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Chapter 7 Section 1 The Amendments 13 th Amendment Abolition of slavery

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2 Chapter 7 Section 1 The Amendments

3 13 th Amendment Abolition of slavery

4 14 th Amendment 1868 Citizenship for African Americans “All persons born or naturalized in the US are citizens…” No state can deprive any person of life, liberty and property without due process

5 15 th Amendment 1870 Can not deny the vote to any person on the basis of… Race Color Previous condition of servitude race color

6 16 th Amendment Income tax will now be collected

7 17th Amendment Direct election of Senators The United States citizens will elect their senators rather than being elected by the House Arlen Specter Senator from PA

8 18 th Amendment 1919 Prohibition of alcohol Too many people getting drunk Temperance movement Speakeasies Al Capone Bootleggers

9 19 th Amendment 1920 Women right to vote The right to vote shall not be denied by the state on account of sex

10 20 th Amendment 1933 Date of when President will take office is January 20 th Members of Congress will begin January 3 rd Lame Duck: defeated Congressmen/wo men who must remain in office until the 3rd

11 21st Amendment 1933 Repeal of the 18 th amendment WWI Great Depression Wanted to give people the privilege back to them Many needed too veterans

12 22 nd Amendment President limited to 2 terms No president shall serve more that 2 four year terms Franklin D. Roosevelt served 4 terms

13 23 rd Amendment Electoral votes for the DC Residents of Washington DC have the right to vote in presidential elections. Before they could not vote for President

14 24 th Amendment 1964 No poll tax Do not have to pay a tax in order to vote

15 25 th Amendment 1967 The Vice President becomes the President if the current President should die or get sick

16 26 th Amendment 1971 18 years olds the right to vote Because of the Vietnam war many 18 year olds were being drafted into the war. If they are old enough to die they are old enough to vote

17 27 th Amendment Changing Congressional salaries The members of Congress vote themselves a pay increase it can not go into effect until after the next congressional election /

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