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Judaisms, Christianities, and Islams The People not of the Book.

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Presentation on theme: "Judaisms, Christianities, and Islams The People not of the Book."— Presentation transcript:

1 Judaisms, Christianities, and Islams The People not of the Book

2  This lecture is on the HISTORY of the religion of Abraham and some of its myriad HISTORICAL interpretations. It is not about FAITH.  We are not debating theology, we are recounting HISTORY  The historical facts about to be presented are not intended to offend anyone or to change anyone’s personal beliefs (indeed facts have no intent).

3  You are in a college classroom, and are expected to appreciate diverse views, even when they differ from your own.  If you are personally offended by any of the HISTORICAL facts presented...that’s okay…be offended…but remember, you are in a college classroom and will behave in a manner of respect and decorum accordingly.

4  Remember “TRUE” religion is whatever ANY individual believes.  We will be looking at a number of “TRUE” Judaisms, Christianities, and Islams in our investigation.  Now…let’s get on with some critical thinking about the history of the religion of Abraham.



7  Torah (Pentateuch, Five Books of Moses)  Genisis, Exodus, Leviticus, Deuteronomy, Numbers  Rabbinic Literature  Mishna-oral traditions compiled c. A.D. 200 Talmud- A. D. 5 th and then 7 th  Midrash- oral biblical interpretations compiled c. A.D. 200  Josephus-”Romanized” Jewish author A.D. 1 st century  Habiru

8  Abraham-around 2000 BC  Ur  El Shaddai  Jacob-grandson of Abraham  Israel  Israelites  Moses

9  Sinai Peninsula  Yahweh  Monotheistic  Judges

10  Philistines  Saul1020 – 1000 BC  David1000 – 961 BC  Solomon960 – 922 BC  Judah  Temple destroyed- Nebuchadnezzar in 6 th CBC  Diaspora  Temple rebuilt c. 515 BC-Second Temple  Destroyed by Romans in A.D. 70  Diaspora again




14  Sadducees  Strict literal interpretation of written laws  Pharisees Flexible interpretation of written and oral laws

15  Essenes  Ascetic communities  One branch did not marry.  Shared material possessions  Zealots  No King but God

16  Samaritans  Believe a strict interpretation of the Torah  Mt. Gerizim, not Jerusalem, is the chosen location for the temple.  Reject Rabbinic literature  Slowly dying out


18  Roman legal and historical texts  Late first/early second century A.D.  Suetonius/Tacitus/Pliny  Church Councils  Council of Nicaea, A.D. 324/5  Church Literature  Bishops: St. Augustine- City of God  Historians- Eusebius- History of the Church

19  Septuagint  Greek Old Testament  3 rd – 1 st CBC  Vulgate  St. Jerome  Everyday Latin 405  Council of Trent -1590 Vulgate official  King James Version  English  1604-1611

20  Dozens of bishops, scholars, and other Church officials  Histories  Biographies  Martyr texts  Apologies

21  NeroAD 64  Trajan98-117  Pliny the Younger  Decius250  Diocletian284-305

22 Certificate of sacrifice from the reign of Decius

23  Constantine324-327  Edict of Milan 313  Toleration  Council of Nicaea 324/5  Nature of Jesus  State support for Christianity

24  Ebionites  Christ was completely human  Arianism  Similar not same  Nestorianism  Christ-separate human and divine nature  Monophysitism Same substance (Divine)

25  Christian Neo-Platonism  Everyone’s soul is a part of god

26  Theodosius I379-95  Nicene Christianity is the state religion  Persecution of heretics  Theodosius II408-450  Theodosian Code


28  Muhammad c. A.D. 570-632  Allah  Arabian Peninsula  Koran (Qur’an) – A.D. 651  Mushaf Uthman  Sahabah – companions of Muhammad  Sunnah, Hadith – words and deeds of Muhammad  Ibn Ishaq c.A.D.750  Life of Muhammad


30  Semitic  Nomadic  Sheikh  Animism  Polytheistic



33  Mecca  Quarysh  Ka’ aba




37  Religious Concepts  Sin  Salvation  Heaven and Hell  Afterlife  Monotheism

38  Caliph  Medina  AD 622  Higira“the turning point”  AD 630 conquest of Mecca  AD 632death of Muhammad

39  Monotheism  Jinns  Satan  Jesus

40  Prayer  Charity  Fasting  Pilgrimage  Acceptance of Allah and Muhammad

41  Ulema- educated class of scholars  Theocratic State  Sunnah – Islamic law  Jihads

42  Arabia  North Africa  Spain  South Italy  Near East  Asia Minor


44  Knowledge




48  Abu Bakr632-634  Umar634-644  Uthman644-656  Ali656-661


50  Sunni – Leaders chosen by the community  Shi’a – only the descendants of Muhammad  Ibadi  agree with Sunni’s on above  Non –Ibadi Muslims are unbelievers  Hell is forever (contra Sunni belief)  Quranic – only follow the Quran

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