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Piagets Stages of Cognitive Development

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Presentation on theme: "Piagets Stages of Cognitive Development"— Presentation transcript:

1 Piagets Stages of Cognitive Development
How do we develop mentally?

2 Sensorimotor Stage (birth – 2 yrs old)
Info is gained through the senses and motor actions

3 Object Permanence The understanding that objects exist independent of one’s actions or perceptions of them

4 Preoperational Stage (2-7 years)
Emergence of symbolic thought Egocentrism- “ Does your sister have a sister” Lack the concept of conservation These are speaker notes

5 Conservation Tasks

6 Concrete Operational Stage (7-12 years)
Can Conserve Mass, Weight and Numbers Classification and categorization Less egocentric Inability to reason abstractly or hypothetically

7 Formal Operational Stage (age 12 - adulthood)
Hypothetical-deductive reasoning Pendulum Problem Adolescent egocentrism illustrated by the phenomenon of personal fable and imaginary audience

8 Personal Fable…. “Nobody understands me."
"My parents just don't know what I'm going through-- what do they know about what it's like being a teenager?" "You just don't know how it feels." "I just got dumped by the girl I love, and nobody could ever experience the crushing sadness I'm going through."

9 Imaginary Audience… On Stage feeling in Adolescence

10 Critique of Piaget’s Theory
Underestimates children’s abilities Underestimates the role of the social environment Lack of evidence for qualitatively different stages

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