RGB Kindergarten Meet Your Teacher Thursday, July 19, 2012 4:00-6:00 p.m. Room 1.

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Presentation on theme: "RGB Kindergarten Meet Your Teacher Thursday, July 19, 2012 4:00-6:00 p.m. Room 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 RGB Kindergarten Meet Your Teacher Thursday, July 19, 2012 4:00-6:00 p.m. Room 1

2 School Hours Kinder Hours: 8:30am-3:00pm Tardy at 8:35am All tardy students must sign in at the office first. Students not picked up at 3:15pm will be taken to the office.

3 Early Checkout Stop in office and sign out child. Do not come directly to classroom. Office will call classroom to send child up.

4 Attendance Kinder is hands on – attendance is crucial! Call the attendance line by 9am if your child will be absent (883-4003) Use scheduled breaks for family vacations: –Oct. 1-16 –Dec. 21-Jan. 7 –Mar. 11-25

5 Transportation Send a written note to inform me of any changes to your child’s transportation. Call the office and they will get a message to me for last minute changes. Changes will not be made without a note or phone call.

6 Dress Code Check district handbook for details. No spaghetti straps, bare midriffs, t- shirts with inappropriate slogans/logos. Flip flops discouraged for safety reasons. Pack an extra pair of shoes in case flip flops break. Girls encouraged to wear shorts under skirts.

7 Lunch 11:10-11:55am Students may bring a lunch or buy a lunch from the café. Set up, manage and fund lunch accounts online at https://www.mylunchmoney.com https://www.mylunchmoney.com Check in at the office to take your child out to lunch or eat with them.

8 Specials Day 1– P.E. (wear tennis shoes) Day 2 – Library (return your book Day 3 –Computer Lab Day 4 – Music

9 Parent Teacher Conferences August 28 & 29 February 12 & 13 *These are early release days. Students are dismissed at 11:40a.m.

10 Homework Folders We will provide the folder. Folders go home on Mondays with newsletter, homework, office papers, etc. Homework is due back on Thursday of the same week.

11 Birthdays Treats are welcome. Please notify teacher in advance. Must be store bought. Must be easy to distribute-no sheet cakes please. (cupcakes, cookies, etc.)

12 Field Trips/Tax Credit Potentially one field trip per semester. Limited number of parent volunteers welcome per trip. Trips are funded ONLY through tax credit donations. Without these funds we can’t go. Please consider giving. Donate online at www.cusd80.com. Click on the “Parents and Students” tab and choose “Tax Credit Donations”.www.cusd80.com

13 Volunteer Opportunities Classroom volunteers- copies, read with students, special in-class projects, etc. Supply donations – support your child’s class from home by donating needed supplies. See the teacher for ideas. Art Masterpiece – monthly art lesson. Training, lesson plans and supplies provided. Junior Achievement – 5 weekly lessons on economics. Training, lesson plans and supplies provided.

14 Kindergarten Curriculum Online Chandler District Website –http://www.cusd80.comhttp://www.cusd80.com –“Curriculum” –“Curriculum” (again) –Choose subject area (i.e. Language Arts)

15 Kindergarten Curriculum Online Arizona Dept. of Education Website –http://www.ade.state.az.us/http://www.ade.state.az.us/ –“Standards & Assessment” –Choose the standard you want to view

16 Handy Contact Info E-mail: angell.jennifer@cusd80.comangell.jennifer@cusd80.com Voice Mail: 883-4031 Attendance line: 883-4003 Office: 883-4000 Class homepage: http://www.cusd80.comhttp://www.cusd80.com Select ~“Bologna” ~“Teacher” ~“Jennifer Angell”

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