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Amendments 11-27.

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1 Amendments 11-27

2 11TH AMENDMENT Ratified February 7, 1795
No state may be sued in Federal Court by another country, another state, citizens of other states or its own citizens

3 12TH AMENDMENT Ratified June 15, 1805
The electoral college casts one vote for the President and one vote for the VP Prior to this passing, the person with the most votes became president and the second most votes became VP Now each candidate needs 270 electoral votes to win (538 total electors= # in Congress + 3 for Washington D.C)

4 13TH AMENDMENT Ratified December 6, 1865
Forbids slavery or involuntary servitude (except in the case of criminal punishment) ***may also be required to perform jury duty***

5 14TH AMENDMENT Ratified July 9,1868
All people born in the US or naturalized (go through the legal process) are US citizens **overturned Dred Scott v. Sanford (1857) which stated that slaves were property and not citizens

6 14TH AMENDMENT continued
Due Process Clause - prohibits taking life, liberty or property without due process Equal Protection Clause - equal protection to all citizens regardless of gender, race etc. ***this later became the grounds for Brown v. Board (1954)***

7 15TH AMENDMENT Ratified February 3, 1870
The right to vote shall not be denied by the US or states to any person based on race, color, or previous slave status

8 15TH AMENDMENT continued
In reality, blacks, minorities and women still did not truly have pure equality 3 ways that kept blacks from voting: Poll tax- $$ to vote Literacy Tests- required to read to vote Grandfather Clause - if your grandfather voted, you can vote

9 16TH AMENDMENT Ratified February 3, 1913
Gives the federal government the power to collect an income tax

10 17TH AMENDMENT Ratified April 8, 1913
Allowed for the direct election of Senators by the citizens Previously, Senators were selected by state legislatures

11 18TH AMENDMENT Ratified January 16, 1919
Outlawed the making, selling, transporting and importing/exporting of alcohol in the US Volsted Act- gave police and authorities the ability to enforce prohibition

12 19TH AMENDMENT Gave women the right to vote Ratified August 18, 1920

13 20TH AMENDMENT The terms of the President and VP will end at noon on January 20 Congress will meet on January 3 Called the “Lame Duck Amendment”- due to the period of time after the election to when the presidency began

14 21ST AMENDMENT Ratified December 5, 1933
Repealed the 18th amendment and reinstated legalized drinking

15 22ND AMENDMENT Ratified February 27, 1951
The president may not serve more than 2 elected terms ***FDR was elected to four terms in office and died in 1945 during the fourth term***

16 23RD AMENDMENT Ratified 29, 1961 Gave the District of Columbia (Washington DC) electoral votes in the Presidential and VP elections They are to have no more than the least populous state (Wyoming) = 3 electors **DC does not have Senators or Representatives**

17 24TH AMENDMENT Ratified January 23, 1964
Outlawed the use of Poll Taxes as requirements to vote

18 25TH AMENDMENT Ratified February 10,1967 Presidential Succession
NUMBER OFFICE CURRENT OFFICER 1 VICE PRESIDENT Mike Pence 2 SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE Paul Ryan 3 PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE Orrin Hatch 4 SEC. OF STATE Mike Pompeo 5 SEC. OF TREASURY Steven Mnuchin 6 SEC. OF DEFENSE James Mattis 7 ATTORNEY GENERAL Jeff Sessions 8 SEC. OF INTERIOR Ryan Zinke 9 SEC. OF AGRICULTURE Sonny Perdue 10 SEC. OF COMMERCE Wilbur Ross 11 SEC. OF LABOR Alexander Acosta 12 SEC. OF HEALTH Alex Azar 13 SEC. OF HOUSING Ben Carson 14 SEC. OF TRANSPORTATION Elaine Chao 15 SEC. OF ENERGY Rick Perry 16 SEC. OF EDUCATION Betsy DeVos 17 SEC. OF VETERANS AFFAIRS Robert Wilkie 18 SEC. OF HOMELAND SECURITY Kristjen Nielsen Ratified February 10,1967 Presidential Succession

19 26TH AMENDMENT Ratified July 1, 1971
Gave 18 year olds the right to vote

20 27TH AMENDMENT Ratified May 7, 1992
Prohibits pay raises for Congress from going into effect until after the next Congressional election

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