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TASK Take existing products/materials and turn them into a brand new product. Submit the product along with any research, design ideas and an evaluation.

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Presentation on theme: "TASK Take existing products/materials and turn them into a brand new product. Submit the product along with any research, design ideas and an evaluation."— Presentation transcript:

1 TASK Take existing products/materials and turn them into a brand new product. Submit the product along with any research, design ideas and an evaluation no later than your last lesson for D&T the week ending 4 th October. This is the equivalent of 4 home- works so you should aim to spend at least 2 hours working on this project. The only limit is your imagination! The format for submission is up to you – but you must aim to meet the assessment criteria on the reverse of this page to the best of your ability. What to do first: 1.Read through this sheet with an adult so you understand it all ok 2.Research ideas online or in books/ magazines Useful Websites to help your research: : Next: Decide on what materials you could use. Pick from the following or come up with your own ideas: Food packaging, wrappers Carrier bags / bin bags Old clothes / jewellery Unwanted toys Old CDs, tin cans, boxes Then: Think of ideas on how to transform these materials into a new product. Pick a product to make from the list below or come up with your own ideas: Storage solution e.g. desk tidy, trinket box, bowl, cake stand, phone case, musical instrument, clothing, bag, hat, necklace, cushion, Photo frame, mirror, toy, mobile Make it!: Using your chosen materials create your new product. Finally: Evaluate your work. As a minimum you should aim to answer the following questions: What looks good? Why? What didn’t work out so well? Why? What could you do better? How? For higher levels- Record your research. Produce detailed design ideas and plans. Produce a more challenging to make product and ensure it is of a high quality. Evaluate in lots of detail and use paragraphs. Work independently.

2 Your work will be marked to the criteria in the table opposite. The mark you will achieve will be seen as the starting level for you in Key Stage 3. The average expected level at the beginning of year 7 for Design and Technology is a level 5. LevelCriteria to meet in order to achieve this: 4 There is evidence of research and/or ideas Upcycled product attempted with some thought behind it A basic evaluation has been produced 5 Evidence of research and it is clear to see how it has inspired the product and/or a range of design ideas presented Creative thought given to upcycle materials into a finished product Main features of product have been evaluated with own opinions on it presented. Full sentences have been used. 6 Evidence of both research and design ideas that clearly show the impact of this research. Ideas are rendered and annotated in detail. Product has been creatively upcycled with skill using appropriate materials. Product has a degree of complexity to it. Full sentences and paragraphs have been used to evaluate the product in detail. Positive and negative opinions have been presented along with at least one suggestion for improvement. 7 Detailed research presented from at least two different sources. Design ideas show progress of thought and development from initial idea through to final idea presented. Ideas have been rendered with skill or CAD has been used. All research and ideas have been annotated in detail to explain and justify them. Product has been creatively and skilfully transformed through upcycling and it is a very effective, complete and complex product. Evaluation is detailed, thorough, opinions are justified, improvements are identified. It has been written into a number of full paragraphs and technical language has been appropriately used. Evidence of product testing and/or the opinions of others. 8+8+ Work exceeds level 7 criteria and it goes above and beyond all aspects of the brief. Work has been completed to an exception level of detail and skill. There will be evidence of additional but appropriate work such as modelling to test ideas, technique sampling, planning, a making log, consideration of health & safety and quality control checks etc. For the exceptional level to be given this all needs to be done to a standard that would compare to the work of a high grade GCSE student.

3 TASK Take existing products/materials and turn them into a brand new product. Submit the product along with any research, design ideas and an evaluation no later than your last lesson for D&T the week ending 4 th October. This is the equivalent of 4 home- works so you should aim to spend at least 2 hours working on this project. The only limit is your imagination! The format for submission is up to you – but you must aim to meet the assessment criteria on the reverse of this page to the best of your ability. What to do first: 1.Ask an adult to help you start. 2.Research ideas online or in books/ magazines Useful Websites to help your research: : Next: Decide on the materials you will use. Pick from the following or come up with your own ideas: Food packaging, Carrier bags Old clothes Unwanted toys Tin cans Cardboard boxes Then: Decide on what you want to make. Pick a product to make from the list below: Desk tidy or storage box Something to wear or a bag Childs toy Try to draw your idea and label it. Make it!: Using your chosen materials create your new product. Finally: Write about the product you have made: What do you like about your product? What do you dislike about your product? If you get stuck please ask your Design and Technology teacher for help and ideas.

4 Your work will be marked to the criteria in the table opposite. The mark you will achieve will be seen as the starting level for you in Key Stage 3. Remember to ask for help if stuck! LevelCriteria to meet in order to achieve this: 4 There is evidence of research and/or ideas Upcycled product attempted with some thought behind it A basic evaluation has been produced 5 Evidence of research and it is clear to see how it has inspired the product and/or a range of design ideas presented Creative thought given to upcycle materials into a finished product Main features of product have been evaluated with own opinions on it presented. Full sentences have been used.

5 Student Name: Tutor group: D&T class/Teacher: Product description: List of supporting work submitted: Comments: WWW: EBI: TRICS awarded: Super Tric Achievement certificate Level achieved: (Note this is a ‘base line’ level and you should aim to meet or exceed this for all work this year. LevelCriteria to meet in order to achieve this:Achieved? 4 There is evidence of research and/or ideas Upcycled product attempted with some thought behind it A basic evaluation has been produced 5 Evidence of research and it is clear to see how it has inspired the product and/or a range of design ideas presented Creative thought given to upcycle materials into a finished product Main features of product have been evaluated with own opinions on it presented. Full sentences have been used. 6 Evidence of both research and design ideas that clearly show the impact of this research. Ideas are rendered and annotated in detail. Product has been creatively upcycled with skill using appropriate materials. Product has a degree of complexity to it. Full sentences and paragraphs have been used to evaluate the product in detail. Positive and negative opinions have been presented along with at least one suggestion for improvement. 7 Detailed research presented from at least two different sources. Design ideas show progress of thought and development from initial idea through to final idea presented. Ideas have been rendered with skill or CAD has been used. All research and ideas have been annotated in detail to explain and justify them. Product has been creatively and skilfully transformed through upcycling and it is a very effective, complete and complex product. Evaluation is detailed, thorough, opinions are justified, improvements are identified. It has been written into a number of full paragraphs and technical language has been appropriately used. Evidence of product testing and/or the opinions of others. 8+8+ Work exceeds level 7 criteria and it goes above and beyond all aspects of the brief. Work has been completed to an exception level of detail and skill. There will be evidence of additional but appropriate work such as modelling to test ideas, technique sampling, planning, a making log, consideration of health & safety and quality control checks etc. For the exceptional level to be given this all needs to be done to a standard that would compare to the work of a high grade GCSE student.

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