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Newsletter February 2015 Contacts During sessions: - 01604 785123 Out of hours : - 07941 182487 - Outdoor Activities As we.

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Presentation on theme: "Newsletter February 2015 Contacts During sessions: - 01604 785123 Out of hours : - 07941 182487 - Outdoor Activities As we."— Presentation transcript:

1 Newsletter February 2015 Contacts During sessions: - 01604 785123 Out of hours : - 07941 182487 Email: - Outdoor Activities As we will be continuing to take the children outside to play please may we remind you to send your child to Pre-school with a named coat, hat, gloves etc and if possible a pair of wellington boots. Also may we ask that all belongings are taken home at the end of each session, as there are other users in the pavilion most evenings and unfortunately we have a limited amount of room to store bags, wellington’s etc. Newsletter Spring Our topics for this half term are focused around the children’s interests and include Opposites, Chinese new year and shrove Tuesday. Information regarding our themes and planned activities are displayed on the notice board in the corridor. Children are welcome to bring in items relating to our themes. Ofsted Inspection We are very pleased to now be able to share the outcome of our recent Ofsted Insepction with you all. The quality and standards of our provision were graded as good. The inspector said “staff provide a welcoming learning environment where children settle in well and make warm relationships with staff and their friends”. She recognised children’s behaviour in Pre school is good because staff use effective strategies and great amounts of praise and she said partnerships between parents and staff were very good because staff use a wide range of effective methods to involve parents in their children’s learning. The Inspector also stated that “children are cared for in a bright, welcoming and stimulating environment.” A copy of our inspection is attached to this letter, it can also be found at under Bizzy Bears Pre school or by using our unique Ofsted number EY382010. Records It is extremely important that our records are kept fully up to date. Please inform us of any changes of address or contact numbers. Children’s Special books The children’s development profiles will be available for you to view w/b 9 th February. Your child’s key person will ask you to sign them out next week or alternatively doors will be open at 9am and 2.45pm for parents that wish to come in and read them. If you wish to make an appointment to discuss your child’s development with their key person please speak to them to arrange this.

2 Kids Klub Productions The UK market leader in keepsake films will be at Bizzy Bears on Thursday 5 th and Friday 6 th February from 9.15 am. Kids Klub is a fun activity where each child can star in their own animated movie which are available for parents to take home and view the same day. Bizzy Bears will receive a percentage of any money raised which will go towards our fun day in July Please avoid dressing your child in blue or purple clothing, as these colours will disappear on the TV. Please let a member of staff know if you do not want your child to take part. Severe Weather In the unlikely event that Bizzy Bears has to remain closed due to severe weather conditions, we will post this information on our own website and on the local radio. 104.2 and 103.6 FM (BBC radio Northampton) 96.6 FM (Heart) Dates for your diary Thursday 5 th and Friday 6 th February – Kids Klub DVD productions w/b 9 th February- Children’s Special books available Friday 13 th February – Pre school closes for half term Monday 23 rd February – Pre school opens Tuesday 24 th March 9.30am – School leavers group photograph Home Pre school Communication We would like to remind parents that you can talk to any member of staff about your child and any issues that you may have on a daily basis. Whilst we are often very busy at drop off and pick up times, we are always able to make time to talk. All staff are aware of the needs of all children in the setting. However if you wish to talk to your child’s key person and would like to make an appointment in advance to guarantee your key person’s availability, please arrange an appointment with us. Reminder and change to Late collection charges All children must be collected on time when the session ends(11.45am, 12.30pm, 3.00pm) any child collected later than this without notification and agreement with staff,will incur an additional charge. This is £5.00 per 5 minutes, these charges will be put into place 5 minutes after the session ends. This fee will need to be paid by your child’s next session for them to be able to attend. Front door Can we please ask that all parents close the main door behind them after coming in or out of pre school to keep the heat in during this particular cold weather spot. Policies We have reviewed our Child Protection policy, our admissions policy and Special Educational needs and Inclusion policy. Our policies and procedures are available to parents and carers and are located in the changing rooms and on our website.

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