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The UN. The United Nations The UN came into existence in June 1945 after a conference held in San Fransisco. 51 Countries signed the Charter of the United.

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Presentation on theme: "The UN. The United Nations The UN came into existence in June 1945 after a conference held in San Fransisco. 51 Countries signed the Charter of the United."— Presentation transcript:

1 The UN

2 The United Nations The UN came into existence in June 1945 after a conference held in San Fransisco. 51 Countries signed the Charter of the United Nations and agreed to employ international machinery for the promotion of the economic and social advancement of all people. Churchill and Roosevelt had both signed the Atlantic Charter in 1941, where they stated their aims for the post-war world.

3 The League of Nations The League of Nations was a forerunner to the UN. It was a failure. Set up after WWI It needed to support of all nations to succeed, something that the UN had more hope of achieving.



6 The structure of the UN The big four (Great Britain, USA, USSR, China) have veto power in the Security Council. General Assembly has permanent representatives. All members are represented. Decisions are taken by a majority or 2/3 vote. Key committees (see p. 29 of text)

7 Organisation General Assembly Security Council Secretariat Trusteeship Council International Court of Justice Economic and Social Council UN Specialised Agencies

8 Aims To maintain international peace and security To develop friendly relations among nations To achieve international co-operation in solving international problems…and in encouraging respect for human rights and for fundamental freedoms without distinction as to race, sex, language To be a centre for harmonising the actions of nations in the attainment of these common ends.

9 Case Study Darfur and R2P (handout, and page 32-34 of textbook) 1.Who are the main participants in this conflict? What are their goals? 2.Under the following headings summarise the causes of the conflict; Economic, Ethnic, Environmental, Religious. 3.What has been the response of the international community? What criticisms have been made of the response? 4.Evaluate how successful the UN has been in achieving each of its aims in the Darfur crisis.

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