Piscataway Summer Camp Grades 1-8 What you need to know to have a great summer!

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Presentation on theme: "Piscataway Summer Camp Grades 1-8 What you need to know to have a great summer!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Piscataway Summer Camp Grades 1-8 What you need to know to have a great summer!

2 Mission Statement The Piscataway Board of Education Summer Camp is a recreational summer program for boys and girls ranging from toddlers through eighth graders. Led by Certified Teachers, our Summer Camp offers a safe, supportive environment providing campers with a variety of fun activities and an opportunity to learn valuable skills and make life-long

3 STAFF A certified, well-trained staff is the key to our success. * certified teachers for each and every group of campers. * Qualified aides and mature, experienced college and high school aides round out our staff. * Leadership Team

4 PROGRAM Whether you enjoy outdoor or indoor activities, Piscataway * Summer Camp has something for everyone! * Before care from 7 a.m. – 9 a.m. * From 9 a.m. to 12 noon, campers attend two enrichment classes, including such things as archery, crafts, cooking, sports, and technology! * At 12:00, we all gather for lunch. * The afternoon is dedicated to swimming, bowling, movies, or in-house shows. * “Fun Fridays” at Piscataway Summer Camp mean all day field trips to places such as: a water park, the zoo, or the aquarium.

5 Where is camp? The Piscataway Summer Camp is located on the campus of Piscataway High School. The campers have use of state of art technology labs, fully stocked kitchens, a 750 person theater, and much, much more! Piscataway Summer Camp is located at: Piscataway High School - East Wing 100 Behmer Road Piscataway, NJ 08854 Doors #29 and 30

6 Dates and Times Monday-Friday June 27 to August 24 No camp Wednesday, July 4. Early drop off begins daily at 7:00 a.m. at doosr #29 and 30 All campers grades 1-8 are able to enroll in enrichment classes Mon. – Thurs. 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Lunch Mon.-Thurs. 12:00-12:45 p.m. Daily Activities Mon- Thurs. 12:45 – 6:30 p.m. Friday- Full day trips drop off NO LATER THAN 8:30AM Pickup at Horsehoe EVERY FRIDAY by 6:30PM * A late fee of $10.00 is charged for each quarter hour, or part thereof, after 6:30 p.m.

7 Weekly Routine 7-9 a.m. –Early drop off/before care 9 a.m.-12 p.m.- Enrichment classes 12 p.m. -6:30 p.m. – Camp Activities Monday: Color Wars and Mini-Golf Tuesday: alternating weeks Roller Skating, Movies, Bowling, Ice Skating Wednesday: Swimming at Rutgers Pool Thursday: On site activities Friday: Full Day Trips

8 What if my Camper is also in Academy or Sneak Peak? When the program starts at Conackamack and King, you will drop your child off there for “before care.” Transportation will not be provided to Conackamack and King. At 9:00AM, The King children will be walked to their classes and at 9:30AM, the Conackamack children will be walked to their classes. A camp bus WILL pick up the campers from Summer Academy and Sneak Peak and bring them to camp for lunch.

9 Campers will need: Everyday: Sunscreen, water, snacks and sneakers Tuesday and Friday: Yellow Camp Shirts Wednesday: Bathing suit and towel Friday: Yellow Camp Shirts along with any supplies listed on the weekly trip sheet. CAMPERS WILL NOT BE ALLOWED ON TUESDAY OR FRIDAY TRIPS WITHOUT THEIR YELLOW CAMP SHIRT

10 Lunch Lunch will be served Monday-Thursday in the school cafeteria between 12 and 12:45 p.m. Hot lunches as well as bagel bags, yogurt bags, and PB&J sandwiches will be served by Sodexho Food Services. Friday trips: All campers must have a disposable lunch, additional drinks and snacks. The entire lunch, including the bag, must be disposable. The June and July lunch menus will be available after June 4 on the summer camp website.

11 What happens if my child gets sick? We have a nurse on duty to provide basic first aid. Since we are a mobile camp, please try to keep your child home if he/she is not feeling well. Camp follows the same wellness policy as the Piscataway School District. All students must be fever free for 24 hours before returning to camp. If your child is taking medication please remember to download the medication administration release form on the website. The medication administration release form must be signed by the prescribing physician. Keep all medication in original packages and write your child’s name clearly on all medication.

