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KIM Chart Cold War McCarthyism Iron Curtain Jonas Salk Truman Doctrine

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1 KIM Chart Cold War McCarthyism Iron Curtain Jonas Salk Truman Doctrine
Civil Rights Act of 1957/1964 North Atlantic Treaty Organization Plessy v. Ferguson Marshall Plan Brown v. Board of Education Berlin Airlift Thurgood Marshall Containment Policy Orval Faubus Mao Zedong Lester Maddox Korean War George Wallace Sputnik Affirmative Action House Un-American Activities Committee Billy Graham Sweatt v. Painter Rosenberg Trial GI Bill (Servicemen’s Readjustment Act of 1944) Venona Papers

2 Tension between the United States and Soviet Union. Lasted 45 years
Tension between the United States and Soviet Union. Lasted 45 years. Communism vs. Democracy. West vs. East

3 Imaginary border dividing Europe after World War II
Imaginary border dividing Europe after World War II. Warsaw Pact on the East and NATO on the West.

4 Intergovernmental military alliance formed by the Western allies to provide protection to Western Europe

5 Established that the United States would offer aid to countries (like Greece and Turkey) who were trying to resist Communism

6 American initiative to aid Europe and Asia after the Truman Doctrine

7 Western allies offered supplies to western Berlin after being blockaded by the Soviet Union

8 Truman and future U.S. presidents sought to stop the spread of Communism in the world.

9 Leader of a Communist revolution in China

10 Communist North Korea invades South Korea and Truman comes to the aid of South Korea with General MacArthur to lead U.S. forces.

11 Sent into space by the Russians in 1957 during the “Space Race”

12 Establishment of the Loyalty Review Boards to investigate individual activities who were accused of un-patriotic activities. If people were deemed Communist, they were frequently “blacklisted” and lost their jobs.

13 Tried and executed as Russian spies

14 Released in 1997, revealed the identities of several Americans who had spied for the Soviet Union, included Julius Rosenberg.

15 Named after the Senator who conducted hearings in Congressional committees and never produced proof against communism.

16 Developed the first vaccine for polio

17 Roots of the Cold War Communism vs. Democracy
Yalta and Potsdam Conferences Cold War Begins

18 Political System Organizations Economic System Religion
Category Soviet Communism American Democracy Political System One political party, the Communist Party A multi-party democracy Organizations All labor groups and other associations are run by the Communist Party Unions and other organizations openly negotiate with employers Economic System Industries and farms are owned by the state; central planners determine the nation’s economic needs; limited private property; education and health care provided by the state. Free enterprise system; private ownership of property; supply and demand determine prices; people meet their own needs with some limited government involvement Religion Religion is discouraged Free exercise of religion Individual Rights Secret police arrest opponents; censorship; no free exercise of beliefs Freedom of the press and expression

19 Yalta Conference Potsdam Conference


21 Iron Curtain Stalin refused to allow free elections in Poland.
United States refused to share secrets behind the atomic bomb Soviets occupied Eastern Europe Trade between Eastern and Western Europe was cut off.


23 Origins of U.S. Containment
Truman Doctrine Marshall Plan Berlin Airlift and Divided Germany NATO & Warsaw Pact Iron Curtain Mao Zedong & China

24 Truman Doctrine Communists threatened to invade Greece and Turkey
Truman offered military aid Did not want a repeat of the Munich Conference “I believe that it must be the policy of the United States to support free peoples who are resisting attempted conquest by armed minorities or by outside pressures.”

25 Marshall Plan Famine in Europe after WWII Farm production destroyed
George C. Marshall proposed massive aid to the war-torn countries to build their economies Marshall plan helped economies grow at unprecedented rates!

26 Berlin Airlift French, Britain, and America merge their zones of Germany: West Germany Berlin is located in Soviet Zone Soviets announce blockade of Western Berlin Airlift fed and supplied the Western part of Berlin until Soviets lifted the blockade. The Western Allies would not retreat!!

27 NATO & Warsaw Pact NATO: North Atlantic Treaty Organization (1949)—each NATO member pledged to defend every other member Warsaw Pact: Soviet’s response to NATO with its Eastern Allies

28 Iron Curtain Soviets stop an anti- communist revolution in Hungary in 1956 Erect Berlin Wall in 1961 Invade Czechoslovakia in 1968 All done without active interference by NATO

29 China & Communism Containment policy
Soviets help Chinese Revolution in 1945 Led by Mao Zedong Defeated Nationalists in 1949 World’s LARGEST Communist State Truman vetoed “Red China” entered the United Nations

30 Korean War Korea split into TWO: North Korea (Communist) & South Korea (Democracy) North Korea invaded South Korea—U.N. Soldiers enter Korea Truman-MacArthur Controversy MacArthur commands U.N. soldiers. MacArthur pushes North Koreans to border of China MacArthur goes a bit crazy (Liberate China! Use the A-Bomb! Truman refused) War comes to End Eisenhower becomes president (From D-Day invasion) Armistice signed in 1953 Korea still split in two

31 Arms & Space Races 1945: USA only one with atomic power
1949: Soviet Union developed atomic bomb 1952: USA develops hydrogen bomb (more powerful than A-BOMB) 1953: Soviet Union develops their own hydrogen bomb Missile Sites & Deterrents Sputnik First man-made satellite into space in 1957 Americans quickly responded by launching their satellite in 1958

32 Cold War at Home House Un-American Activities Committee
Congress investigate people thought to be communist Rosenberg Trials Julius and Ethel charged with selling national secrets to the Soviet Union McCarthy Hearings Senator Joseph McCarthy created fears without proof of any communism McCarthyism was similar to a witch hunt

33 Eisenhower Presidency
Foreign Policy Eisenhower Doctrine—extension of containment Domestic Policy Interstate Highway Act—created federal highways Housing Boom because of “Baby Boom” G.I. Bill—helped veterans Advances in Medicine Jonas Salk—vaccine for Polio Measles vaccines Other discoveries

34 Civil Rights Movement Origins of Civil Rights
Brown v. Board of Education March to Equality Montgomery Bus Boycott Civil Rights Act of 1957 Little Rock, Arkansas Congressional Bloc of Southern Democrats Sit-Ins and Freedom Rides King’s Letter from Birmingham Jail March on Washington Civil Rights Act of 1964 Affirmative Action

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