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“A Love-Hate Affair” 1.What has been the relationship between Bush and the U.N.? What is the reason for this? 2.List 3 criticisms of the U.N. 3.Who pays.

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Presentation on theme: "“A Love-Hate Affair” 1.What has been the relationship between Bush and the U.N.? What is the reason for this? 2.List 3 criticisms of the U.N. 3.Who pays."— Presentation transcript:

1 “A Love-Hate Affair” 1.What has been the relationship between Bush and the U.N.? What is the reason for this? 2.List 3 criticisms of the U.N. 3.Who pays the U.N.’s bills? How is payment determined? What three countries pay the most? 4.List 8 achievements of the U.N. 5.Why might the U.N. have good reason to resent the United States? 6.What recent problems have hurt the U.N.’s reputation and led to call for reform?

2 “Ali G” Visits the United Nations

3 Founding of the United Nations U.N. founded at the end of World War II by the Allied Powers that won the war Created under United States leadership Replaced the weak League of Nations U.S. had never joined this organization Failed to prevent WWII Charter signed in San Francisco by 51 original members nations on October 24, 1945

4 Purposes of the United Nations To maintain peace and stability throughout the world To develop friendly relations among nations To cooperate in solving international problems To promote respect for human rights and freedoms To be a center (location) for helping nations achieve these aims

5 United Nations Headquarters … A center for nations to achieve these aims.

6 Principles of the United Nations Sovereign Equality – Each member in the General Assembly has one vote Members must: try to settle their differences through peaceful means avoid the threat or use of force against any other state commit themselves to world peace through “international cooperation” and collective security”

7 Collective Security Aggression against one state is aggression against all and should be defeated by the collective action of all

8 The United Nations IS/IS NOT… IS: A multilateral organization An association of independent states (SOVEREIGN) Charter forbids U.N. from interfering in the domestic affairs of any country* IS NOT: A World Government Does not have the power to tax or make laws Does not have an independent military force Only has the power provided by its members

9 The Organs of the United Nations General Assembly Security Council Secretariat Economic and Social Council International Court of Justice Trusteeship Council Organs of the United Nations

10 Security Council Stuff Permanent Members (U.S., Great Britain, France, Russia, China) NOT necessarily the wealthiest or most powerful countries in the world These were the winners in WWII Power in the Security Council Some members have more power than others Security Council make-up does not reflect geopolitical power in today’s globalized world Call to increase the size of the Security Council w/o expanding the veto power

11 Final Key Thoughts Multilateralism Idealism and cooperation Not just the national interests of individual nations Difference between Peacekeeping and Peacemaking Peacemaking - bring warring parties toward peace or to prevent political and armed conflicts from escalating Peacekeeping – Neutral military forces to enforce truces or cease-fires Humanitarian Interventions Prevent human rights violations Relieve human suffering

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