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Name: Form: Tech group: Situation: Everybody loves to visit a Zoo or wildlife park don’t they! Your project in the workshop is to design and make a Slot.

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Presentation on theme: "Name: Form: Tech group: Situation: Everybody loves to visit a Zoo or wildlife park don’t they! Your project in the workshop is to design and make a Slot."— Presentation transcript:

1 Name: Form: Tech group: Situation: Everybody loves to visit a Zoo or wildlife park don’t they! Your project in the workshop is to design and make a Slot Together Animal for a child, and now your homework project is to design an information resource to be sold alongside the toy. You should hand in… Challenge 1: (Level 3-4) Research and design a poster that tells children all about the animal you are making. Your final design must be easy to read, creative and informative. Research Notes All about your animal, rough notes, sketches, information about sightings Your Information Resource Attach this to this folder. Evaluation (written in full sentences) Success criteria Teacher assessment Level 4 Designed a fun, creative and imaginative poster. Looked at each research area and collected a little information. Resource is simple with a little planning Bold title which is easy to read. Evaluated your design simply. Level 5 Designed a fun, creative and imaginative poster. A good resource with most of the information, some pictures and a good layout (no wasted space) Evaluated your design clearly and in detail. Level 6 Designed a fun, creative and imaginative poster aimed at children. A good resource with a lot of information, some pictures and a well planned layout. Uses precise research and tells the reader special and unique facts. Shows really good design skills in putting it together to look effective. Evaluated your design clearly and in detail, considering your client. Level 7 Has produced a unique and original design which fully explains the animal and contains unique information. Very thorough research with only the relevant information used – and put into your own words. An exciting and unique layout. Evaluated your design thoroughly, giving specific and detailed suggestions for development considering your client at all times. Challenge 2: (Level 5-7) Research and design an information resource (poster, leaflet, book, webpage- be creative) that tells children all about the animal you are making and fulfils the checklist on page 3. Your final design must be easy to read, creative and informative.

2 What information should I get?  Where does it come from?  How many are there?  Habitat?  Food/diet?  Position on the food chain?  Reproduction / breeding?  10 interesting facts Where could you find the information you need?

3 Have you included this Information?  Where does it come from?  How many are there?  Habitat?  Food/diet?  Position on the food chain?  Reproduction / breeding?  10 interesting facts Also…..  Does it suit the target audience? (Children)  Is the language used suitable for 5-8 years old?  Does it have a bold title which is easy to see?  Does it have a variety of pictures?  Does it use colours connected to your animal?  Does it have a good layout with no wasted space?  Are the sections clearly labelled? Have you checked the success criteria on page 1?

4 Explain why you think telling children about their animal is important. (Give reasons). _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ What are the strengths of your resource and why? _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ What could be improved about your resource and why? _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ What was the most amazing thing you found out about your animal? How did it make you feel? _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ How do you think you could improve your skills for the next time you do this type of project? _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _

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