12 What are the policies on swimming? Lakes/Beaches/Waterparks Swimming at lakes and beaches is part of our camp program. Please speak with your child about the following: All of the children will receive a camp shirt. For easy identification in large crowds, they must wear this shirt on all field and beach trips. For lake/beach trips, have your child bring a complete change of dry clothes. They will be wearing their camp shirts into the water on all trips. Waterproof suntan/bug lotion with a sun block of 15 or higher is recommended. Please apply before your child leaves home. Counselors and aides can assist children upon request. Please send your child with extra water or sports drinks on trip days. Please pack your child’s lunch with as little disposable paper as possible. Garbage collection at state parks is minimal; whatever the children take in, they take out. NO glass containers. Your child must listen to directions from staff members and lifeguards. No child leaves a beach or lake area without being accompanied. All children must be accompanied to rest rooms and snack areas.

13 Swimming Pools Rutgers has two pool depths. 2 ½ ft and 5 ft. Only campers who are able to swim a lap or walk the length without their head being submerged, as observed by a lifeguard, may swim in the deep pool. Each child who passes the swim test will receive a swim band identifying them as being able to swim in the deeper pool. All counselors and aides, as well as Rutgers lifeguards monitor the campers in the water. Bathing suits MUST be worn in the pool.

14 What are the bus rules and policies? Because we travel often, there are a few common sense procedures that we want the children to follow. Please note, due to circumstances beyond our control, buses may return back later than originally expected. Please review these rules with your child. Seatbelts MUST be worn at all times. Children should remain in their seats while the bus is in motion and feet should be kept out of the aisles. If a teacher/counselor has an emergency to tend to, they need the aisles to be clear. In addition, if the driver has to stop suddenly, a child could be hurt if not totally behind the seat in front of him/her. Eating and drinking on the bus are not permitted. However, if the need arises, the teacher/counselor will use their judgment in making an exception.

15 Trips A calendar of camp trips and activities is continually updated on piscatawaysummercamp.com Information regarding trips will be posted weekly at the camp office. Please read carefully all postings carefully, as not all campers go on the same trips.

16 June 29: Funtown Pier; Seaside NJ Grades 1-8 July 6: Dorney Park and Wild Water Kingdom; Allentown, PA Grades 1-8 July 13: Freedom Fest State Fair; Allentown, NJ Grades 1-8 July 20: Beach Trip; Sandy Hook, NJ Grades 1-8 July 27: Camel Beach Waterpark, Tannersville, PA Grades 1-8 August 3: Tomahawk Water Park and Lake; Sparta, NJ Grades 1-8 August 10: Sesame Place, Langhorne, PA (Grade 1) Dutch Springs, Bethlehem, PA (Grades 2-8) August 17: Franklin Institute, Philadelphia, NJ Grades 1-8 August 24: Sahara Sam’s Indoor Water Park, West Berlin, NJ Grades 1-8 Friday Trips

17 Frequently Asked Questions When do they need to wear their camp shirt? – EVERY Tuesday and Friday. Check weekly calendar for specific events when shirts are needed. Can they bring money on trips? – While it is not recommended for most trips, speak to your child’s counselor weekly to see if there is a need for money for snacks or souvenirs on specific trips. Can I come? – Yes! There will be a sign-up sheet in the office each week if you would like to attend a trip; however, only campers and staff members may ride the bus. You are more than welcome to follow along in you own car. Can my child bring toys and electronics from home? – Our daily schedules keep the students entertained and busy, so bringing toys from home is not necessary and not recommended, but allowed at your own risk. We are not responsible for lost personal items. Can my child bring cell phones/iPods? – Yes, with parental permission. Appropriate use/music

18 Contact Information Lilia McDermott- Enrichment Supervisor (732) 715-3610 liliam@piscatawaysummercamp.com Kim Georgeian - Camp Supervisor (908) 839-0631 kimg@piscatawaysummercamp.com Judy Collins – Camp Nurse judyc@piscatawaysummercamp.com Camp Office info@piscatawaysummercamp.com Administration Office - 732 572-4688

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