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Welcome to Mrs. James’ Room.  Follow All Classroom Rules  Have All Materials and Supplies  Complete All Class work and Homework  Work Hard For Good.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Mrs. James’ Room.  Follow All Classroom Rules  Have All Materials and Supplies  Complete All Class work and Homework  Work Hard For Good."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Mrs. James’ Room

2  Follow All Classroom Rules  Have All Materials and Supplies  Complete All Class work and Homework  Work Hard For Good Grades  Have Good Attendance With Few Absences  Parent/Teacher Communication

3  We are going through the stuff in the packet and I will point out everything that needs to be signed. Make sure You take the packet home.

4  Quiet in hallways, teachers and students should be able to speak in conversational tones without raising their voices.  No socializing or stopping and no large groups gathering at any time.  Mr. Conway, Mrs. Parker, and Ms. Armstead have locker keys; Mr. Terry will help if there is a serious problem with your locker. Ask NICELY for help.  NO LOCKERS BEFORE OR AFTER LUNCH.

5  No backpacks or bags unless they are very small or transparent are allowed unless you are coming or going for the day. If a bag is big enough to hold a textbook is too big.

6  Be respectful to ALL ADULTS in this school, not just the ones you know. If someone asks you a question or tells you to stop doing something please do it.  This includes teachers, administrators, bus drivers, cafeteria ladies…anyone!

7  There will be no silent lunch this year. Lunch detention will be in the classroom.  No talking, at all 

8  Ms. Wyatt is in charge of the 7 th Grade and will handle any “problems.” She is VERY, VERY mean.  Dress Code: No short skirts (finger length), no cleavage, no shirts that depict violence, weapons, or drugs. No Redskins attire!  Cell Phones & Electronics: If we see it or hear it, we will take it, and your parents will have to see admin to get it back.

9  Line up quietly at the door.  Lights off and door shut with emergency bag containing the CURRENT roll.  Exit according to the floor plan on the wall.  Downstairs classes have to stay to the left heading out the door.  Upstairs teachers will need kids to exit on the right.  Students are to stay in line, facing building, no talking. Roll will be taken.  Classes will enter one at a time at the all-clear signal and teacher direction.

10  Ms. Wyatt is in charge of the 7 th Grade and will handle any “problems.” She is VERY, VERY mean.  Dress Code: No short skirts (finger length), no cleavage, no shirts that depict violence, weapons, or drugs. No Redskins attire!  Cell Phones & Electronics: If we see it or hear it, we will take it, and your parents will have to see admin to get it back.

11 1. Follow all school rules 2. Display appropriate behavior at all times 3. Be prompt and prepared (all materials, books, etc) 4. Speak at appropriate times and follow directions 5. Show respect to yourself, others, and all property

12 I believe in a positive approach to discipline. I feel that students produce appropriate behavior more often then not when they are recognized for doing so. I reward individuals that go above and beyond as well as each class as a whole.

13 Verbal Warning Loss of privilege Phone Call/email/note Home Lunch Detention Discipline Referral to Office

14 Consequences will be given based on the severity of the misbehavior SEVERE DISCIPLINE PROBLEMS WILL BE REFERRED TO THE PRINCIPAL IMMEDIATELY

15 Students need to have the following school supplies:  Plenty of paper and pencils.  Colored Pencils  Scissors  3-Ring Pencil Bag  Composition Notebook  Ruler  Glue Sticks

16 ClassStart End Homeroom740800 Period 1 (M1)804914 Period 29181028 Period 3 (M2)10321142 Lunch11461211 Period 4 (M3)1215125 Period 5 (M4)129240

17 ClassStart End Period 1 (M1)740902 Period 29061018 Period 3 (M2)10221058 Lunch11001126 Period 3 (M2)11281204 Period 4 (M3)1208119 Period 5 (M4)123240

18 ClassStart End Period 1 (M1)9401031 Period 210351126 Lunch11301155 Period 3 (M2)11591250 Period 4 (M3)1254145 Period 5 (M4)149240

19 ClassStart End Period 5 (M4)740827 Period 4 (M3)831918 Period 1 (M1)9221009 Period 210131100 Lunch11041129 Period 3 (M2)11331220

20 Letter GradeNumerical Score A99-100 A 95-98 A- 94 B+ 93 B 88-92 B-87 C+86 C 79-85 C- 78 D+77 D 71-76 D- 70 F 69/BELOW ASSESSMENT: 35% Tests 30% Projects/Class Work (including participation, readiness to begin class, following directions, cooperating, etc.) 25% Quizzes 10% Homework

21  Interim Reports will be sent home midway through grading period.

22  Homework shall be assigned at least four (4) out of five nights a week; in more than one subject area.  The child is responsible to keep up with all homework assignments.  Students will receive a planner/agenda and are expected to write their assignments down daily.  Parents/Guardians are encouraged to review and sign the planner nightly.  The Agenda is also a great place for little notes!

23  Making up missing work is the responsibility of the student.  Acceptance of late work shall be left up to the discretion of the teacher.  All assignments are in the grey bin on top of the filing cabinets

24  Communication between parents and teachers is vital to student achievement.  Phone calls/email  Notes in planners  Contact with parents will be made due to:  Behavior (Good and Bad)  Incomplete HW and CW  Conferences will be requested throughout the year (Fall and Spring).  Other conferences can be scheduled as deemed necessary by teachers or parents.

25 Below is a list of the ways that you can contact your student’s teacher 540-372-1145

26 All of this presentation is available on my website! Check the web often for updates! THANK YOU!!

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