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Maus Vocabulary Chapter 1: The Sheik

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1 Maus Vocabulary Chapter 1: The Sheik
Sheik: irresistibly charming to women Textiles: cloth manufactured into fabric by weaving or knitting Bachelor: an unmarried man Hosiery: stockings Suicide: the intentional taking of one’s own life

2 Maus Vocabulary Chapter 2: The Honeymoon
Communist: classless, stateless (ex: Soviet Union) Conspiracy: committing an unlawful crime Hysterical: uncontrollable emotion Depressed: sad, gloomy, dejected, downcast Sanitarium: medically supervised recuperation Governess: a woman who is employed to take care of a child’s upbringing, education, etc. Pogrom: an organized massacre, especially of Jews Riot: violent or wild disorder Frontier: boundary, border of countries Cataract: cloudiness of the eye that causes impairment of the vision or blindness

3 Maus Chapter 1-2 Test Q/A Objective: To create and write ten test questions (five on the surface and five under the surface) and answers with a partner. On the Surface: information that you can point to within the text -what -when -where -who Under the Surface: information that requires prior knowledge and analysis of the text -why -would -should -could -analyze

4 Maus Chapter 1-2 Test Q/A Objective: To create and write ten test questions (five on the surface and five under the surface) and answers with a partner. 1. Get into partners of two. 2. Decide who is going to be Student A and who is going to be Student B.

5 Maus Chapter 1-2 Test Q/A Objective: To create and write ten test questions (five on the surface and five under the surface) and answers with a partner. Turn to your partner: A: “An on the surface question is…” B: “An example of an on the surface question is…” B: “An under the surface question is…” A: “An example of an under the surface question is…”

6 Maus Chapter 1-2 Test Q/A Objective: To create and write ten test questions (five on the surface and five under the surface) and answers with a partner. Step 1: Student A and Student B will formulate a question and discuss the answer. Step 2: Student A will write the question, while Student B answers the question (complete sentences). Step 3: Student A and Student B will switch—Student B will write the question and Student A will write the answer. Repeat Steps 1 and 2 until all ten questions and answers are filled out.

7 Maus Chapter 1-2 Test Q/A Objective: To create and write ten test questions (five on the surface and five under the surface) and answers with a partner. Side A and Side B will compete for points based on the answers to the questions. A point is only granted when the question is answered correctly (i.e. both the students and the teacher agree). Questions will alternate from on the surface to under the surface.

8 Maus Vocabulary Chapter 3: Prisoner of War
Herring: type of fish Delicate: fragile, easily damaged Frostbite: injury to body after excessive exposure to extreme cold Drafted: a selection or drawing of people Torah: Jewish religious literature, law, and teaching from the Old Testament Parshas Truma: the week when the Torah is read; symbolic of charitable gifts coming Protectorate: a state or territory that is protected Recuperate: to recover and regain health

9 Maus Vocabulary Chapter 4: The Noose Tightens
Noose: a loop with a running knot Gallstones: small, hard, abnormal mass that leads to pain and/or infection Zionist: a supporter of a Jewish movement to reestablish the Jewish homeland (Palestine/Israel) in response to anti-Semitism Convalescent Home: a home that takes care of injured or ill patients Deported: to expel from a country Suffocated: strangle; not allow air into the lungs Smuggle: to import/export goods secretly Vaguely: not clear

10 Maus Vocabulary Chapter 5: Mouse Holes
Neurotic: emotionally unstable person Obscure: not clear; vague; uncertain Tragedy: disaster; fatal event; dreadful Hostility: unfriendliness; opposition Condolences: expression of sympathy Shrine: devoted to a person (normally holy) Bunkers: underground space Informer: a person who communicates or informs, especially for a reward

11 Maus Vocabulary Chapter 6: Mouse Trap
Pragmatic: practical; deals with facts Caricature: distorted picture or description Pauper: a very poor person Senile: a decline in mental and physical abilities Outskirts: outlying areas; borders; fringes Yiddish: mixture of Hebrew and Slavic languages Commotion: agitation; noisy disturbance

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