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CAUSES OF REVOLUTION U.S. History October 7 / 8, 2014.

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1 CAUSES OF REVOLUTION U.S. History October 7 / 8, 2014

2 CAUSES OF REVOLUTION Objective: Students will be able to analyze the cause and consequences of British control on the colonies by examining the actions and reactions through an interactive journal. Purpose: To construct an interactive journal to help you in your studies and develop skills in order to see how everything, no matter what, has a cause and effect. Standard: 1.3 – Students will summarize the American Revolution and post-revolutionary outcomes as they apply to the 20th century by utilizing one of the big 11 social studies skills. Historical Thinking Skill: Cause & Consequence (Actions & Reactions)

3 WARM-UP: CNN STUDENT NEWS TIME LIMIT: 10 MINUTES Write down facts as you watch the video. 1 point = 1 correctly written fact. I need to see at least (a minimum of) 5 facts. More facts may earn additional extra-credit points. Example: The Sky = This is NOT a fact. The Sky is Blue = This IS a fact.


5 ACTIONS & REACTIONS British Actions: Britain Declares War on France beginning the French & Indian War. British Troops defeat the French. King George III issues the Proclamation of 1763. Tea Act. Colonial Reactions: Native Americans use guerilla warfare tactics to help the French. British settlers begin mining in the valleys of Western, PA. Land Developers settling west ignored the land claims of natives, France, and Spain. Boston Tea Party. Summaries – Underneath Tabs: As the French Empire grew, Britain fought them (many wars) over Land. Britain gains land in Louisiana, Florida, & Canada. Colonial boundaries extend past the Appalachian Mountains. Heavy tax on American imported tea. Summaries – Underneath Tabs: Native Americans taught French because they were less of a threat to their way of life. Treaty of Paris gave Britain all land between Appalachian Mountains and Mississippi River. Undermined King’s (Britain) authority making it seem he was losing control in colonies.

6 RELATIONS WITH BRITAIN Sugar Act: Placed taxes on imports. Colonial Reaction : Colonists tried in a vice-admiralty court rather than a colonial court Stamp Act: A tax requiring colonists to purchase special stamps to prove payment of tax. Colonial Reaction: “No Taxation without representation”. Townsend Act: Taxes colonial imports and puts troops at major colonial ports to protect officers. Colonial Reaction: Boycotts on imported goods. BRITISH RESPONSE TO THE BOSTON TEA PARTY Coercive Acts King George III tightens control over Massachusetts by closing Boston harbor and quartering troops. Intolerable to British Colonies Same as Coercive Acts Quebec Act Passed by parliament of Great Britain on June 22, 1774. Quebec act designed to extend boundaries of Quebec and guaranteed religious freedom to catholic Canadians.

7 ACTIVITY: LECTURE / DISCUSSION CAUSES OF REVOLUTION [CONT.] Britain’s Financial Problems. Heavy Debts and Taxes. Ignored interests of the colonies. The Sugar & Quartering Acts. Sugar Act: Raise more income from the colonies. Tax would encourage Americans to buy imported molasses and pay the tax rather than risk smuggling (illegally imported molasses). REGULATIONS. “No Taxation Without Representation.” Quartering Act: After the French & Indian War, Britain maintained an army in the colonies. Required colonists to house and provision soldiers.

8 ACTIVITY: LECTURE / DISCUSSION CAUSES OF REVOLUTION [CONT.] The Stamp Act. Taxed legal and commercial documents and printed matter. Boycott. Refusing to buy certain products or use services from a company or country. The Sons of Liberty. The Townsend Acts. British Parliament placed duties on imported goods (lead, paper, paint, glass & tea). Money collected would be used for “the support of civil government”. i.e. British troops

9 ACTIVITY: LECTURE / DISCUSSION CAUSES OF REVOLUTION [CONT.] The Tea Act & The Boston Tea Party. Tea Act: Created to save the ailing East India Company. Allowed the company to sell its surplus tea in the American colonies. Drove American tea merchants out of business. Boston Tea Party: Protest – Colonists disguised as Indians boarded 3 tea ships in Boston and dumped tea overboard. The Intolerable Acts. AKA: Coercive Acts. Closed Boston harbor until Boston paid for the tea destroyed at the Boston Tea Party. First Continental Congress. Gathering of 56 delegates. Measures: Continue Boycotts. Call for Militias.

10 INTERACTIVE NOTEBOOK: ACTIONS & REACTIONS You will have the opportunity to create an interactive journal to help you in your studies. Show the Actions of the British and the Reactions of the Colonists. Use Pages 109-116. 1. Cut out sections. 2. Glue / Paste into notebook. 3. Fill in a short summary for each / Give a reason why. This is to be finished by the end of class. Cut Out Sections Glue into Notebook Give a reason why / summary

11 CLOSURE: SECTION 2 ASSESSMENT: Answer Questions 2, 3, and 4 on page 116. Write in your journal / binder / notebook. Finished work will be counted as 10 points extra-credit.

12 EXIT SLIP: Give 3 reasons for rebellion.

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