collisions

31 Knights  Lords required a knight to fight 40 days a year in exchange for fiefs

32 Knights  To become a knight: At age 7, parents send son to another lord to serve as page. They learn manners, chess, fight skills, and fighting strategies At age 14, page becomes a squire. They take care of a knight and his horse and escorts the knight into battle At age 21, squire becomes a knight

33 Knights  To stop brutal fighting, knights follow the code of chivalry which is a complex set of ideals that a knight has to follow when fighting for his 3 masters Lord Lady God

34 Knight  If coward, a knight will have his armor stripped, his shield cracked, spurs cut, sword broken, and knight thrown into a coffin and have a mock funeral service.

35 Knight  To stop violent urges, lords held tournaments or mock battles Jousting Sword fighting Hawking

36 Knights  To stop attacks, castles were built


38 Knights  To destroy castles, new weapons were invented Battering ram Tortoise (to protect soldiers from arrows) Trebuchet (giant slingshot) Mangonel (flinger of rocks) Siege tower Cross bow

39 Knights  Epic poetry was very popular during this time  The Song of Roland was the most famous epic poem. It was about French knights fight to the death against Muslims  Troubadours were the poet-musicians during this time

40 Knights  Women are to be protected and their power actually declined in society  They only had power in the home and in a convent

41 Church  The Christian Church also became powerful during this time.  They opened up monasteries or religious communities with monks and nuns  They became centers of learning

42 Benedict Scholastica Pope Gregory I

43 Church  Pope Gregory I made the church more secular, or involved in nonreligious things and he believed the Christian Church should be first in all lives

44 Church  The Church provided sacraments or important religious ceremonies like: Baptism confirmation

45 Church  The Church also had its own laws called canon laws  One law was everyone had to pay a tithe to the Chuch. The tithe was 10% of your income  If someone disobeyed a canon law, bishops or the pope could excommunicate them (take them out of the Church)

46 Church  The Church helped a king named Otto to form the Holy Roman Empire to control the many German princes


48 Church  Many Germans thought that the Church was too powerful and tried to fight back  Emperor Henry IV tried to appoint his own bishops and the fought the pope over it.

49 Church  The fight between the German princes and the Church had 3 effects Germany was not unified during this time The Church excommunicated many princes

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