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Welcome to Deal Parochial Early Years Foundation Stage 2013/14 Parents’ Evening. “The Best that I can Be!”

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1 Welcome to Deal Parochial Early Years Foundation Stage 2013/14 Parents’ Evening. “The Best that I can Be!”


3 What is the Early Years Foundation Stage?  The EYFS is a statutory framework that sets the standards for all Early Years settings.  The EYFS prepares children for learning in their future school life.  The EYFS begins when a child attends a nursery or pre-school setting or if they are cared for by a childminder.  The final stages of the EYFS are planned for when your child is in a Reception Class of a Primary School.

4 The Overarching Principles of the EYFS  Every child is a unique child who is constantly learning.  Children learn to be strong and resilient through positive relationships.  Children learn and develop well in enabling environments which establish their needs and develop their interests.  Children learn and develop at different rates.

5 The Areas of Learning and Development Within the EYFS There are seven areas of development. Three Prime Personal social and emotional development Physical Development Communication and language Four Specific Literacy Mathematics Literacy Mathematics Understanding the world Expressive arts & design

6 Personal, Social and Emotional Development  Helping children develop a positive sense of themselves.  Helping children to manage and understand their feelings.  Encourages children to be independent and to interact with other children and adults.  Helping children to become confident, safe, secure and ready to learn from new experiences.


8 Physical Development  Supports children’s understanding of a healthy and safe development.  Provides opportunities for using a range of large and small equipment.  Helps children to develop a sense of space around themselves and others.  Encourages children to explore balancing, travelling and climbing equipment.  Develops children's practical skills such as dressing, undressing and using the toilet.


10 Communication and Language  Encourages children to develop conversational skills.  Will help children to develop listening and concentration skills.  Develops children's abilities to respond to and follow instructions.  Provides opportunities to extend and develop their vocabulary.  Provides opportunities to recreate experiences and roles through play.


12 Literacy  Naming and recognising letters of the alphabet.  Learning strategies to decode and encode new words for reading and writing.  Learning to hear, recognise and say strings of rhyming words.  Enabling children to read words and sentences.  Enabling children to write simple words and sentences.  Encouraging children to use their imagination in response to stories and experiences.  Sharing and discussing familiar books.


14 Mathematics  Teaches children to count up to 20 and beyond.  Encourages children to recognise, write and order numbers to 20.  Teaches the skills and understanding for adding and take away.  Encourages children to use mathematical words when talking about capacity, position, distance, time and money.  Supports children’s understanding of shape and size including 2D and 3D shapes.


16 Understanding the World  Helps children to gain an understanding of their world.  Finding out about other people and places.  Encourages children to look at changes in their life  Encourages them to explore and investigate.  Make observations of animals, plants and talk about changes and differences.


18 Expressive Arts and Design  Provides an opportunity for children to share their thoughts, feelings and ideas.  Enables children to explore and play with a variety of art materials and media.  Inspires children to explore colour and colour changes.  Helps them to explore shape and texture using all of their senses.  Develops an interest in music, singing and imaginative play..


20 A Typical Day in Reception…  Within the Year R classroom you can expect to see children participating in a variety of child initiated and teacher led sessions.  The Class Teacher and Teaching Assistant will be observing the children and documenting their achievements.  At different points throughout the day, your child will work directly with the Class Teacher or Teaching Assistant in a small group or during whole class activities.

21 What You Can Do at Home.. Practice dressing and undressing independently for P.E and toileting independently.Practice dressing and undressing independently for P.E and toileting independently. Label all items belonging to your child clearly.Label all items belonging to your child clearly. Share a range of stories and rhymes.Share a range of stories and rhymes. Encourage your child to recognise numbers in and around their environment (i.e. house numbers, car number plates; play ICT games like Numtums and Number Jacks to practice number recognition).Encourage your child to recognise numbers in and around their environment (i.e. house numbers, car number plates; play ICT games like Numtums and Number Jacks to practice number recognition). Encourage independence by choosing own activities and tidying toys away.Encourage independence by choosing own activities and tidying toys away.

22 And Finally.. Please see Mrs Gunn on the uniform stand before you leave. Uniform packs are available for £25.00 which includes everything your child will need to start school. This is a limited offer, so please take full advantage. Tea and Coffee is available and please feel free to stay and ask any questions you may have. feel free to stay and ask any questions you may have.


24 Follow Up: Should you wish to explore some of what we have talked about today in more detail you can access the Department for Education website. or the school website

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