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 How to form the present subjunctive  Yo form –o, + opposite ending  Stem-changing –ar, -er verbs  stem-changing in all forms except the nosotros.

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2  How to form the present subjunctive  Yo form –o, + opposite ending  Stem-changing –ar, -er verbs  stem-changing in all forms except the nosotros and vosotros.  Stem-changing –ir verbs  stem-changing in all forms including the nosotros and vosotros, where e changes to i and o to u.  Verbs ending in –car, -gar, -zar have a spelling change in all forms.  –car changes to -que; -gar to -gue; -zar to -ce.  Some verbs are irregular, just as they are in formal commands.  These verbs are dar, ir, ser, haber, estar, saber  Some verbs have spelling changes in their yo forms, which in turn causes a spelling change in all forms of the subjunctive.  -cer/cir—reducir  -ger/gir—proteger  -guir—seguir  -uir—instituir

3  There must be a change in subject and an expression that triggers the subjunctive.  Subject 1 + present indicative (something that triggers the subjunctive) + que + subject 2 + present subjunctive.  Example: Es necesario que ustedes protejan el medio ambiente.  When there is no change in subject, “que” is not used and the second verb is in the infinitive.  Example: Es necesario proteger el medio ambiente.

4  Wish, want, will  Emotion  Impersonal expressions  Request, recommend  Doubt, denial,  Ojalá

5  Subjunctive is used with verbs that express wishes. There must be a subject change and “que” must be used. When there is no subject change, the infinitive is used and there is no “que”  dejar -aconsejar –  exigir - desear –  insistir en -esperar –  oponerse a -mandar –  prohibir - pedir (e-> i) –  rogar (o->ue) -permitir –  suplicar - querer (e->ie) -  recomendar (e->ie) –sugerir (e->ie) –

6  Mealegrar  Teasustar  Leenojar  Nosprocupar  Ossorprender  Lesgustar molestar

7  alegrarse de  asustarse de  enojarse de  preocuparse de  esperar  ojalá  temer  tener miedo de  sentir  estar + feeling + de

8  Es necesario  Es importante  Es bueno  Es malo  Es mejor  Es (im)probable  Es (im)posible  Es interesante  Es una lástima  Es peligroso  Es raro  Es ridículo

9  Whether there is a change in subject or not, some expressions trigger the subjunctive :  dudar no creer  negar (e—ie) no es cierto  no es seguro no es verdad  no estar seguro quizá(s)/tal vez/acaso (*At the beginning of a sentence.)  Whether there is a change in subject or not, some expressions trigger the indicative :  no dudar creer  no negar (e—ie) es cierto  es seguro es verdad  estar seguro quizá(s)/tal vez/acaso (*At the end of a ssentence.)

10  When there is a change in subject, some conjunctions trigger the present subjunctive only when there is doubt expressed.  If something is expressed as a routine activity in the present, or an activity in the past, then it triggers the indicative and not the subjunctive.  If something is expressed as a command, a future activity, or an activity contingent on another, then the subjunctive is used.  If there is no change in subject, then the infinitive is used with después de and hasta. These conjunctions are:  cuando en cuanto  después de que tan pronto como  hasta que aunque  mientras

11  a menos que  *con tal de que  *en caso de que  *para que  *antes de que (*When there is no change of subject, drop the que and use the infinitive)

12 If you want to say that something or someone does not exist, the subjunctive is used. Expressions that trigger the subjunctive: No hay... que -No hay nadie que... No hay nada que... No hay ningún/ninguna que Words and expressions that trigger the subjunctive if you are uncertain of existence. Buscar/Querer/Necesitar... que (if these verbs are followed by “the”, there is no doubt of existence and the indicative is used.) ¿Hay algo/alguien que...? ¿Conoces a alguien que...? ¿Tienes algo que...?

13  How to form the imperfect subjunctive  Ellos/ellas/ustedes form of the preterite  Drop the –ron  Add endings ra´ramos ras rais ra ran When to use same as the present subjunctive, but speaking of the past

14  (if + present tense) + future tense  (if + imperfect subjunctive) + conditional Examples: Si voy a la tienda, compraré pan. Si fuera a la tienda, compraría pan.

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