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The Body Systems Health II Chapter 15 Pg. 406.

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1 The Body Systems Health II Chapter 15 Pg. 406

2 The Systems Cardiovascular This system moves blood through the body
Lymphatic While this system circulates lymph throughout the body

3 Cardiovascular System
3 Main Functions: Provides Nutrients & Oxygen Carries Away Waste Helps Fight Disease 3 Main Components: Heart Blood Blood Vessels

4 Tricuspid, Pulmonary, Aortic, & Mitral Ventricle (p. Ventricles)-
Valves- The heart has 4 valves which act as doors to allow blood to flow through the heart but not back. Tricuspid, Pulmonary, Aortic, & Mitral Heart - The heart is a muscular organ about the size of a closed fist that functions as the body’s circulatory pump Atrium (p. Atria)- Left and right upper chambers act as rooms during the action of the heart Cardiac Muscle- Cardiac muscle is an extremely specialized form of muscle tissue that has evolved to pump blood throughout the body. Cardiac muscle is only found in the heart and makes up the majority of the heart’s mass. The heart beats powerfully and continuously throughout an entire lifetime without any rest, so cardiac muscle has evolved to have incredibly high contractile strength and endurance. Ventricle (p. Ventricles)- Left and right lower chambers act as rooms during the action of the heart Septum- Muscular wall dividing the upper and lower chambers


6 What is the purpose of the pacemaker?
To send electrical impulses stimulate the atria to contract, forcing blood into the ventricles. The impulses travel through the heart to an area between the ventricles. There they stimulate the muscles of the ventricles to contract, pumping blood out of the heart. What happens if your “Natural Pacemaker” does not function normally or stops working?

7 Blood Plasma- Red Blood Cells- White Blood Cells- Platelets-
Blood Types:

8 Artery (blood vessel)- carry
OXYGENATED blood AWAY from the heart Vein (blood vessel)- which brings DEOXYGENATED blood TOWARDS the heart Heart (muscle)- The heart is a muscular organ about the size of a closed fist that functions as the body’s circulatory pump Capillaries (blood vessel)- Capillaries are the smallest of the blood vessels and serve as the connection between the arteries and veins of the cardiac system

9 Lymphatic System FIGHT
Read chapter 15 page regarding the Lymphatic System, then answer the questions below. The lymphatic system helps ______________ infection and provides immunity to disease. How are the cardiovascular and lymphatic systems similar? How are they different? What moves lymph through lymph vessels? FIGHT Both systems are a network of vessels that carry liquid. The lymphatic system carries lymph, does not have a pump, and helps fight infections. While the cardiovascular system carries includes the heart as a pump, carries blood through its vessels, and provides cells with oxygen and nutrients. Lymph is moved by the contraction of both the smooth muscles lining the wall of lymph vessels and the surrounding skeletal muscles.

10 Vocabulary Pulmonary Circulation- Plasma- Hemoglobin- Platelets-
Arteries- Capillaries- Veins- Lymph- Pathogen- Is the process by which blood moves between the heart and the lungs The fluid in which other parts of the blood are suspended The oxygen carrying protein in blood Types of cells in the blood that cause blood clots to form Blood vessels that carry oxygenated blood away from the heart Small vessels that carry blood from arterioles and to venules which empty into veins Blood vessels that return blood to the heart Clear fluid that fills the spaces around the body cells A microorganism that causes disease


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