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Journal One The Giver Reread pages 3-7 In ten complete and grammatically correct sentences discuss what you learn about this society based on the evening’s.

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Presentation on theme: "Journal One The Giver Reread pages 3-7 In ten complete and grammatically correct sentences discuss what you learn about this society based on the evening’s."— Presentation transcript:

1 Journal One The Giver Reread pages 3-7 In ten complete and grammatically correct sentences discuss what you learn about this society based on the evening’s “sharing.”

2 The Giver Journal Two December = Changes In ten well developed grammatically correct sentences discuss the following. Discuss the family unit in this society. What have you learned in chapter two. How would you feel about this “delivery model” for creating a family unit?

3 The Giver Journal Three Reread page 17 In 10 well developed, grammatically correct sentences, address the following: Ceremony of Twelve is the last one, “age isn’t important anymore” What are the most important ages in our lives? Why? What happens? What ages are unimportant? Why? What has been your BEST age so far? Why?

4 The Giver Journal 4 Reread page 20-21 In 10 well developed, grammatically correct sentences, address the following: What do Jonas and the newchild have in common? What might this mean? Is it important to know who your parents are? Why or why not? What do you have in common with your parents? Any differences?

5 The Giver Journal 5 In 10 well developed and grammatically correct sentences, address the following: In chapter 5 Jonas has a dream that he describes as “the wanting.” His parents later call it “stirrings.” Why could it be a good thing to stop these feelings? Why would a society want to inhibit such feelings? How can this make the Community a better place? What do you think?

6 The Giver Journal 6 In 10 well developed and grammatically correct sentences, address the following: Reviewing Chapter 7, what is good about being “assigned” your career rather than you choosing it? What could be bad about it. What career would you choose right now and why? Predict – why do you think Jonas was overlooked for his job assignment? Explain.

7 The Giver Journal 7 In 10 well developed and grammatically correct sentences, address the following: In reviewing chapter 9, Jonas is beginning to feel different for the first time, why? How is he different? Has there ever been a time when you have felt different? Was it good or bad? Why? In a society that is trying to be a good place for all, what is better all being similar or all being different? Why?

8 The Giver Journal 8 In 10 well developed and grammatically correct sentences, address the following: In chapter 10 The Giver tells Jonas the have “hard and painful work to do.” What can this mean? Why can memories be “hard and painful?” Do you have memories that are “hard and painful?” How do you deal with that? Are there things that you can now reflect on that make you glad about those memories? Explain.

9 The Giver Journal 9 In 10 well developed and grammatically correct sentences, address the following: Jonas asks what he should call the Receiver of Memory since that is now his title. What name does he say and why do you think it is appropriate? What is different about pleasure and pain? What is similar? Which is more important? Why? Have you ever felt pain that was pleasurable? How so?

10 The Giver Journal 10 In 10 well developed and grammatically correct sentences, address the following: “If everything’s the same, then there aren’t any choices!” [Jonas exclaims] How are choices made in this society? How can choice be bad in a society? Where/When do you see individuals choices as negative today in our world? Why? Recall a “poor” choice that you once made? Would it have been better if someone else had made the choice for you?

11 The Giver Journal 11 In 10 well developed and grammatically correct sentences, address the following: The idea of pain is approached in chapter 14. Why is pain good? Why is pain necessary? Why would a society want to eradicate pain from their society? What is good about a world with no pain? What is negative about it? Why does this society want to control the number of births? Why is this good? Would that be good in our world today? Why/Why Not?

12 The Giver Journal 12 In 10 well developed and grammatically correct sentences, address the following: In Chapter 17 Jonas is conflicted about the game his friends are playing. Why? Do you agree or disagree with Jonas, why? On page 136, Lily chants “one for here, one for Elsewhere.” What is she talking about? What are your feelings about what is going to happen?

13 The Giver Journal 13 In 10 well developed and grammatically correct sentences, address the following: Write a letter to Jonas and Gabe. Share your feelings and thoughts in regards to their leaving the community. Why do you feel and believe the things you do? What wisdom would you share with Jonas? What questions do you have for him.

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