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Subjunctive With Expressions of Doubt and Uncertainty

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1 Subjunctive With Expressions of Doubt and Uncertainty
page 243 Avancemos 3

2 Subjunctive With Expressions of Doubt and Uncertainty
In English you use the indicative after expressions of doubt. I don’t believe that fame is important. In Spanish, you use the subjunctive. No creo que la fama sea importante.

3 Subjunctive With Expressions of Doubt and Uncertainty
Spanish uses the subjunctive after verbs and expressions that indicate doubt and uncertainty.

4 Subjunctive With Expressions of Doubt and Uncertainty
Dudar Es Dudoso Es posible Es imposible Es probable Es improbable No es cierto No es verdad No estar de acuerdo con No estar seguro(a) con No creer que Es increíble que

5 Subjunctive With Expressions of Doubt and Uncertainty
Dudo que existan los extraterrestres. Uncertainty: Marta no está segura que tengamos tiempo para ver la película. Disbelief: No creo que ella sepa la información. Es imposible que…

6 Belief, Knowledge, Certainty
Expressions of belief, knowledge or certainty are usually followed by the indicative.

7 Belief, Knowledge, Certainty
Creo que ésas son ruinas mayas. Estoy segura que… Es evidente que… Es verdad que… Sabemos que… No dudo que…

8 Subjunctive With Expressions of Doubt and Uncertainty
The word “no” can change the meaning of an expression and affect whether you use indicative or subjujctive. Dudamos que Jorge conozca al músico. (doubt with subjunctive) No dudamos que él tiene talento. (certainty with indicative)

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