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AfL – A pupil perspective Presented by Sean, Lucy, Najeeb and Nayaab PORTSWOOD PRIMARY SCHOOL PRIDE PASSION SUCCESS.

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Presentation on theme: "AfL – A pupil perspective Presented by Sean, Lucy, Najeeb and Nayaab PORTSWOOD PRIMARY SCHOOL PRIDE PASSION SUCCESS."— Presentation transcript:

1 AfL – A pupil perspective Presented by Sean, Lucy, Najeeb and Nayaab PORTSWOOD PRIMARY SCHOOL PRIDE PASSION SUCCESS

2 Our School We would like to talk about AfL from our point of view We would like to talk about AfL from our point of view Everyday we use AfL and our teachers try to get us to use a different strategies in each lesson. Everyday we use AfL and our teachers try to get us to use a different strategies in each lesson. Using a variety of strategies helps us see our mistakes, and what we do well, in different lessons so we can work on them and get better. Using a variety of strategies helps us see our mistakes, and what we do well, in different lessons so we can work on them and get better.

3 Learning Objectives We need to know what we are learning We need to know what we are learning A picture in our minds of what might come up A picture in our minds of what might come up LOA Learning objective achieved LOA Learning objective achieved

4 Success Criteria Having the SC in front of you helps to focus Having the SC in front of you helps to focus Tick it off as you go along Tick it off as you go along Look at it and see if you have used/done it Look at it and see if you have used/done it Don’t have to go to the teacher all of the time Don’t have to go to the teacher all of the time Teacher gives some SC and we choose the rest Teacher gives some SC and we choose the rest

5 Success Criteria GREEN AMBER RED I know what symmetry means I can say if a shape is symmetrical I can draw lines of symmetry I can complete patterns with 2 lines of symmetry Examples

6 Learning Objective: I am learning to Add Context: partition and recombine numbers. 1. I can say how many tens and units there are in a number. 2. I can partition the tens to make a sum. 3. I can partition the units to make a sum. 4. I can solve the two sums created. Extension: 5. I can recombine the two answers. Challenge: 6. I can partition and recombine using hundreds, tens and units

7 To understand a historical event (Context: Break from Rome) I can explain reasons for an event I can explain the main characters involved in an event I can empathise with historical characters I can explain the significance of an event (outcome)

8 SC Example My Level 4c writing checklist 1.When I write I need to check the Success Criteria for that day 2.Then I need to remember my targets I am writing so well these days that most of my targets are at level 4. Here is my little grid to remind me of the main things I need to do. I can use one of these for different pieces of writing if I want to. What I need to do How I did Writing organised well (sections, paragraphs, etc) Detailed coverage (writing enough about each bit) Simple and complex sentences organised into paragraphs Varied connectives (otherwise, even though) Use clauses (The boy, known as Milo, was always chatting) Handwriting consistent and fluent

9 Assessing our own learning Use of highlighters See what you have done well See what you have done well See the gaps See the gapsTargets Write in your book Write in your book Can be a question for you to answer Can be a question for you to answer Not annoying because you get the positive Not annoying because you get the positive

10 Assessing a friend You can’t always see your own mistakes – particularly in writing You can’t always see your own mistakes – particularly in writing Get ideas from other people – combine them - leads to a better piece of work Get ideas from other people – combine them - leads to a better piece of work Can link to targets Can link to targets Read out work and everyone can check if they have met the SC Read out work and everyone can check if they have met the SC

11 Freaky Friday A chance to go over the things we have learned during the week A chance to go over the things we have learned during the week Fun to choose Fun to choose Either one in depth or all of them to revise it Either one in depth or all of them to revise it Can be done with a partner or in groups Can be done with a partner or in groups We made board and card games to make learning more fun We made board and card games to make learning more fun

12 Workshop If you or a group do not understand the teacher will help you (Pupil voice) If you or a group do not understand the teacher will help you (Pupil voice) When you have understood it you can work independently When you have understood it you can work independently Decimals are really hard! More chances to go over things, as we go over them we understand more Decimals are really hard! More chances to go over things, as we go over them we understand more We can trust the teacher and they trust us We can trust the teacher and they trust us If you don’t understand you don’t have to hide because you know you will get help If you don’t understand you don’t have to hide because you know you will get help Homework workshops if you don’t understand Homework workshops if you don’t understand

13 TASC Wheel Thinking actively in a social context Thinking actively in a social context Problem solving together – but we decide what and how Problem solving together – but we decide what and how Investigate as a group Investigate as a group For example, one week on number, one week on shape, etc example For example, one week on number, one week on shape, etc example Used N-Rich for ideas Used N-Rich for ideas Includes the evaluate section Includes the evaluate section Makes us apply our learning Makes us apply our learning

14 More Choices Sometimes we know the best way to show our learning Sometimes we know the best way to show our learning Make the choice about how to show learning e.g. board games, presentations = pupil choice Make the choice about how to show learning e.g. board games, presentations = pupil choice Create own questions e.g. for maths revision we had the four operations and we set questions for each other including real life context Create own questions e.g. for maths revision we had the four operations and we set questions for each other including real life context

15 Najeeb will assess you now Write a question for a friend that includes: Addition Addition Multiplication Multiplication The use of brackets, and The use of brackets, and Is a real life money problem Is a real life money problem

16 Learning logs School council decided a better way to homework would be to use learning logs School council decided a better way to homework would be to use learning logs For homework we can show our learning however we want to For homework we can show our learning however we want to One question and you have to present it on one page One question and you have to present it on one page Encourages us to think more Encourages us to think more Based on how you learn things Based on how you learn things “They let you use your imagination and express yourself”

17 Summary AfL allows us to be involved in our learning AfL allows us to be involved in our learning We need to think about what we learn but also how we learn We need to think about what we learn but also how we learn We have to make decisions about our learning We have to make decisions about our learning We are in charge! We are in charge!

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