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Welcome Social Media Basics. Who: Three social chicks with a passion for engagement, collaboration and building relationships online and

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome Social Media Basics. Who: Three social chicks with a passion for engagement, collaboration and building relationships online and"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome Social Media Basics

2 Who: Three social chicks with a passion for engagement, collaboration and building relationships online and off. @thesocialchicks

3 What We’ll Cover High-level look at social media context, principles, strategy, and tools for business

4 Spot Poll: What are you using now?

5 Welcome to the Revolution Here’s a little context




9 Building a Trusted Brand 1.Relationship/community-building 2.Offering service or value 3.Networking 4.Sharing information (giving & getting) 5.Marketing and promotion 6.Sales branding!


11 Principles of Social Media Its social : a conversation A polite conversation: etiquettes and norms Content is King BUT… Engagement is Queen (and she rules)

12 It’s Good to Share We love to LIKE

13 Get Strategic. Get Connected. Goals What are your business goals? Overall & for Social Media Influencers Who & where are the main influencers and spheres of conversation? Resources Staffing, materials, technology, TIME, capacity, competence Integration Roadmap aligned with business goals and as an eco- system Choose your tools based on your strategy

14 What in the heck do we mean by eco-system ?


16 Website & blog are the hub

17 The Tools Twitter & Facebook


19 About Facebook Almost everyone is on Facebook! – 800 million + daily active users on average – Fastest growing age demographic is 50+ – Average user has 130 friends and likes 80 pages – 56% say that they are more likely to recommend a brand after becoming a Page fan – Each week 3.5 + billion pieces of content are shared

20 Distinctions: Profiles & Pages Profile = personal profile – Where you connect with your friends & family – Can limit access to your Profile – You must have a Profile to create a Page Page = business presence – Where biz connects with clients, colleagues, industry – Fully searchable, fully public

21 Building an Online Community A group of people who like your page, follow your updates and interact with you and others on your page via posts and comments. Your ‘tribe’. They are there to learn from you, but also to connect with others who have the same passion or interests.


23 Twitter The power of the tiny tweet


25 About Twitter Like telephone but 200M x more powerful 140 characters Fastest growing demographic is 35-45 year olds 100 million + users 34% of marketers have generated leads 55% access the platform via mobile

26 Building the Twitter Community Be Strategic – info in, info out Clients and Staff Suppliers Community organizations Industry, Competitors Influencers Local and global

27 Ways to Use Remember, everything you say reflects your brand! Things of value to your followers/prospective followers Support community events & happenings Support your favourite sports teams



30 About Linked-In Is the world's largest and best business networking database Currently has over 130M members world-wide Average member is 43 years old and earns $107K per year

31 Extreme Networking Used to identify people and organizations to: – sell to – ally with – Hire or recruit – refer and network with Add value to as a professional All business (it is social but not social)

32 Aspects of Linked In Personal Profile and Resume Business Page Private or Public Discussion Groups that business can manage


34 Very Pinteresting 3rd most popular social network in the U.S. in terms of traffic. 10.4 million users. Shoppers referred by Pinterest are 10% more likely to make a purchase than visitors who arrive from other social networks They’ll also spend 10% more on average.


36 Website & Blog Creating the hub

37 Source: Swift Media

38 The Website as the Online Hub Real estate you own in the eco-system Social integration builds SEO Build relevancy and brand value through blog: – Shares, commenting, conversation – Expert content: positioning – Consistency, regularity, creativity – Guest bloggers - resources

39 And your blog…

40 Still to come…

41 Take-aways Use Social Media strategically: it’s powerful. Have a plan Understand the culture & respect norms Choose tools based on the type of conversations, influencers for your business and your resources Keep it real Engage!

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