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Group 3 1.Đỗ Ngọc Quỳnh Chi 2.Hồ Thị Phương Nam 3.Phạm Ngọc Thảo.

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Presentation on theme: "Group 3 1.Đỗ Ngọc Quỳnh Chi 2.Hồ Thị Phương Nam 3.Phạm Ngọc Thảo."— Presentation transcript:

1 Group 3 1.Đỗ Ngọc Quỳnh Chi 2.Hồ Thị Phương Nam 3.Phạm Ngọc Thảo

2 Definition of AssimilationCharacteristics of AssimilationTypes of Assimilation

3 An assimilation  “ assimilates one segment to another by ‘ copying ’ or ‘ spreading ’ a feature of a sequential phoneme on to its neighboring segment, thus making the two phones more similar … There is a tendency when we speak to increase the ease of articulation, that is, to make it easier to move the articulators. ” [Fromkin & Rodman, 1993: 224]

4 Ex. The /n/ in one will become / ŋ / before cup: one cup /w ʌ n k ʌ p/  /w ʌ ŋ k ʌ p/

5 varies according to speaking rate and style found in rapid, casual speech affects consonants most often

6 --------------C f C i -------------- progressive regressive (Ex: get them /t/ /ð/ get ðəm  [get təm] (Ex: that side /t/  /s/ ðæt sa ɪ d  [ðæs sa ɪ d]

7 --------------C f C i -------------- coalescence Ex. want you /'w ɒ nt ju:/  /'w ɒ nt ʃ ju:/ or / 'w ɒ nt ʃə / /t/ - alveolar plosive sound /j/ - palatal sound  They are palatalized to become palato- alveolar affricative sound /t ʃ /

8 - Nasalize pure vowels before nasal stops. Ex. singer [‘s ɪ ŋə], simmer [‘s ɪ mə] - Devoiced nasal stops, liquids and glides after initial voiceless consonants Ex. Snow [snə ʊ ], twin [t h w ɪ n]

9 - Nasal C before Plosive C/Fricative C  the place of articulation of nasal C have is determined by the place of articulation of the following C. Ex. bump [b ʌ mp], bank [bæŋk] (bilabial) (velar)

10 -Apply homorganic constraints Ex. before velars [ ɪ ŋ] (incomplete,inglorious) -Assimilation of voice:  ‘-s’ suffix Ex. Cats /kæts/, dogs /d ɒ gz/  Past tense/past participle of regular verbs “-ed” Ex. checked /t ʃ ekt/, listened /‘l ɪ snd/

11 Word boundaries Place of articulation Manner of articulation VoicingPalatalization

12 Alveolar C  non-alveolar C Regressive Place of articulation Difficult C  easier C Plosive C  fricative / nasal C Regressive/progressive Manner of articulation Voiced  Voiceless Voiceless  Voiced (avoided) Voicing Special case of Manner Assimilation Sounds are Palatalized Palatalization

13 * /t/  /p/ sweet potato [swi:p p ə ’ te I t ə ʊ ] * /n/  /m/ can’t believe [kəm bə’li:v] * /t/  /s/ that side [ðæs saɪd] * /d/ /ð/ read these [ri:ddi:z]

14 * Voiced  Voiceless * /d/  /t/ good toys [ g ut tɔɪz] * Alveolar plosive + Palatal C = Palato- alveolar affricate / fricative * need your /ni:d jɔ:(r)/  [ni:dʒɔ:(r)]

15 Implications for teaching Assimilation -Assimilation is a natural phenomenon, not very useful from the point of view of learning and teaching English * Exception: -Assimilation in voicing in which C f becomes voiced should be avoided -Palatalization should be taught explicitly to Students

16 Mini-teaching (Palatalization) Presentation Acquiring the Rules Production

17 Palatalization /d/ /dʒ/ /t/ /tʃ/ /s//ʃ/ /z//ʒ/ /ts/ /tʃ/ /dz//dʒ/

18 Did you tell him what you saw? 1.Palatalization: /d/ + /j/  /dʒ/ (Did you) 2.Schwa /ə/: /dʒə/ 3.Deletion + schwa: /hɪm/  /əm/ 4.Palatalization: /t/ + /j/  /tʃ/ (what you) 5.Schwa /ə/: /tʃə/  [dɪdʒə tel əm watʃə sɔ:]

19 Task 1 Aim: help students to acquire and remember the rules of palatalization Instruction: Students have to find the way through a maze following the rule

20 miss you Would youKiss you Beat you And you Loved you Nice yacht Need you Won’t you That year Kicked you Resist you What’s your name Bad year Second year Pursued your dream About you Phoned your parents Shoot you Not yet Says yes Hate you Heard you Want you This year Close your book Watched your play Hold you Look at you Nice yellow hat Combed your hair Need your love At your age Meet your friend This university Miss universe

21 /d/ /d ʒ / /dz/ /d ʒ / /t/ /t ʃ / /ts/ /t ʃ / /s/ / ʃ / /z/ / ʒ / + /j/  turn left  turn right  go straight ahead

22 miss you Would you Kiss you Beat you And you Loved you Nice yacht Need you Won’t you That year Kicked you Resist you What’s your name Bad year Second year Pursued your dream About you Phoned your parents Shoot you Not yet Says yes Hate you Heard you Want you This year Close your book Watched your play Hold you Look at you Nice yellow hat Combed your hair Need your love At your age Meet your friend This university Miss universe

23 Find your twins (production) Structure focus: 1.What did you do? 2.When did you do it? 3.Where did you do it?

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