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Benefits of Abstinence Presentation 3. The Guessing Game According to National Youth Survey Data on sexual activity: Out of every 100 ninth graders, how.

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Presentation on theme: "Benefits of Abstinence Presentation 3. The Guessing Game According to National Youth Survey Data on sexual activity: Out of every 100 ninth graders, how."— Presentation transcript:

1 Benefits of Abstinence Presentation 3

2 The Guessing Game According to National Youth Survey Data on sexual activity: Out of every 100 ninth graders, how many have not had sexual intercourse? Hint: Guess how many black rocks are in the vase.

3 The Guessing Game Answer 67-70 of every 100 ninth graders have NOT had sexual intercourse. There are 70 black rocks in the vase and 30 light blue ones.

4 More Stats... 2010 data –Between the ages of 15-24, 29% of females have never had sex – Between the ages of 15-24, 27% of males have never had sex 2002 data -Between the ages of 15-24, 22% of males and females have never had sexual contact What do you notice about the trend between the 8 year difference?

5 What is Abstinence? Definition: the conscious choice to “abstain” or not participate in certain activities. *Sexual abstinence means not participating in sexual intercourse or being sexually active. Sexually Active refers to intercourse and/or skin to skin contact in a genital area.

6 Remaining Abstinent Abstinence to teens means waiting until they are in a committed adult relationship. For teens who have been sexually active, they can still choose to be abstinent at any time. There are many physical, social, and emotional benefits of abstinence.

7 Physical Benefits of Abstinence 1.No pregnancies or abortions 2.No STDs (some cause cancer and reproductive problems) 3.No HIV and AIDS Fact: The earlier a person becomes sexually active the more partners they are likely to have.

8 Social Benefits of Abstinence Freedom to have many friendships Less drama Better relationship with parents and adults Chance to learn and develop strong lasting relationships built on trust and respect Better (honorable) reputation among peers

9 Emotional Benefits of Abstinence Free from worry regarding STDs and pregnancy More time to develop the maturity needed to make important decisions Free from guilt or fear Avoiding being manipulated or used by others Increased sense of self-control and self-respect Staying true to personal values (respect, honesty and morality) Your best sex is not destroyed later by comparing your significant other to past partners. You won’t be stealing from someone else’s marriage. Less tension and more trust with parents and adults.

10 Other Benefits of Abstinence You can stay focused on your goals like college, sports, family, & career. (Taking care of a baby can change all that.) You can focus on the person as a whole (interests, goals, morals, personality, characteristics), not just physically. You can build and test your trust. Remaining abstinent is TOUGH at times, but well worth the wait.

11 MYTH vs. REALITY “Sexual activity shows that a couple is in love.” Love can be expressed in many nonsexual ways. “Sexual activity will make our relationship better.” Sexual activity creates stress in a teen relationship. “Sexual activity is a healthy part of being a teen.” Many teens are physically and emotionally hurt by sexual activity. “If a person has been sexually active in the past, there is no reason to avoid sexual activity in the future.” Teen pregnancy and STDs are always good reasons to avoid sexual activity.

12 15 ways to help you stay abstinent 1. Set personal limits - commit to avoiding situations that could lead to sexual activity. 2. Tell your partner when you begin dating that you have made a commitment to remain sexually abstinent. (Use assertive communication like the “I” statement). 3. Use good body language (Stand up straight and look the person in the eyes. Avoid laughing, fidgeting, or other nervous behaviors.)

13 Things to help you stay abstinent 4. Avoid alcohol and drugs. They reduce your inhibitions and make you more likely to engage in sexual activity. 5. Don’t date older people. Resisting pressure is harder when it comes from someone older than you. 6. Don’t have sexually active friends. Having friends that have the same standards and morals will decrease the amount of peer pressure to engage in sexual activity.

14 Things to help you stay abstinent 7. Avoid prolonged & intense kissing and touching. 8. Avoid being in private places like home alone. 9. Don’t go beyond the “underwear zone” with physical affection. 10. Don’t watch sexually explicit media with a partner.

15 Things to help you stay abstinent 11. Have a close relationship with parents or guardians 12. Be involved in school activities 13. Get good grades in school 14. Practice religious beliefs 15. Have goals

16 Refusal Skill and “I” Statement Practice: Roleplay w/partner 1.Your boyfriend/girlfriend wants to hang out at a house with no parents. 2. Your boyfriend/girlfriend want to go “park” at a local make out spot. 3. Your bf/gf want to go to a club, but you know that your parent’s wouldn’t approve. 4. Your bf/gf wants to have sexual intercourse.

17 There are many nonsexual ways to show someone you care… Go see a movie Make a tape of special love songs Take an evening walk Have a picnic in the park Play Frisbee© Cook dinner together Do school/home-work together Bake cookies together Go to the library together Browse a museum Work-out, exercise together Select a favorite song for the two of you Write each other love letters Leave love-notes where your partner will be sure to find them Compose a poem together Go on bike ride Play the music your partner likes to hear Make a list of things you like about each other Dedicate a song on the radio to your partner Share an ice cream sundae Have your picture taken together Take a hike Hold hands Rent movies and cry together Slow dance Star gaze Run in the rain Look at baby pictures Read the same book and discuss it Go bowling

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