Gonzales Middle School 2008-2009 Staff Expectations.

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Presentation on theme: "Gonzales Middle School 2008-2009 Staff Expectations."— Presentation transcript:

1 Gonzales Middle School 2008-2009 Staff Expectations

2 Classroom  Be Positive Choose a positive attitude Give your best effort Greet students at the door as they enter your class Smile! Acknowledge student accomplishments Carry Bulldog Bucks visibly Choose your attitude!

3 Classroom  Be Prepared Follow LP guidelines as set forth by APSB Prepare learning activities that keep students meaningfully engaged meaningfully engaged meaningfully engaged Play! Make their day!

4 Classroom  Be Respectful Value the ideas & opinions of students Always be fair, firm & consistent with discipline Refrain from arguing with students Give an appropriate consequence only to the student(s) whose behavior warrants such

5 Classroom  Be Safe & Orderly Be prompt Establish orderly routines & procedures Provide adequate, proper supervision for all students at all times Maintain accurate records Follow all directives as set forth by GoMS Be there!

6 Staff Meetings/Professional Development  Be Positive Choose a positive attitude Offer solutions to problems Choose your attitude!

7 Staff Meetings/Professional Development  Be Prepared Have all needed materials requested (APCC, LPs, etc.)

8 Staff Meetings/Professional Development  Be Respectful Value the ideas & opinions of others Be an active listener & participant Stay on task Make their day!

9 Staff Meetings/Professional Development  Be Safe & Orderly Be prompt Follow through with all assigned tasks, activities, assignments, etc. Be there!

10 Parent Conferences  Be Positive Choose a positive attitude Reassure parent(s) that their child can be successful Remain nonjudgemental Choose your attitude!

11 Parent Conferences  Be Prepared Have all needed materials (grade book, attendance book, infraction charts, etc.) Have a designated room to meet

12 Parent Conferences  Be Respectful Be polite & always begin on a positive note Listen carefully to parents’ concerns & other points of view Refrain from diagnosing behavior Make their day!

13 Parent Conferences  Be Safe & Orderly Be prompt Document all conferences Be there!

14 SBLC / IEP Meetings  Be Positive Choose a positive attitude Choose your attitude!

15 SBLC / IEP Meetings  Be Prepared Have all needed materials (grade book, attendance book, infraction charts, etc.)

16 SBLC / IEP Meetings  Be Respectful Value the ideas & opinions of others Be an active listener & participant Make their day!

17 SBLC / IEP Meetings  Be Safe & Orderly Be prompt Follow through with all decisions (modifications, accommodations, interventions, etc.) Be there!

18 Gonzales Middle School 2008-2009 Staff Incentives Let us make your day!

19 Big Dog of the Week  Nominate a colleague for recognition for: Having a positive attitude Radiating a true sense of joy in performing his/her duties Showing a willingness to go above & beyond the call of duty to assist both students & fellow staff members Serving as a “steady rock” for those who need it Serving as a role model for our students

20 Big Dog of the Week (cont'd)  Nomination forms are located near the Big Dog of the Week box in the staff lounge  Each Friday, one staff member will receive special treats, special recognition in the newsletter & a special place on our Big Dog of the Week bulletin board Make their day!

21 Big Dog Bucks  Staff members who follow the school expectations will be rewarded with Big Dog Bucks. $$$ Big Dog Buck $$$ 2008-2009 Staff ________________________________ Thank you for being positive, prepared, respectful, safe & orderly! L.C.

22 Big Dog Bucks (cont'd)  Big Dog Bucks can be used to purchase privileges such as: Free dress No duty Late sign-in Early sign-out Leave campus for lunch Special parking spot Play!

23 Staff Attendance Incentive  Any staff member who misses less than five (5) days of school during the 2008-2009 school year will be entered into a drawing for a chance to win a “Duty Free” year for the 2009-2010 school year. Number of Days Missed Number of Times Entered into Drawing 41 32 23 14 05 Be there!

24 Modeling Expected Behaviors  Children learn at an early age to copy the behaviors they see modeled for them… Watch this… Watch this… Watch this…

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