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Chapter 3 Regional Civilizations

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1 Chapter 3 Regional Civilizations
Section 1 The World of Islam

2 The Arabs A. Semitic-speaking B. Arabian Peninsula 1. Desert 2. Nomads 3. Farmers/sheepherders 4. Camel a. Caravan b. Towns c. Indian Ocean – Mediterranean C. Abraham & Ishmael 1. Makkah 2. Kaaba 3. Allah Life of Muhammad A. Merchant B. Revelations C. Prophet

3 D. Quran 1. Holy Book 2. Islam 3. Ethical guidelines and laws E. Muslims F. Madinah 1. Hijrah became 1 3. Army 4. Hajj Teachings of Muhammad A. Monotheistic B. Five Pillars of Islam C. Prayer x 5 D. Ramadan E. Pilgrimage

4 Creation of the Arab Empire
A. Death of Muhammad B. Abu Bakr 1. Merchant/father-in-law 2. Caliph C. Expand by force 1. Byzantine 2. Syria – Egypt – Persians D. Death in battle Successors A. Mu’awiyah 1. Governor 2. Caliphate 3. Umayyad Dynasty 4. Damascus 5. Berbers 6. Spain 7. Gaul (France)

5 B. Abbasid Dynasty 1. Overthrow 2. Baghdad 3. Splendid rule a. Harun al-Rashid b. Golden age c. Trade routes d. Break away C. Seljuk Turks 1. Fatimid dynasty a. Strong army b. Hired soldiers 2. Seljuk Turks a. Nomadic b. Stronger c. Take over d. Sultan

6 D. The Mongols 1. Pastoral – Gobi 2. Genghis Khan 3. Hulegu 4. Destroy 5. Convert 6. Split Economy and Social Structure A. Trade B. Equal (not) C. Men and women (men dominant) Brilliance of Islamic Culture A. Greek philosophers 1. Translate 2. Spread to Europe B. Philosophy and Science 1. Ibn-Rushd 2. Mathematics

7 3. Natural Science a. Zero b. Arabic system 4. Astronomy a. Astrolabe b. Navigation 5. Medicine a. Ibn Sina b. Medical encyclopedia C. Art and Architecture 1. Blend 2. Mosques 3. Great Mosque of Samarra a. Minaret b. Muezzin

8 Early African Civilizations
Section 2 Early African Civilizations The Emergence of Civilization A. Four distinct climate zones 1. Mild 2. Deserts a. Sahara b. Kalahari 3. Rain forest 4. Savannas B. Kush 1. Nubia 2. Egyptian control 3. Major trading state C. Axum 1. Arab colony 2. King Ezana 3. Christian among Islam

9 Royal Kingdoms of West Africa
A. Kingdom of Ghana 1. First great 2. Niger River valley 3. Army 4. Gold 5. Berbers a. Nomadic b. “Fleets of the deserts” B. Kingdom of Mali 1. Collapse of Ghana 2. Sundiata Keita a. Founder of country b. Created strong government 3. Mansa Musa a. Doubled size b. Strong central government c. Divide into provinces d. Pilgrimage

10 C. Kingdom of Songhai 1. Sunni Ali a. Military leader b. Trading empire 2. Muhammad Ture Societies in East and South Africa A. Bantu 1. Coastal trade 2. Arabs settle B. String 1. Mogadishu 2. Mombasa 3. Kilwa C. South slower 1. Zimbabwe 2. Walled city 3. 10,000

11 African Society and Culture
A. Less rigid B. Lineage groups C. Religion varied 1. Gods 2. Diviners 3. Ancestors D. Ife 1. Serve religion 2. Bronze and iron E. Benin

12 Section 3 The Asian World China Reunified A. Han Dynasty 1. End
2. Chaos 4. Sui dynasty B. Tang Dynasty 2. Reforms a. Examinations b. Stable economy 3. Tibet 4. Rebellion 5. Uighurs 6. Collapse

13 C. Song Dynasty 1. Economic prosperity 2. Cultural achievement 3. Troubles to the north a. Mongols b. Wars D. Government, Economy and Society 1. Principles 2. Monarchy 3. Bureaucracy 4. Confucian 5. Agriculture/manufacturing/trade a. Steel b. Gunpowder c. Flamethrower 6. Silk Road 7. Prosperity 8. Marco Polo 9. Vast majority

14 Mongol Empire A. Mongolia 1. Pastoral 2. Clans B. Genghis Khan 1. Eurasian 2. Largest 3. Khanates 4. Europe C. Mongol Dynasty in China 1. Kublai Khan 2. Yuan dynasty 3. Beijing 4. Vietnam 5. Chinese political system 6. Revolt D. Religion 1. Confucian principles 2. Buddhism/Daoism

