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Welcome. How to help your child get ready for school in September.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome. How to help your child get ready for school in September."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome

2 How to help your child get ready for school in September.

3 Getting dressed and undressed. Please name all of your child’s clothing!

4 Going to the toilet and handwashing independently.

5 Travelling to school.

6 School lunches or packed lunches?

7 Reading and sharing books.

8 Our school day: Doors open at 8.45 am Registration is at 8.55 am Home time is 2.50 pm Attendance is important please let us know if your child is away for whatever reason! We have a breakfast and after school club for working parents. Details available at the school office.

9 Counting together.

10 10 things children should be able to do before they start school… To sit still and listen To be aware of other children To understand the word ‘no’ and the boundaries it sets for behaviour To understand the word ‘stop’ To be potty trained and able to go to the toilet independently To recognise their own name To speak to an adult to ask for help To be able to get undressed and dressed To open and enjoy a book To talk in sentences

11 …confident, happy, independent and resourceful individuals. We want children at River Beach to be…

12 If you have any questions or concerns, please come and ask us or contact us at school: Tel: 01903 725500 Email:

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