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Marketing to Grow Your Business – Social Media. Social Media 101 | Overview of the Overwhelming World of Social Media.

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Presentation on theme: "Marketing to Grow Your Business – Social Media. Social Media 101 | Overview of the Overwhelming World of Social Media."— Presentation transcript:

1 Marketing to Grow Your Business – Social Media

2 Social Media 101 | Overview of the Overwhelming World of Social Media

3 Social networking for personal use and business purposes where users post photos, text and videos on their “wall” or a “friend’s wall.” Users send and read text-based messages known as “Tweets” of up to 140 characters. Most commonly used between friends and celebrities. An online resume database used for networking with business contacts, for businesses seeking employees or individuals looking for employment. Social photo sharing website which allows users to “Pin” photos from websites in theme based image collections, often for inspirational purposes. Video sharing website used by individuals and businesses. Allows users to publish video content and share it via a link or embedded on their website. Social media website for real estate and mortgage professionals to post profiles and communicate with each other for business purposes. Blogging allows users to publish personalized content on their own website regarding whatever topic of their choosing. Social Media 101


5 Free! Networking with like-minded organizations Networking with potential vendors Recruiting potential Executives Online exposure for added brand recognition with clients Shows your business is forward-thinking and in touch with the latest in technology initiatives Why Spend Time on Social Media

6 Pick a number of fans you’d like to acquire Schedule time out of your day to make it happen – 10-15 minutes a day will give you a presence that will: Strengthen your brand Attract customers to your business Evaluate what competitors are doing in your market (what works, what doesn’t) and leverage that for your posts Create a social media calendar to automate the process Designate ONE person to manage everything Set Goals for your Social Media Campaign

7 Post consistently (follow your social media calendar) Develop a unified voice or personality for your business – One voice=one social media manager Brand uniformity across all platforms – Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, etc. – Design aesthetics should carry through each social media page (same brand, same message) Mass exposure – Provide links to your social media accounts on your website, business cards, etc. (Microsoft Tags) Things to Keep in Mind Across the Board

8 Facebook


10 Demographics: – Almost even male to female ratio – 65% of Facebook users are 35 or older – The average Facebook user is 40.5 years old Facebook Cont.

11 Hot Topics – Leverage holidays – Take the news and make it relevant to your real estate market – Giveaways- Partner with locally owned companies – Community- Reach out to your local audience by highlighting what’s going on in your neighborhood For Executives – Open listings with photos and videos – Sold homes to show your success rate – Realty Executives events to show the support you receive from your franchise For Brokers – Corporate culture (what’s happening in your office with your Executives) – Philanthropy- Show your audience how much you care – “Caption this” Facebook Cont.

12 Keywords: – Like – Timeline – Wall (Page) – Profile Picture – Newsfeed – Ads – Groups – Events Facebook Cont.

13 Twitter


15 Demographics: – Almost equal male to female ratio – 55% of Twitter users are 35 or older – The average Twitter user is 37.3 years old Twitter

16 Hot topics: – Bite sized pieces of information in one stream of thought. Think conferences, conventions… live reports during real-time events – You can post pictures (TwitPics) but text is predominant – Be sure to keep personal opinions from ruining your company’s reputation (back to having one social media manager) Twitter

17 Customer Service: – Some companies are tagging complaints and comments made on Twitter about their brand and sending their customer service teams in to pick up the pieces – Keep an eye out for how your company’s name is used Twitter

18 Keywords: – #Hashtags – Tweets – Followers – Favorites – Trends – TwitPics Twitter

19 Pinterest


21 To understand Pinterest you first have to understand the audience Demographics: – 79% Female while only 21% Male Make posts accordingly – 63% of Pinterest users are 35 or older The Huffington Post recorded the 15 most popular Pins of all time and all but three were recipes Pinterest

22 You can peruse the sight by category Visual social media site- MUST have a compelling visual element Stay away from the “corporate mentality” here. More artistic. Provide insightful and appealing boards and Pins for your audience Think about the “home” aspect of real estate when using Pinterest for your business Pinterest

23 Keywords: – Pins – Repins – Pinit – Boards – Followers – Likes Pinterest

24 LinkedIn


26 Demographics: – 79% of LinkedIn users are 35 or older – LinkedIn has the oldest user-base, with the average user being 44.2 years old LinkedIn

27 Group Page/Company Page/Personal Page Must have your own account to manage Company Page Great place to recruit new Executives Post open positions at your office, when users respond you can first evaluate by viewing their profiles Ask clients/peers to provide recommendations Types of Posts – Make sure posts are business-related – Use as a forum for professional questions/feedback – Less personal, more corporate environment LinkedIn

28 Keywords Connections Recommendations Groups Pages Companies Jobs Contacts Invitations LinkedIn

29 Sign up at the following URLs… – – – – – – Action Items

30 Visit and connect with us via our social media See you online! Follow us on Social Media

31 Join us for the next social media class – Class: Twitter 101 | The 5 W's of Twitter and How to Use it for Your Business Date: Wednesday, February 13, 2013 Time: 10:00 a.m. Pacific, 11:00 a.m. Mountain, 12:00 p.m. Central, 1:00 p.m. Eastern Instructor: Ashlee Cain, communications manager for Realty Executives International Class Description: Now that you’ve mastered the art of Facebook, it’s time to tackle Twitter. No more confusion about what it is, or why you should use it, this class will teach you: – What Twitter is – How to “Tweet” – How to leverage Twitter into success for your business – Upon completing this class you can say goodbye to all your questions surrounding this social media platform and hello to your new Twitter skills. – Click here to register Click here to register What to Expect in Twitter 101

32 Executive Access 101 | Overview Tuesday, February 5, 2013 9:00 a.m. Pacific Click here to register. Executive Access 201 | Essentials Wednesday, February 6, 2013 10:00 a.m. Pacific Click here to register. Click here to register. Twitter 101 | The 5 W's of Twitter and How to Use it for Your Business Wednesday, February 13, 2013 10:00 a.m. Pacific Click here to register Coming Up…

33 Just a few questions Provides feedback for future classes Thank you! Take the Poll

34 Questions?

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