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Circulatory System Health Mr. Gross Right Pulmonary Artery Superior Vena Cava Aorta Right Pulmonary Vein Right Atrium Tricuspid Inferior Vena Cava Pulmonary.

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2 Circulatory System Health Mr. Gross

3 Right Pulmonary Artery Superior Vena Cava Aorta Right Pulmonary Vein Right Atrium Tricuspid Inferior Vena Cava Pulmonary Valve Aortic Valve Left Pulmonary Artery Right Ventricle Left Pulmonary Vein Left Atrium Mitral Valve Left Ventricle

4 Heart Fist sized bag consisting of two pumps One for pulmonary One for systemic

5 Blood Vessels 90,000 Miles of blood vessels networked together to make up the circulatory system

6 Function of the Circulatory System Maintain an internal environment Nourish all of the cells of the body

7 Heart Special type of muscle myocardium

8 Pulmonary Heart System Left Side Receives oxygen rich blood from the lungs Pumps oxygen rich blood to the body Oxygen is passed to body tissue and blood returns to the heart Systemic System Lungs Right Lung Left Lung

9 Systemic System of the Heart Right Side Receives oxygen deficient blood into the hearts atrium Right Atrium is known as the hearts pacemaker Passes to the ventricle Heart pumps the blood to the lungs Blood returns to the left side of the heart

10 One-way Valves Located at the exit of each chamber Guarantees that blood flows in one direction Prevents what is known as backflow

11 Right Atrium SA Node is the hearts pacemaker The Synarthrodial node controls the heart rate

12 Blood Delivers oxygen, hormones, and nutrients to the cells and caries away waste product Red blood cells contain hemoglobin rich in iron for oxygen to attach too YouTube - Oxygen Transport Plasma is 92% water, it also contains salts, proteins,red blood cells, white blood cells and plateletsYouTube - How the Body Works : Blood ClottingYouTube - How the Body Works : Blood Clotting Platelets the bloods clotting system

13 White Blood cells Protect against and fights infection Form antibodies making you immune to the infection Production increases when there is an infection in the body

14 Major groups of vessels in the body Arteries Veins Capillaries

15 Blood vessels Arteries Arterioles Capillaries Veinules veins

16 Coronary vessels vessels Supply the myocardium with oxygen rich blood These vessels branch directly from the aorta 6vv74 6vv74 YouTube - PreOp® Coronary Artery Bypass CABG) Patient Education YouTube - PreOp® Coronary Artery Bypass CABG) Patient Education

17 Blood Pressure The force of blood being applied to the main arteries measured in mm of mercury Systolic (top Number) is arterial pressure at it’s highest point Diastolic (bottom Number) measures the pressure on the arterial walls at its lowest or resting point

18 Arteriosclerosis Plaque build up in the arteries Treatment of angioplasty or stint 4RExk&feature=endscreen&NR=1 4RExk&feature=endscreen&NR=1

19 Lymphatic and Respiratory Systems Work to maintain fluid balance and fight infection White blood cells make you immune to certain diseases: chicken pox, mumps, and measles.

20 Lymphatic System Drains tissue fluid back into the bloodstream Fights infections Movement of the muscles helps circulate the lymph fluid (proteins, fats and white blood cells)

21 B Cells Enlarge and multiply produce antibodies that destroy invading pathogens

22 T Cells Attach to abnormal cells and emit toxins through a needle like projection to kill abnormal cells

23 Circulatory Conditions Anemia- iron deficiency in a diet. Congenital Heart Disease- hole in the chamber of the heart, malfunction of valves. Heart Murmur- malfunctioning valve Leukemia- prevents bone marrow from producing red blood platelets and white blood cells. Hemophilia- blood is slow to clot. Varicose Veins- swollen and enlarged veins.

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