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Catalyst – Silently & Independently 1. What are the steps of the scientific method? 2. What type of graph is used to compare data between groups? 3. What.

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Presentation on theme: "Catalyst – Silently & Independently 1. What are the steps of the scientific method? 2. What type of graph is used to compare data between groups? 3. What."— Presentation transcript:

1 Catalyst – Silently & Independently 1. What are the steps of the scientific method? 2. What type of graph is used to compare data between groups? 3. What type of graph do you use to compare data for an independent variable? 4. How do you think you did on your first unit test? How did you prepare for the test?

2 Today’s Objective/Why is this important? EQ: how do we think or speak like doctors? Today’s Objective: we will be able to use anatomical language to describe different parts of the body.

3 Agenda Do Now Intro A&P Notes Independent Practice

4 Terminology Anatomy : Study of the structure of an organism & the relationships of its parts Physiology : Study of the functions of living organisms & their parts (What they do and how) Homeostasis : Tendency of the body to maintain a stable, balanced internal environment. Body is constantly regulating itself & making small adjustments to maintain homeostasis

5 Structural Organization of the Body It is important to think about how the parts of the body are organized & how they logically fit together into a functioning whole. Tissue: a group of cells working together to carry out certain common functions Ex: Muscle, nervous, epithelial, connective *Organ: a group of tissues working together to carry out certain common functions Ex: Lungs, stomach, heart *Organ system: a group of organs working together to carry out a common function Ex: Urinary system is made up of the following organs: Kidneys, bladder (Simple to complex)

6 Anatomical Position = Standing erect, face forward, arms at side, palms facing forward Rt Rt Lt Standing erect, face forward, arms at side, palms facing forward Rt Rt Lt

7 Anatomical Directions Superior: toward the head OR upper/above Inferior: toward the feet OR lower/below Inferior Superior

8 Anatomical Directions Anterior or Ventral: Front Posterior or Dorsal: Back

9 Anatomical Directions Proximal: nearer to attachment of the limb to the trunk Ex: The knee is proximal to the ankle Distal: farther from attachment of the limb to the trunk Ex: The wrist is distal to the elbow

10 Anatomical Directions Medial: nearer to midline of body Ex: Heart lies medial to lungs Lateral: farther from midline of body Ex: The thumb is on the lateral side of the hand

11 Body Sections or Planes (imaginary lines that “slice” body into sections)

12 Body Planes Sagittal : divides the body or an organ into left & right sides Midsagittal

13 Body Planes Transverse : divides body or an organ into upper (superior) or lower (inferior) portions

14 Body Planes Frontal (Coronal): divides the body or an organ into front & back


16 I & P

17 Exit Ticket 1.What is Kwashiorkor? 2.What is the difference between anatomy and physiology? 3.What is anatomical position?

18 Do Now 1.What are organ systems? 2.What does medial mean? 3.What does lateral mean? 4.The brain is ________ to the chest. 5.The wrist is _____to the elbow. (proximal or distal?)

19 Today’s Objective/Why is this important? EQ: how do we speak like doctors? Today’s Objective: we will be able to use correct anatomical language in order to complete a lab about relative body positions.

20 Agenda Do Now & Review Practie Computer Lab-Anatomical Language Practice

21 Practice Usually use proximal vs. distal to describe where something is on a limb. Ex. We had to amputate 10 cm proxmial to the wrist. The shoulder is __________ to the fingers. The big toe is _____________ to the knee. The arms are ___________ to the stomach. Your mouth is on the _________ side of your body. The gluteus maximus (butt) is _______ to your feet.

22 Expectations About Computer Lab You need to be working. Your not allowed on youtube, soundcloud, Pandora etc. We have a lot to get through Bring your stuff as we will leave directly from the lab.

23 Let’s Make Some Paper Dolls

24 Practice Extended Work with your shoulder partner

25 Exit Ticket 1) What is ventral mean? 2) What does dorsal mean? 3) The ankle is ____________to the knee. 4) The head is _______ to the chest.