15 E. Golden Age in Art and Literature
1. Tang and Ming 2. Landscape 3. Dao/Way – nature 4. Printing 5. Poems – nature 6. Li Bo Rise of the Japanese State A. Geography B. Shotoku Taishi 1. Unify 2. Centralized system a. Limit the powers b. Enhance authority c. Ruler divine – symbol C. Nara Period 1. Fujiwara clan 2. Nara 3. Son of Heaven 4. Lost power/influence

16 D. Heian Period 1. Kyoto 2. Decentralized system 3. Samurai a. Those who serve b. Warriors c. Bushido d. Warrior code e. The way of the warrior f. Loyalty E. Kamakura Shogunate 1. Civil war 2. Shogun 3. New system a. Shogunate b. Emperor c. Actual power 4. Typhoon a. Kamikaze b. Divine wind 5. Daimyo

17 Life and Culture in Early Japan
A. Farming society 1. Wet rice 2. Trade/manufacturing a. Paper/iron casting/porcelain b. Intra/Inter trade B. Religion 1. Kami – spirits 2. Shinto a. Sacred Way b. Way of the Gods C. Art & architecture India after the Guptas A. Great political disunity 1. Gupta Empire collapse 2. No central authority 3. Islam success B. Rajputs 1. Hindu warriors 2. Failure

18 C. Impact of Timur Lenk 1. Timur Lenk 2. Mongol state 3. Massacre 4. Moguls 5. Portuguese D. Islam and Indian Society 1. Foreign conquerors 2. Intolerant of other faiths Civilization in Southeast Asia A. China and India B. Archipelago 1. Chain of islands 2. Indonesia/Philippines C. Formation of States 1. Vietnam a. Chinese b. Dai Vet c. Confucianism

19 2. Angkor a. Cambodia b. Khmer c. Angkor Thom d. Thai e. Burman 3. Malay Peninsula a. Trade b. Not united D. Society and Culture 1. Hereditary aristocrats a. Political power b. Major cities 2. Majority a. Beyond cities b. Farmers, fishers, artisans and merchants 3. Angkor Wat a. Temple b. Most famous/beautiful

20 Emerging Europe and the Byzantine Empire
Section 4 Emerging Europe and the Byzantine Empire New Germanic Kingdoms A. Collapse Western Roman Empire 1. Three major elements a. Germanic peoples b. Legacy of Romans c. Christian church 2. Western Civilization a. Middle Ages b. Medieval period B. Clovis 1. Kingdom of the Franks 2. First 3. Modern day France and western Germany

21 Role of the Church A. Supreme religion 1. Increasingly important 2. System of organization B. Pope 1. Bishop of Rome 2. Claim leadership C. Monk 1. Total dedication 2. Monasticism 3. Benedictine rule III. Charlemagne and the Carolingians A. Frankish kingdom B. Charlemagne 1. Charles the Great 2. Expansion 3. Carolingian Empire 4. Emperor 5. Power

22 Feudalism A. Death of Charlemagne 1. Fall apart 2. Invaders B. Feudalism: a new political & social system C. Knights and Vassals 1. Vassal: a man who served… a. Leader (King/nobility) b. Land c. Military 2. Knight: armored cavalry D. Feudal Contract 1. Fief 2. Unwritten rules

23 Growth of European Kingdoms
A. Kings extend power 1. Foundations 2. England B. England in the High Middle Ages 1. William of Normandy 2. Battle of Hastings 3. Monarchy enlarged a. Henry II b. Common law 4. Runnymede a. Rebellion b. King John 5. Magna Carta a. Great Charter b. Kings power not absolute c. Nobles only 6. English Parliament a. House of Lords b. House of Commons

24 C. French Kingdom 1. West Frankish lands 2. Hugh Capet 3. Capetian 4. Little power 5. Philip II D. Holy Roman Empire 1. Otto I a. Saxon b. Pope c. Emperor 2. Frederick I/Frederick II a. Italy b. Holy Roman Empire 3. No real power E. Central and Eastern Europe 1. Slavic peoples 2. Western/Southern/Eastern 3. Eastern Orthodoxy

25 F. Russia 1. Vikings a. Ruler b. Rus 2. Kiev 3. Mongols 4. Alexander Nevsky Byzantine Empire A. Eastern Roman Empire B. Justinian 1. Codification 2. The Body of Civil Law 3. Basis C. Eastern to Byzantine 1. Rise of Islam 2. Yarmuk 3. Smaller a. Unique b. Greek and Christian

26 The Crusades A. Crusades 1. Series of military expeditions 2. Against Seljuk Turks (Muslims) B. Pope Urban II C. Jerusalem 1. Holy Land 2. Infidels D. First only E. Crusader states 1. Surrounded 2. Fall F. Effects

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