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BUSINESS COMMUNICATIONS Level I. OBJECTIVE Be able to define communications.

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Presentation on theme: "BUSINESS COMMUNICATIONS Level I. OBJECTIVE Be able to define communications."— Presentation transcript:


2 OBJECTIVE Be able to define communications

3 Communications The transmitting and receiving of information: –Information - The Message –Transmitting - Sending –Receiving - Getting

4 The Communications Model

5 A. The Sender B. The Message C. The Receiver D. Feedback E. The Environment F. Blocks

6 The Communications Model On-the-Job A. The Sender: - The Boss, Customers, Employees, Vendors, The Community, etc. - Verbal, Written, Body Language, Facial, Electronic

7 The Communications Model On-the-Job A. The Sender: B. The Message - The Boss - Orders, Evaluations, Goals, Tasks, Successes /Failures, - Customers - Wants/Needs, Ideas, Are They Satisfied? - Employees - Problems, Ideas, Store Image, Policies, Customer Reactions

8 The Communications Model On-the-Job A. The Sender: B. The Message - Vendors - Products Available, Prices, Ideas, Market Research Results, etc. - Community - Wants/Needs, Image of Store

9 The Communications Model On-the-Job C. The Receiver: - The Boss, Customers, Employees, Vendors, The Community, etc. - Verbal, Written, Body Language, Facial, Electronic

10 The Communications Model On-the-Job D.) Feedback –Sales –Profits –Market Research –Work Evaluations –Employee Satisfaction?

11 The Communications Model On-the-Job E.) The Environment –Store –Office –Job Site –Media –Electronics

12 The Communications Model On-the-Job F.) Blocks & Distractions –Competition –Poor Attitudes –Poor Decision Making –Bias or Assumptions –Poor Grammar/Word Usage/Spelling

13 OBJECTIVE Be able to describe how you can use the “Five C’s of Good Communication”

14 Concise Complete Courtesy Correct Clear

15 OBJECTIVE Be able to prepare and present a speech

16 Terminology Poise Volume Rate Pitch Eye Contact Facial Expressions Gestures

17 Terminology Posture Vocal Pauses Fluency Distracting Mannerisms Conviction Articulation Pronunciation Familiarity

18 Terminology Introduction Organization Need Satisfaction Visualization Reasoning Appropriateness Persuasive

19 Preparing and Presenting a Speech A.) Purpose: –to attract attention –to clarify a problem –to entertain –to inform –to sell an idea!!! (Or Product)

20 Preparing and Presenting a Speech B.) Introductions: –Refer to subject –Refer to an occasion –Personal greeting –Rhetorical question –Startling Statement –Quotation

21 Preparing and Presenting a Speech C.) Introductions: –Humorous Anecdote –Illustration –Demonstration –Benefits –Combination Approach

22 Preparing and Presenting a Speech D.) State Proposition (goal of your presentation): –“I've been asked to...” –“I've got an idea to...” –“This is what you want to do!” –“so that is your problem; to solve it, we need to..”

23 Preparing and Presenting a Speech E.) Arrangements: –Time lines –Spatial –Cause & effect –Problem / Solution –Feature / Benefit

24 Preparing and Presenting a Speech F.) Supporting Material: –Explanations –Comparisons –Illustrations –Statistics –Testimonials

25 Preparing and Presenting a Speech F.) Supporting Material: –Visual Aids –Descriptions –Narrative (Story) –Combinations

26 Preparing and Presenting a Speech G.) Conclusion: –To summarize –To appeal for action –to present a challenge –Offer an inducement –Combination

27 OBJECTIVE Be able to introduce yourself & others in a businesslike manner

28 Introductions A.) When: –Promptly –When you are the only one who knows everyone

29 Introductions B.) How: –State your 1st and last name & some connecting information about yourself or the person you are introducing

30 Introductions C.) Guidelines: –Use first names only w/ permission –Introduce older people and people with higher positions first (Identify the position)

31 Introductions C.) Guidelines (cont.): –Always introduce customers first –Use proper titles –Know how to shake hands in a businesslike manner!!!

32 Shaking Hands in Business C.) Guidelines: FirmnessDepth DrynessLength Eye Contact

33 OBJECTIVE Be able to use the telephone in a businesslike manner

34 Using the Telephone in a Businesslike Manner A.) Voice Traits –Alertness –Expressive –Natural –Pleasantness –Distinctiveness

35 Using the Telephone in a Businesslike Manner B.) Placing a Call –Plan your call & organize all your necessary information before you place the call – Check the phone number – Call @ the right time

36 Using the Telephone in a Businesslike Manner B.) Placing a Call – When the party answers, state your name, your company, & the reason for your call – Wait at least ten rings –Avoid personal calls!!! ( The phone is a business tool)

37 Using the Telephone in a Businesslike Manner B.) Answering a Call – Use a pleasant greeting, identify yourself, and your company – Use the caller’s name – Listen actively –Avoid the “hold”button Offer an alternative!

38 Using the Telephone in a Businesslike Manner B.) Answering a Call – Allow the caller to terminate the call

39 Message Taking

40 Active Listening

41 Actions Speak Louder Than Words Dependability Interest/Enthusiasm Industrious Adaptability Honesty/Integrity Initiative Loyalty Creativity Positive Attitude Self-Control Self-Confidence Empathy Assertiveness Leadership Cooperation Orderliness

42 Actions Speak Louder Than Words

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