26 Do Now 1) What is ventral mean? 2) What does dorsal mean? 3) The toe is ____________to the ankle 4) The chest is _______ to the head. 5) The ears are _________to the eyes.

27 Mid-Unit Test Score Average 79%

28 Updates Your first official and full unit test is on Monday September 14 th

29 Objectives/Why is this important? EQ: how do we speak like doctors? We will be able to name and locate the major body cavities in order to communicate the location of pain.

30 When we speak in anatomical terminology It is in reference to the patient NOT how you view the patient

31 Body Cavities 1. Dorsal Cavity (Contains cranial & spinal cavity) 2. Cranial Cavity (Brain) 3. Spinal Cavity (Spinal Cord)

32 Body Cavities 4. Ventral Cavity (Contains thoracic & abdominopelvic cavity) 5. Thoracic Cavity “Chest” (Divided into 3 sections) Right Pleural space or cavity (Right lung is here) Left Pleural space or cavity (Left lung is here) Mediastinum (Center section of thoracic cavity behind breastbone— green area on diagram ) Separates Rt. & Lt. Pleural cavities Contains the heart, esophagus, trache a

33 Body Cavities Thoracic cavity ends at the Diaphragm (dome-shaped muscle necessary for breathing) Thoracic cavity A Abdominopelvic cavity 6. Abdominopelvic Cavity is below the diaphragm Often referenced as 2 different cavities (Abdominal & Pelvic) although there is no actual barrier dividing it into 2 sections

34 Thoracotomy

35 Abdominopelvic cavity often subdivided into 4 quadrants (sections) by healthcare professionals. Assists them to more accurately document patient complaints. Rt. Upper quad Lt. Upper quad Rt. Lower quad Lt. Lower

36 Body Cavities Abdominal cavity Contains the stomach, spleen, liver, gall bladder, pancreas, small intestine, top large intestine Pelvic cavity Contains part of the large intestine, urinary bladder, reproductive organs

37 Body Cavities


39 Axial vs. Appendicular Axial Region: situated on the central part of the body Appendicular Region: lies along the transverse axis of the body and includes two types of girdles and limb-bones

40 Partner Practice Abdominal Diagram Which is the patient’s left side? Remember – go by the patient’s left! Not what looks left from where you are j. Left upper quadrant

41 Graphic Organizer

42 Abdominal Diagram j. Left upper quadrant k. Right upper quadrant l. Left lower quadrant m. Right lower quadrant

43 Diagram

44 a.Dorsal body cavity b.Cranial cavity c.Spinal cavity d.Ventral body cavity e.Thoracic cavity f.Mediastinum g.Pericardial cavity h.Pleural cavity i.Abdominopelvic cavity j.Abdominal cavity k.Pelvic cavity

45 DO NOW 1) What does the cranial cavity contain? 2) What is the thoracic cavity? 3) What is with the pleural cavities? 4) What 2 cavities does the abdominopelvic cavity contain? 5) What 2 cavities does the dorsal cavity contain?

46 Objective/Why is this important? EQ: how do we speak like doctors? Objectives: we will be able to describe the purpose/function of the organ systems of the body and list the major organs each contains.

47 Updates You first full Unit test will be on Monday September 14 th

48 Agenda Do Now Gallery Walk Complete yesterday’s body cavities packet & begin today’s organ systems packet Exit Ticket

49 Gallery Walk Expectations Students will rotate around the room to each station. No more than 4 students per station. Make sure that all conversations are on task and at library volume. When you are finished, return to your seat and begin your work. STAY ON PACE! – Yesterday’s body cavities packet – due today by end of class! – Today’s organ systems packet




53 Exit Ticket 1) What does the cranial cavity contain? 2) What is the thoracic cavity? 3) What is with the pleural cavities? 4) What 2 cavities does the abdominopelvic cavity contain? 5) What 2 cavities does the dorsal cavity contain?

