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13A. The Cold War.

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1 13A. The Cold War

2 Monday 2/3/15 Bell Ringer Cold War Notes Quiz 2+sentences
Open note, closed book

3 Ch. 13 Key Terms-Define: Cold War 259 Iron Curtain 261
Truman Doctrine 262 Marshall Plan 262 Berlin Airlift 263 Mao Zedong 264 Korean War 266 Hydrogen bomb 268 Sputnik 268 “blacklisted” 269 Rosenberg Trial 269 Venona Papers 269 McCarthyism 269 Jonas Salk 272

4 The Cold War USA and Soviet Union “Cold”
Allies during WWII, soon became rivals “Cold” Never confronted each other directly Threatened one another with nuclear weapons Led to frequent conflicts on every continent.

5 Roots of the Cold War Supported democracy Supported Communism
Competing ideologies of USA and USSR led to the Cold War The United States The Soviet Union (USSR) Supported democracy Wanted free enterprise to spread Supported Communism Wanted it to spread

6 Copy and complete the chart comparing Communism and Democracy
Summarize each country’s view on the categories below Use page 260 and the internet to complete Category Soviet Communism American Democracy Political System Beliefs about Economics Beliefs about religion Beliefs about private property Beliefs on Individual Rights

7 Joseph Stalin Leader of the Soviet Union Promised a classless society
To help all workers Created a brutal dictatorship exercised absolute control Opponents and critics Arrested Sent to gulags Forced labor camps

8 Conference at Yalta End of WWII
Leaders met at Yalta to reorganize Europe Formed the United Nations Divided Germany into four occupation zones. Agreed to allow free elections in the countries they liberated. Stalin never followed through. Churchill, Roosevelt, Stalin

9 The Cold War Begins Soviets saw capitalist countries as a threat
Created a wall of countries as a buffer against future invasions. Refused to give Poland free elections Placed Communist leaders in charge USA refused to give Soviets information about the atomic bomb Iron Curtain Trade between Eastern and Western Europe ended Closed off Eastern and Western Europe For 40 years, travel and communication was limited

10 What do you see in this political cartoon?
What does this cartoon represent?

11 The Iron Curtain.

12 USA’s Containment Policy
In response to USSR dominating Eastern Europe Containment Would not try to get rid of Communism where it already existed USA would prevent Communism from spreading

13 Truman Doctrine Communists threatened Greece and Turkey
President Truman offered these countries military aid. Did not want another situation like appeasing Hitler Truman promised to support any country fighting Communism

14 Truman Doctrine “I believe that it must be the policy of the United States to support free peoples who are resisting attempted [conquest] by armed minorities or by outside pressures. I believe we must assist free people to work out their own destinies in their own way. I believe our help should be primarily through economic and financial aid, which is essential to economic stability and orderly political process.” Do you think the USA should have offered aid to all nations facing such threats? Why?

15 The Marshall Plan, 1948 After WWII, much of Europe was in ruin
Truman thought desperate people might turn to Communism George C. Marshall Secretary of State Marshall Plan Believed aid should be given to war-torn countries to rebuild their economies Create allies Avoid chaos Aid to Germany and Italy Very successful

16 A Divided Germany Germany was divided into four occupation zones.
USA, France, & Britain merged their sections=West Germany Berlin Capital of Germany Also divided into 4 Stalin declared a blockade of West Berlin Modern Berlin from Space, showing differences

17 Berlin Airlift, 1948 Western allies would not abandon West Berlin
Began a massive airlift to feed and supply the city. US and allies showed they would not back down from Stalin

18 The Two Powers Organize
United States: NATO Soviet Union: Warsaw Pact North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Based on the concept of collective security. Joined by Western Europe and Canada Pledged to defend each other. Warsaw Pact Collective Security Response to NATO Joined by the communist European countries

19 Soviet Aggression Behind the Iron Curtain
Americans condemned Soviet acts of force, but never intervened. 1956 Soviets stopped an anti-Communist revolt in Hungary 1961 Started the Berlin Wall to keep East Germans from escaping 1968 Conquered Czechoslovakia

20 Berlin Wall

21 Containment in Asia America believed containment was working
1949-China falls to Communism Mao Zedong (communist) defeated the Nationalists Nationalist leaders fled to the island of Taiwan Truman refused to recognize Communist (Red China) and declared nationalist government in Taiwan as the true China

22 The Korean War 1950 - 1953 Korea divided into two zones at end of WWII
North: Communist South: Democracy North invades South. Truman intervenes to support South Korea. War ends when communists are pushed back into North.

23 Korean War

24 Truman-MacArthur Controversy
MacArthur was commander of the U.N. forces. Disagreed publically about the containment policy MacArthur wanted to enter North Korea and destroy Communism. Truman fired Gen. Douglas MacArthur.

25 Eisenhower is Elected Pledged to end the Korean War.
An armistice was signed in 1953. Left Korea divided exactly as it was before. “Demilitarized Zone” lies between. Prisoners of war were swapped.

26 Arms and Space Races The US was originally the only country with atomic power. The Soviet Union followed four years later. Both developed the hydrogen bomb within a year of each other.

27 Massive Retaliation American powers decided to rely more on nuclear weapons for defense. These weapons acted as a deterrent. Massive Retaliation was cheaper than maintaining a large military force but less flexible. Could only be justified if a nation’s very survival was at stake.

28 Soviets Launch Sputnik, 1957
Soviets launch an artificial satellite into orbit. Scared Americans and showed that the USA was scientifically behind the Russians. Created NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) American education was restructured to stress science and math.

29 The Cold War At Home Truman’s Loyalty Review Boards
investigated “Un-American activities” particularly Communist involvement House Un-American Activities Committee questioned actors, directors, writers, and others about Communist sympathies Those found guilty were “blacklisted”

30 The Rosenberg Trials, 1950 Julius and Ethel Rosenberg
charged with selling national secrets to the Soviet Union. Found guilty and executed for spying. 1997, the Venona Papers revealed names of several American spies for the Soviet Union. Julius Rosenberg was one of those.

31 The McCarthy Hearings Senator Joseph McCarthy claimed that he knew of hundreds of Communists working in the government positions. Created a new Red Scare by raising fears. After three years of hearings, McCarthy never provided any real proof. Eventually “censured” The term “McCarthyism” has become identified with making harsh accusations without evidence.

32 Foreign Policy Under Eisenhower
John Foster Dulles Secretary of State. Dedicated to preventing the spread of Communism. The Eisenhower Doctrine extended the Truman Doctrine to include the Middle East

33 Domestic Policy Under Eisenhower
Era experienced great prosperity. Signed the Interstate Highway Act (1956) establishing our nations highways. Originally for defense purposes, it helped interstate commerce and the growth of suburbs.

34 Advances in Medicine Jonas Salk Measles vaccine First heart transplant
developed the first vaccine for polio. Measles vaccine First heart transplant Discovery of streptomycin: an antibiotic to treat tuberculosis.

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