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European World Domination

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1 European World Domination
European industrial and technological developments facilitated European control of global empires.

2 The development of advanced weaponry invariably ensured the military superiority of Europeans over colonized areas Mine ball (bullet) Breach-loading rifle Machine gun Communication and transportation technologies allowed for the creation of European empires Railroads Telegraph Advances in medicine supported European contral of African and Asia by preserving European lives Louis Pasteur’s germ theory Anesthesia and antiseptics Quinine

3 Types of Imperialist Control
Concession An underdeveloped country grants to foreign business interests specific economic privileges, or concessions, such as to build railroads, open mines, or drill for oil The region eventually comes under the economic and political influence of the imperialistic nation Example: Prior to WWI, the Ottomans granted German interests permission to construct the Berlin-to- Bagdad railroad. The Turks thereafter came under considerable German influence Sphere of influence A powerful state secures exclusive economic privileges in an underdeveloped region, thereby establishing a sphere of influence Usually such an economic monopoly was respected by other imperialist nations Example: Before WWI France, Britain, Germany, and Russia each had exclusive control over tariffs, trade, and economic development in separate parts of China

4 Types of Imperialist Control Continued
Protectorate The native ruler remains in power outwardly, but the imperialist nation controls affairs behind the scenes Examples: French officials the Bey of Tunisia and the Sultan of Morocco. British authorities advised the Sheik of Kuwait Colony A powerful nation formally takes over and governs an underdeveloped area, which become its colony Examples: Britain annexed Gibraltar and Hong Kong. France took over Indo-China Mandate and Trusteeship Following WWI colonies of the defeated were assigned to victorious nations to be governed under League of Nations supervision as mandates Examples: Britain received Palestine and Iraq while France received Lebanon and Syria Following WWII the colonies of the defeated were placed under UN supervision as trust territories Examples: US received the former Japanese-mandated islands in the Pacific

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