54 DO NOW 1) F. is pointing to the space between the lungs. What is F? 2) What cavity is h? 3) j + k = what cavity? (aka what cavity is i) Have this packet ready to turn in if you did not turn it in yesterday!

55 Agenda Do Now (5 minutes) Organ System Overview (5 minutes) Organ System Partner Practice (20 minutes) Organ System Review (15 minutes)

56 Objective SWBAT describe the purpose/function of the organ systems of the body and list the major organs each contains.

57 Organ Systems Practice Work Labeling the organs may be a little tricky To help you, use: – Posters around the room – Diagrams at each station – The textbook

58 DO NOW 1) The ears are ___________ to the nose. 2) The head is __________ to the chest. 3)What is the purpose/function of the endocrine system? 4) What is the function of the lymphatic system?

59 Agenda Do Now (5 minutes) Organ System Review (15 minutes) Body regions vocab hunt (15 minutes) Body regions Practice (10 minutes) Exit Ticket (5 minutes)

60 Organ System Review Do NOT shout-out answers Put you board up when its time – don’t go early Must put your board up for participation points Listen to make sure you know the correct answer

61 Which organ system involves bones, ligaments, & cartilage? Skeletal

62 Which organ system moves (“pumps”) blood around the body? Cardiovascular/Circulatory

63 Which organ system has the purpose of defending the body from infections? Immune/Lymphatic

64 Which organ system is this? Muscular

65 Which organ system has the purpose of breaking down food into smaller pieces so you can get the nutrients? Digestive

66 Which organ system is this? Reproductive

67 Which organ system has the purpose of breaking down food into smaller pieces so you can get the nutrients? Digestive

68 Which organ system produces the chemical messengers of the body (hormones)? Endocrine

69 Which organ system contains the brain, spinal cord, & nerves? Nervous

70 Which organ system is this? Cardiovascular/Circu latory

71 Which organ system is the skin? Integumentary

72 Which organ system contains the: – vagina, ovaries, uterus – penis, testes, & scrotum Reproductive System

73 Which organ system is this? Respiratory

74 Which organ system is this? Urinary

75 Which organ system contains the heart & blood vessels? Cardiovascular/Circulatory

76 Objective SWBAT use the proper anatomical terms to describe the different body regions.

77 Body Regions A. Axial region - head, neck, trunk B. Appendicular region - arms & legs (extremities)

78 Terms for Specific Body Regions

79 Do Now 1.What is homeostasis? 2.What is the definition of proximal? 3.The toe is _____to the knee. 4.What is the word for the inside of the elbow (where they draw blood from)?

80 Weekly Agenda Monday & Tuesday – Studyguide Wednesday – Jeopardy Thursday – Test Friday – Begin Tissue Chapter

81 Objective SWBAT use the proper anatomical terms, describe body cavities, describe organ systems, and body region.

82 Today’s Agenda Finish classwork from Friday (labeling diagram) Complete ½ of studyguide packet

83 Test Thurs. 40 multiple choice & 10 labeling – Anatomical term definitions & fill in the blanks – Body Planes (sagittal, transverse, frontal/coronal) – Body Cavities – Be able to label a diagram!! It will be one from your notes or studyguide – Organ System – which organs belong to which system & what are the system functions – Body Regions – Axial vs. Appendicular, 8 of the 29 vocab words

84 Do Now 1.What is a transverse plane? 2.What separates the thoracic cavity from the abdomiopelvic cavity? 3.What is the word for foot? 4.What is the word for fingers?

85 Objective SWBAT use the proper anatomical terms, describe body cavities, describe organ systems, and body region.

86 Today’s Agenda Finish studyguide packet – Get paper dolls done – Get labeling of body cavities done


88 Do Now 1.What is a coronal cut? 2.What does anterior mean? 3.What are some organs found in the pelvic cavity?






94 Kwashiorkor Reading

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