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Urinary Tract Infection and Sexually Transmitted Diseases

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1 Urinary Tract Infection and Sexually Transmitted Diseases
Prof. R. K. Dixit Pharmacology and Therapeutics K.G.M.U. Lucknow


3 Urinary Tract Infection
Vesico-ureteral Reflux Pyelonephritis Upper UTI Ureteritis Cystitis Lower UTI Urethritis

4 Upper Urinary tract (Kidney, Ureter)-
Less common but More dangerous, Long term therapy Lower Urinary tract (Bladder, Urethra)- More common but Less dangerous Short term therapy

5 Organisms- Mostly Gram Negative (E.coli, Klebsiella, Proteus, Pseudomonas, Enterobacter,) Others- Staphylococcus, Viral, Fungal, … Single in acute, mixed in chronic Entry- Mostly from lower to upper (Ascending ), Some times Directly from the surrounding sites or From blood (bacterimia)

6 Symptoms

7 Symptoms- (Severe Pain During UTI)
Systemic symptoms- myalgia, vomiting, weakness etc. Pain (Pelvic, Rectal, lower abdomen or renal angle) Pungent smell of urine Dysuria (Burning), Denies urination (Fear of Urination) Discharge through urethra Discoloration of urine (Haematuria, Pyuria, Haziness, Clouding) Urgency Temperature (Fever with chills) Incomplete emptying (Retention) Incontinence of urine

8 More common in Females- Anatomical differences Other part involved -
Prostate, Epididymis More common if- Stones Strictures Stents (Urinary Catheter) Structural abnormality Straight entry of ureter Sexually active Store urine (Faulty urinary habit) Surgical (abdomen) Scanty fluid intake Semiconscious (Unconscious), Site trauma,

9 Treatment of UTI Increased Fluid Intake and Voiding
Analgesics, Antipyretics, Anti-inflammatory (NSAIDs) Alteration of pH Alkalizers – Potassium Citrate, Baking Soda, Beware of Dilution (1:10) of syrup (Gastric irritant)- 30 ml in 300ml Not with Nalidixic acid, Nitrofurantoin, Methenamine Proteus which split urea and produce ammonia and make urine alkaline. Acidify with vitamin C, Mandelic acid (Syrup of Ammonium Mandelate) and Cranberry (Karaunda)

10 Urinary analgesics (Local)- Urinary antiseptics-
Phenazopyridine (Symptomatic relief only, No antibacterial property, Urine becomes orange red) Urinary antiseptics- Nitrofurantoin- Generates nitro-anion superoxide to damage bacterial DNA, Dark brown urine, Peripheral neuritis, Intra-hepatic cholestasis Antagonism with Nalidixic acid Methenamine – Releases formaldehyde in acidic urine, Antagonism with sulfonamides

11 Quinolones -(Nalidixic acid, Norfloxacin……)
Antimicrobials (Q-BACTS) Quinolones -(Nalidixic acid, Norfloxacin……) Betalactams- Ampicillin/ Amoxicillin, Aminogycosides- Gentamicin, Amikacin, … Cephalosporins- Third generation Tetracyclines - Sulfonamides and Cotrimoxazole Other Antimicrobials- Chloramphenicol, Methicillin, Carbenicillin etc……..

12 Prophylaxis for UTI- Needed in
Catherised, Uncorrectable anatomical abnormalities Inoperable prostate, Septicemia, Immuno-compromised, Trauma Note- In patients with impaired renal functions avoid Nitrofurnatoin, Nalidixic acid, Aminoglycosides, Potassium salt, and Acidifying agents

13 V V V


15 Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD) (Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI)
Transmitted through sexual contacts Usual Presentations Genital ulcers Discharge (Urethral and vaginal) Abdominal Pain Swelling surrounding genital area Systemic symptoms (Fever, weakness etc. )

16 Important STDs Syphilis (Chancre (Hard sore, Painless)
Chancroid (Soft sore, Painful) Gonorrhea Non-gonococcal urethritis (Nonspecific) Chlamydia, Ureoplasma, Haemophillus, Mycoplasma Herpes genitalis AIDS (HIV) Hepatitis B Donovaniasis Trichomoniasis Wart (Genital Wart, Human Papilloma Virus strain 6 and 11) Pubic Lice Lymphogranuloma inguinalae

17 Clean HAND With Soap To Loose Germs Chancroid Herpes genitalis
Hepatitis B AIDS (HIV) Non-gonococcal urethritis Donovaniasis Wart (genital) Syphilis Trichomoniasis Lymphogranuloma inguinalae Lice Gonorrhea Clean HAND With Soap To Loose Germs

18 Types of Sexually Transmitted Infections
Bacterial Viral Parasitic Chlamydia Gonorrhea Syphilis HPV (Genital Warts) HIV Herpes Hepatitis B Pubic Lice (“crabs”) Trichomoniasis

19 DISEASES DRUG OF CHOICE Neisseria gonorrhoea 2. Syphillis
( gonococcus) Ceftriaxone 250 mg I.M/ Azithromycin/ Doxycycline Amoxicillin/ Cefixime/Ciprofoxacin (Single dose) 2. Syphillis -Primary( chancre) Early Secondary (Condeloma Lata) -Latent (< 1 yr) Procaine Penicillin-G 2.4 M.U. daily for 10 to 14 days or Benzathine penicillin G 2.4 M.U Once - Latent (>1 yr) or -cardiovascular syphillis -Tertiary -Neurosyphillis Benzathine penicillin G 2.4 M.U. weekly for 3 weeks Procaine Penicillin G 2.4 M.U. for 3 weeks

20 DISEASES DRUG OF CHOICE 3. Herpes simplex Acyclovir/ Valacyclovir 4. Chalmydiae trachomatis (Non specific urethritis) Lymphogranuloma venereum Doxycycline 100 mg BD for three weeks or Azithromycin 1 gm oral per week for three weeks 5. Donovanosis (Calymmatobacterium granulomatis) Granuloma Inguinale Azithromycin 1g per week for 3 weeks Doxycycline 100mg BD for 3 weeks 6. Chancroids (Haemophilus ducreyi) Azithromycin 1g oral single dose Or Ceftriaxone 250 mg I.M sing dose Erythromycin 500 mg QID for one week

21 Remember it ‘s different: To Condyloma lata- Secondary Syphilis
7.Condyloma acuminatum Human Papilloma Virus strain 6 and 11 Treatment Antiviral therapy: Interferon, Valaciclovir Regional treatment : Podophyllotoxin Laser, freezing (Cryosurgery) Microwave Big wart: excise by operation Remember it ‘s different: To Condyloma lata- Secondary Syphilis

22 8. Hepatitis B- Lamivudine 9. HIV- Zidovudine and other ART

23 STDs are Very BAD Valacyclovir (Acyclovir) - Herpes genitalis, Genital Warts Betalactams Penicillins- Syphilis Ceftriaxone - Gonorrhea Azithromycin - Chancroid Doxycycline- Chlamydia, Donovanosis, Gonorrhea


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