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MEMORY PhDr. Eva Tomešová, PhD. 26 th October 2007.

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Presentation on theme: "MEMORY PhDr. Eva Tomešová, PhD. 26 th October 2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 MEMORY PhDr. Eva Tomešová, PhD. 26 th October 2007

2 Learning and memory  Learning: the process of aquiring new info or skills  Memory: the retention of what you have learned as well as its retrieval for future reference to use

3 Types of memory  sensory memory  short term memory  long term memory

4 7 I V F X L 5 3 B 4 W 7

5 Sensory memory  the momentary lingering of sensory information after a stimulus has been removed  capacity is large (about 20 items)  sensory storage system  used to start the process of identifying stimuli, of giving meaning to them eidetic images


7 Short term or working memory  contents of our conscious awareness  20 s, limited amount of info  selective attention cocktail party phenomenon  encoding effortful automatic



10 Short term, active storage  rehearsal  7 (+;-2)  chunking information  1 4 9 1 6 2 5 3 6 4 9 6 4 8 1 1 0 0 1 2 1 1 4 4  1 2 2 2

11 Long-term memory  can store things indefinitely without active effort  procedural memory  semantic memory  episodic memory

12 Long term storage  memories are not stored in one location – pattern of activation across a large group of neurons  rehearsal!!!  shallow processing - maintenance rehearsal  deep processing - elaborative rehearsal

13 Retrieval from long term memory  recognition  recall retrieval cues tip-of-the-tongue phenomenon fixation on wrong answer

14 Long-term memory performance  mnemonic devices Method of loci Peg word method  use of visual imagery  reconstructing context and mood

15 General strategies  learn and comprehend rather than practice in rote fashion  match context at learning with context of retrieval  few seconds of deliberate encoding help  emotional arousal  use of retrieval cues  frequent short learning is better than long learning trial  store your memories in more than one way

16 Long-term memory distortions  schemas, expectations, inferences

17 Memory assessment  Digit-span tests of short-term memory  memory subtest of Amthauer’s Intelligence Structure Test  Rey-Osterrieth’s komplex figure level of perception activity, visuo-motor control and attention, visual memory

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