INTRODUCTION TO PSYCHOLOGY. Definition & Goals  The scientific study of behavior and mental processes  What are the GOALS of Psychology ? –  Describe.

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Presentation on theme: "INTRODUCTION TO PSYCHOLOGY. Definition & Goals  The scientific study of behavior and mental processes  What are the GOALS of Psychology ? –  Describe."— Presentation transcript:


2 Definition & Goals  The scientific study of behavior and mental processes  What are the GOALS of Psychology ? –  Describe  Explain  Predict  Control





7 Origins in Critical Thinking Introspection- Structuralism - Sensations & Perceptions Functionalism – Adaptive Functions = Mind Freud – Unconscious, early events Gestalt – Perceptions -> analysis of the whole pattern Behaviorism – Scientific, objective analysis of observable behaviors – environment shapes Humanism - Maslow– Hierarchy of Needs


9 How do current approaches investigate the questions we have? Biological – genetics, chemical Influences Autism Cerebellum Size 75% - large 10% - small Test Anxiety Palmar sweating, heart rate, breathing Cognitive Process, store, & retrieve info Low to high intellects Excessive worry helps/hinders performance

10 How do current approaches investigate the questions we have? Behavioral - how environment reinforces behavior Autism Paralysis vs Stimulation Test Anxiety Self-management & rewards Psychoanalytic - Childhood, needs/desires & un conscious Harsh mother, absent father High Anxiety leads to procrastination

11 How do current approaches investigate the questions we have? Humanistic – Everyone controls own self-growth Autism Life Story - ethnography Test Anxiety Attributions – effort vs luck Cross-Cultural – Influence of culture & ethnicity American – opportunity to ful- fill potential Evaluation of success depends on cultural values

12 What types of degrees are there?  Bachelor’s (B.A.) or (B.S.)  Master’s of Arts (M.A.)  Master’s of Science (M.S.)  Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)  Doctor of Psychology (PsyD)  Medical Doctor (M.D.)

13 Specialty Areas in Psychology  Social & Personality – (Clinical Psy)  Developmental – Pregnancy to Death

14 Specialty Areas in Psychology  Experimental – Labs; learning/ experiments  Biological – Genetics/physiology

15 Specialty Areas in Psychology  Cognitive - Information Processing  Psychometric – Measurement

16 Specialty Areas in Psychology  Industrial/Organizational (Ergonomics) –  School – Combination of many of the above

17 Where do Psychologists Work?  Private Practice / Therapy / Counselors –  Academic Settings/Universities Secondary Schools  Mixed other settings – sports, forensics, HRD  Industrial

18 How do Psychologists Answer Questions?  Survey –  Efficient but may yield bias or inaccurate info  Case Study –  In-depth info versus limited generalizability  Experiment - manipulate variables; cause & effect

19 How do Psychologists Answer Questions?  Interviews –  Standardized Tests –

20 How do Psychologists Answer Questions?  Lab Experiment –  Animal Model –  Naturalistic Setting –

21 What might affect data collection?  Confounding variables –  Self-fulfilling Prophecy –

22 What might affect data collection?  Placebo –  Pill or intervention with no true identified effects  Placebo Effect-  Change in the subject’s behavior due to the belief of being treated

23 What is Correlational Research?  Illustrates an Association or Relationship  Perfect Positive = + 1.00  Positive - + 0.01 to + 0.99  Zero - 0.00 (no relationship)  Negative - - 0.01 to - 0.99  Perfect Negative - - 1.00 ***NOT CAUSE & EFFECT ***

24 Example Correlations Perfect positive correlation (+1.00) No relationship (0.00)Perfect negative correlation (-1.00)

25 Correlation Examples

26 What is the Scientific Process?  Problem –  Hypothesis – Data Collection, Statistical Analysis, Discussion

27 What are Variables?  Independent Variable (IV) – What is being controlled or manipulated by the researcher  Dependent Variable (DV) - Behaviors being measured/affected by the treatment

28 How are subjects grouped?  Experimental Group – Those who receive intervention or treatment  Control Group – No treatment group

29 What is a Double-blind Study?  Double-blind study  ADHD Ritalin Trial (Example)


31 What are the guidelines for human experimentation?  Code of Ethics  Approval, consent, no harm, debriefing  Role of Deception – must be justified, no impact and inform after

32 What are the guidelines for animal experimentation? Much lower #’s than those consumed Major medical advances  Ethical & Supervised by Veterinarians

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