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North East Transport Consultative Forum Thursday 30th May Woodhill House Aberdeen

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2 North East Transport Consultative Forum Thursday 30th May 2019 Woodhill House Aberdeen

3 RTS 2040 – Progress to date NETCF (October 2018) kick started the process with a general update and discussion on the direction of the next RTS Scoping paper Consultation with Nestrans Board Members Strategic Transport Appraisal Consultation and engagement Issues, problems and opportunities Objectives Development of options Development of our vision to 2040

4 2040 Vision “To provide a clean, resilient, inclusive and accessible transport system in the north east, which contributes to improved quality of life through healthier, more prosperous and fairer communities”

5 Four Pillars of the RTS Helping the north east economy prosper
Improving health and wellbeing across the north east Taking action to reduce impact on climate change and protect the natural and built environment of the north east Promoting equality across the north east Equal and overlapping pillars In line with the four pillars of the National Transport Strategy

6 RTS Objectives 1 Increase access to a sustainable transport system for all, recognising the specific needs of disadvantaged and vulnerable users 2 Reduce the business costs of transport for all sectors of the economy to realise the aspirations of the Regional Economic Strategy 3 Reduce the adverse impacts of transport on public health and the natural and built environment 4 Improve the integration of transport and land use to reduce the need to travel by private car 5 Improve the relative competitiveness of public transport compared to the private car 6 Maintain and enhance a safe, resilient and reliable transport network

7 Stakeholder and public engagement
Consultation and engagement Website Discussion papers Key stakeholder meetings NETCF

8 Further research Successful city regions Demand management
Workplace parking charges Control and management of parking Congestion / Low Emission Zones Rural accessibility

9 Impact assessments Strategic Environmental Assessment
Scoping report submitted to SEA Gateway for consultation Preparation of Environmental Report to be consulted upon alongside draft RTS Health Impact Assessment Equalities Impact Assessment

10 Next steps National Transport Strategy
Development of outcomes, policies and targets based on consultation, engagement and research Draft RTS by end of 2019 Consultation on draft early 2020

11 The Four RTS Pillars Key themes

12 Pillar 1: Helping the north east economy prosper

13 Key themes Improving connectivity within, to and from the region
Access to key global markets Access to employment Transport related costs (goods and people) Journey times and reliability Reduced congestion / delays Attractive city and town centres Journey times by rail to Edinburgh (2hrs 30) and Glasgow (2hrs 37) Many stations have seen significant growth in usage Traffic levels have been increasing since 2013

14 Embracing innovation and technology Perceptions of public transport
Improving the resilience of the transport network in the face of disruption Embracing innovation and technology Perceptions of public transport Cost and availability of parking Journey times – large disparity between car and public transport journey times Bus passenger numbers are falling

15 Pillar 2: Improving health and well-being across the north east

16 Key themes Increasing levels of active travel
Quality and extent of the active travel network Improving air quality (reducing emissions / alternative fuels) Increasing the mode share of public transport, cycling and walking Reducing the need to travel by private car 3% in the city and <1% in Shire travel to work by bike in the north east (2017) 20% travel to work on foot in Aberdeen City, 13% in Aberdeenshire (2017) Park and Ride usage is falling Bus passenger numbers are falling 3 Air Quality Management Areas where pollutants exceed European limits

17 Reducing accidents / casualties
Place making / designing attractive places that encourage active travel Access to healthcare Improved quality of life and reduced social isolation Significant reductions in road casualties but 161 people killed or seriously injured in the north east in 2017

18 Pillar 3: Taking action to reduce impact on climate change and protect the natural and built environment of the north east

19 Key themes Reducing carbon emissions from transport
Increasing the mode share of public transport, cycling and walking Alternative fuels and technologies 34% of journeys made by modes other than the private car (2017) 36 electric, hybrid and hydrogen fuelled vehicles in the Co-wheels car club fleet 10 hydrogen buses currently operating in the north east 2 hydrogen re-fuelling stations

20 Adapting to the effects of climate change
Improving the resilience of the transport network in the face of disruption due to severe weather Asset management and maintenance Construction of new transport infrastructure and its impact on the natural and built environment 85 publicly available electric vehicle charging points available (2018) 872 plug-in cars registered across the north east

21 Pillar 4: Promoting equality across the north east

22 Key themes Fairness and reducing inequality Car ownership levels
Public transport network coverage – rural accessibility Affordability Public transport journey times Cost of public transport vs car travel and parking 20% of households in the north east do not have access to a car. 89% of bus users satisfied with their overall journey 57% of bus users satisfied with value for money The cost of car parking is significantly cheaper than the cost of using the bus for many journeys Journey times by public transport are generally not competitive with the car, particularly if interchange is required.

23 Accessibility of walking and cycling networks
Accessibility of transport vehicles and facilities such as stations and interchanges as well as information provision Meeting the needs of young people and other vulnerable groups/protected characteristics Passenger experience when using public transport 52% of the population lives within 5km of a railway station (2017) 4 out of 9 stations will meet desired accessibility standards 41% of taxis in Aberdeen City and 7% in Aberdeenshire are wheelchair accessible (2018)

24 Workshop session Part 1: Rotating brainstorm (30mins)
To identify actions for the RTS under each of the four pillars The flipcharts will be rotated round each group Each group will review and add to the input from the previous group. Part 2: Prioritisation (20mins) Each group allocated one pillar Discuss and identify 5 or 6 priorities for that pillar General discussion


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